If it is 200 dollars there isn't a problem.I was wondering if I can, for this month, reserve up to 10 pieces for $220?I can pay you on the second of September.The Countour is agreed/understood/fine.Thank you.
I am already in GoPro top-level program. However, they limit the number of units I can purchase at one time. If my entire October order goes to you, I can get them to you for $200 each. We can revisit this in late September. The Contour price is not for the GPS - that model has been discontinued. The price is for the Plus2. The old one was $500. This one is $400 and comes with a waterproof case included.Thanks,David
Reviewing one’s life, then, may be a general response to crises of various types, of which imminent death seems to be one instance. It is also likely that the degree to which approaching death is seen as a function of individual personality. The explicit hypothesis intended here, however, is that the biological fact of approaching death, independent of-although possibly reinforced by-personal and environmental circumstances, prompts the life review.Manifestations of the life review.The life review, as a looking-back process that has been set in motion by looking forward to death, potentially proceeds toward personality reorganization.
The headphone inside of the helmet has come loose and is broken. Besides that the adhesive that kept it fixed has made the inside of the helmet dirty. I can't use the helmet like this. I want the 130 dollars to be returned.
Contour GPSはいくらですか?この写真と同じですか?
How much does Contour GPS cost?Is it the same as this picture?
August 26th, today was Sae her birthday and I had a mock examination at the juku (cramming school).Before I arrived at the location of the examination, I took the train to Kitasenju, and walked for 20 minutes.Ahh, for some reason I want to test my true capabilities and I'm itching for the results!August 27th, my beloved (or person I really like) a-chan has graduated today.Thank you for these 2455 days!Even though you are going into the world of show business, I'll keep cheering you on ^^August 30th, today I had my hair cut!!!I wanted to grow it longer, but the top was was so thick, it started to get damaged quite a bit.Having the tips of my hair neat and tidy, I feel refreshed ^^