Thank you for asking it to your teacher, it is so nice of you. Your advice was so helpful.I didn’t know how important listening could be. I haven’t really worked on listening much so far and have been focusing on only grammar. I will listen to English of native speakers a lot from now on. Let me just start with Harry potter’s dvd that I love.Oh I won’t forget doing the vocabulary, too. Please send my regards to teacher X as well. Now I’m super motivated.Thank you so much!So it is winter in Mexico, huh. It will be spring when it is autumn in Japan?
I will send you the snack around the end of October as it is about be the time the hot weather is coming to an end in Japan.When I studied in UK, back then I brought back some chocolate that had a really cute shape as a souvenir back to Japan in my suitcase because it was not as hot in September in UK but it turned out to be melting all the way. This is a sad memory. Lately, I’m studying for the education methods of Japanese language very hard but it has been challenging with lots of new things for me to learn. But I would be so happy if I could be some help to foreigners living in Japan and I even get your support so I will do my best.
Deari can accept but there are conditions:1) i can make this all times but sometimes! we make custom's declarationproblematic accounting company2) you must not lower the prices selling!!!about the japanese custom's tax, for don't payyou can make order per package and adress4 t shirts = 140.4€2 hoodie + 1 t shirt = 159.30€3 sweat shirt = 159.30€but recently new accord beetween Europe and Japan country, you can ask the limit price fo don't py custom's taxand give me the reply about thembest regards
お世話になります。お受けできますが、条件があります。1)常に可能ですが、時折、税関申告にて会計会社が問題になることがあります。2) 販売価格の引き下げはなさらぬようにお願いいたします。日本税関で課税されないためには、発注の際、パッケージ/住所毎に、Tシャツ4枚= 140.4€パーカー2着 + Tシャツ1枚 = 159.30€スウェットシャツ3枚= 159.30€となります。しかし最近ヨーロッパー日本間での新たな一致事項がありました。非課税の上限価格をご確認ください。上記質問に対するご回答お願いいたします。よろしくお願いいたします。
I apologise for my late reply.Since the company name is indicated with its old name, please correct it to the new company name and the address below. For the rest, no correction is needed.Name of company:Address:
①ナノ粒子「薬用ハイドロキシアパタイト」を1.4倍高配合※1。プレミアムケアでときめく白い歯に。医薬部外品、薬用歯みがき剤アパガードクリスタル歯ブラシクリスタルをイメージした美しい透明なハンドルにスワロフスキー®・クリスタルをあしらった3色カラー。※ カラーは選ぶことができませんアパサイダー®(抗菌剤)とトルマリンを練りこんだ先細毛でブラッシング時にマイナスイオンが発生。着色・歯垢を落として白い歯へアパガードシリーズで『歯が命』
①Combined nanoparticle “medicinal hydro-xiapatite in high concentration (times 1.4) *1 Whiten your teeth with the premium care.Quasi drug, medicinal toothpaste Apagard Crystal toothbrush The beautiful transparent handle imitated crystal with Swarovski® Cristal on it is coming in three colours. *Colour not selectable The tapered brush mixed with Apasider® (antibacterial agent) and tourmaline brings minus ion while brushing. Helps remove colouring/plaques and leads your teeth nice and white.“Save your teeth, save your life” with Apagard series
Now As for projectors ,We all talking about big screen, portable, and we have been thinking about what kind of projector people in this era really need? We believe that it represents the latest technology and has epoch-making significance. It is a product facing the future, not only owning its own system, but also supporting 5G signal transmission. This is a very bold attempt, and it is also a design and development for you who are at the forefront of science and technology with our heart and sincerity. We want to share our ideas and accept your test on this platform. We need your support.
プロジェクターについて、皆さん大きなスクリーンのものだとか、持ち運び可能なものが良いだとか思っていらっしゃることでしょう。ところで、この時代に本当に需要のあるプロジェクターとは一体どんなプロジェクターなのでしょう?きっと、最新技術を搭載した、画期的で有意なプロジェクターだと私たちは信じます。未来に向けた、プロジェクター本来の機能に留まらず、5G通信にも対応した製品です。 これは非常に大胆な試みです。そして科学とテクノロジーの最先端にいるあなたのための、私たちの心からのデザイン&開発です。ぜひ私たちの商品をシェアし、このプラットフォーム上でのテストを受理して下さい。私たちは、あなたのサポートを 必要としています。
あなたが送ってくれたインボイスから、ペイパル支払いと思い込んでペイメントをクリックしたら、Personal Chequeの支払い方法のみで支払うことができません。それをクリックしてしまったので、誤操作したみたいになってしまった私はペイパルで支払いたいので、そのためのインボイスを送ってくださいどうぞよろしくお願いしますー正しいインボイスを送ってくれてありがとう支払いましたのでご確認くださいーペイパルの為のインボイスを送ってくれないと私は支払えない困っているので対応してください
I clicked the “payment” from the invoice you sent me as I thought it was supposed to be on PayPal but it turned out only Personal Cheque will be the valid payment method. Since I clicked it something went wrong. I would like to pay on PayPal so please send me an invoice designated for it.I would appreciate if you could do so.ーThank you for sending me the correct invoice. Please confirm my payment.ーI would not be able to make a payment unless you send me the invoice. Please respond to this as I am in trouble.
HelloSince our company is concerned about the payment currently we are not having a deal with Mr Oda ‘s company at all either.We are not sure how things are going with them at the moment either.If there is a past where they were overdue in the past as well then not just follow the payment conditions made by them but can bring over the payment condition on the plant side. I’m sorry that I’m not giving you a food advice.Thank you.
下記のメッセージが届きました。その中にwells fargo銀行の情報が含まれていました。これは何を意味しますか?アマゾンの銀行口座で私はここに不足金を送金する必要があるのですか?私は東京駅へ行きます。ですので八重洲のそちらのお店で結構です。7月1日の15時にお伺いします。よろしくお願いします。
I received this message below.It contains information about wells fargo bank. What does this mean?Do I have to transfer the unpaid balance to this from the bank a kind of Amazon? I will go to Tokyo station. So the shop in Yaesu is going to be fine with me. I will see you at 3 pm on July 1st. Thank you.
Hello there,Thank you for contacting me.This is my answer to your question.VN0027→For the legs of Iron, please make it powder coating(The colour shall be matt brown)→ For countertop as I would like to confirm the price difference as well so could you make it come in two patterns? Also, what kind of structure will it be if you process the wooden material and make it be 40 mm?
I am glad that it arrived earlier than I thought. The sample I sent is the one that’s scented by liquid. The stick which is the basis of it has almost no scent but probably it is combined with other mild herb or resin other than •• as well. I’m not so sure about this because this is competitor’s product but it is material that has less burnt odour for sure. Also, I will print out the catchphrase below. • Scent makes memory beautiful • Money is world’s traveler • Good liquor makes life better• perfume doesn’t hide the shabbiness Please refer to these.
I think it’d be better if we minimise the remaining time as much as possible this time so I recommend the case below. Since A has more viscosity I examined based on A. Since this size is the one that has had good results with Japanese manufacturers so I think LxWxH has a good balance. For the powder, there has been no usage results as the film form that is not for sure how effective it is so I recommend the regular fiver. I suppose it would be difficult to use both regular product and the powder one at the same tine as the pressure will be higher when powder is added in. It may be possible if we lower the flow etc.
ブランド紹介地下足袋の生産を契機にゴム産業の町として栄えた久留米で、長きに渡り靴を作り続けてきました。久留米の自社工場で生み出される靴には長い歴史の中で培ってきた技術と経験が息づいています。1873年の創業以来、一人ひとりに心地よい靴を目指し、今日まで続けてきたまじめな靴作りに自信と誇りを持って“MADE IN KURUME"の靴をこれからも作り続けていきます。国内でもごく僅かな工場でしか生産することの出来ないヴァルカナイズ製法(加硫製法)。
The brand introductionIn Kurume where flourished as a town of rubber industry ever since rubber soled cloth footgear we have been making our shoes for ages. In the shoes that are produced in our own factory techniques and experiences that have been built up for the long history are alive. Since the establishment of 1873, we have been working on making our shoes comfortable for each single one of our customers and we will continue producing our shoes that are “MADE IN KURUME" proudly with our confidence and humbleness in the future as well. Vulcanisation process which only few factories are available to produce even in Japan.
Dearyes it will be arrive this weekfor this desagrement and later, i will you offert 5 t shirtsyou can choose 5 model t shirtthis afternoon, i will phone to our Post agent to take information if he have morebest regards
In relation to your question.We can hold for shipping together if you let us know when ordering.Perhaps you can order via email if you like, so that we can manage the settings for large orders?When ordering via Ipage, sometimes the bulk will ship but some items that need printing or to be brought into the warehouse might ship later. Otherwise as indicated, we can set your minimum shipping quantity to a much higher figure. May I have your thoughts?
ご質問に関して、いつご注文されるか教えていただければ、ご一緒に輸送に関わっていただけます。Eメールでのご注文も可能です。大量のご注文にも対応できます。 Ipageは大量注文に対応可能なこともありますが、印刷が必要な製品や倉庫へ運び込まれる製品の輸送は遅れる場合があります。 もしくは、申し上げました通り、あなたの最小輸送数量を設定していただき、数量を多くすることも可能です。 如何お考えでしょうか。
they are due to work on your case this week. We should hear by the end of the week if they require any further information or have agreed an assessment. In terms of length of time, HMRC work these audits on a case by case basis, once they have all the data it then gets allocated to a case worker. If they are due t look at it this week it could be completed in the next few weeks. Once they have an assessment, they will ask you to agree it, they will then calculate any penalties. If you cannot pay for the full amount you will be requested to set up a payment plan. Once the first instalment of the payment plan has been made your Amazon account will be reopened.
彼らは今週、あなたの案件に取り掛かることになっています。追加で情報が必要な場合、またアセスメントに了承してもらえる場合、週末までに返事をもらえる予定です。 所要時間に関してですが、HMRCはこういった監査はケースバイケースで対応しますのでデータを全て入手次第ケースワーカーに割り当てます。今週から着手する場合数週間で完了するでしょう。アセスメントを取得次第、彼らはあなたに承認を求めるはずです、それからペナルティの計算をします。一度に清算できない場合、決済プランを求められるでしょう。決算プランが作成され分割支払いが始まれば、あなたのアマゾンアカウントも再度使用可能になるはずです。
Deep fried spicy chicken breast Hokkaido mozzarella Sapporo cheese tukune (1 stick)Pickled avocadoTori no suke potato saladAvocado and salmon salad Omar shrimp cream coroqutte Sapporo miso chicken satay 6 sticks An akta mackerel cut open and dried (half)Deep fried tofu grilled with cheeseGrilled green pepper Big seafood dim sum Deep fried tofu stewed with ago dashi soupDark soy source fried riceAgo dashi broth udon Meaty sushi 3 pieces Big shiratama matcha kinako parfait Blueberry tart with ice cream
I have asked A and regarding dividing the invoice, they say they will ask B as I thought. We will be making successful bid for a few, which will make the price high in total so can we make a payment on multiple credit cards dividing the invoice?
Do you know why VAT doesn’t get charged for the item price?
We would be happy to explore the option of applying a minimum shipping amount to your account. This can be a certain quantity or dollar amount which will prevent orders from shipping until they exceed that amount. Is that an option that will work for you?Any shipment of 15 units from your primary distribution center or 15 units from your secondary distribution center shipping to a U.S. freight forwarder, will qualify for free freight.When a shipment contains less than 15 units, there will be a flat rate freight charge of only $5.00*-no more unexpected charges. We will periodically review this surcharge and adjust it appropriately.
喜んで、あなたのアカウントに最小の出荷分を適用するという選択を取らせていただきます。これは、その分量を超過するまで、出荷分からの注文を受け付けないようにするための、一定の数量もしくは金額となります。あなたにとって良い選択になりそうでしょうか? あなたの第1物流センターから、もしくは米国運送業者へ出荷している第2物流センターから15単位以上を出荷する場合は、無料の輸送が可能です。出荷分が15単位以下の場合、$5:00のみ定額の輸送チャージがかかります。追加チャージはありません。サーチャージのついては定期的に見直し、適切になるよう調節していきます。