honeylemon (honeylemon003) 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
honeylemon003 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

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honeylemon003 英語 → 日本語

Soon afterwards the king died, and control of the nation was disputed between his sons and the Greeks, who numbered more than ten thousand. They met in battle, and the Greeks were victorious. Archelaus, the heir [of Herodes], sailed to Rome with his other brothers, to claim his whole kingdom, and he urged Nicolaus to sail with him. Nicolaus had already decided to retire to private life, because he was about 60 years old. Nevertheless, he joined in the voyage, but he found that everywhere was full of Archelaus' critics. On the one hand, his younger brother was making a rival bid for the throne, and on the other hand all his other relatives were critical of Archelaus, without supporting the younger brother.


その後すぐに王は亡くなった。そして国家は彼の息子と10,000以上のギリシャ人の間で論争が起きていた。彼らは、ギリシャ人たちが勝者となった戦争で出会った。(Herodesの)相続人、Archelausは彼の王国に対して申し立てをするために兄弟と一緒にローマまで航海した。その際、Nicolausも彼と一緒に航海するよう駆り立てた。 Nicolausは60才になり、自分の人生を歩むために定年を決意したところだった。それにもかかわらず彼はその航海に加わったが、全ての都市はArchelausのものだということを知ることになった。その一方で彼の弟は王位のために入札をした一方、彼の他の親戚はその弟をサポートせずにArchelausを批判した。

honeylemon003 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

Everything we have for sale is listed in our eBay auctions and store listings. As we clearly state in all of our auctions, we do offer discounted shipping on orders that are on the same invoice and that are paid for at the same time. Check the Auction Description of each item for Rates for each item and additional Rates. From the time the first item on an invoice ends, you generally have 7 days to pay for the invoice. Please wait until all of your orders are on the invoice and you are ready to pay for them before you complete checkout. Once an order is marked paid, it is closed and we will not add any orders to it.


私どもが販売している全ての商品は、eBay オークションと、ストアリスティングにリストアップされています。私どもの全てのオークションに明確に記載していますが、同じインボイス(納品書兼請求書)に複数の注文を頂き、同時に支払いが済んだ分に関しましては、送料をディスカウントさせていただきます。各商品のレートと、追加のレートにつきましては、各商品の詳細をオークションのページにてご確認ください。

honeylemon003 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

oh, sorry you mean pay the product?I'm so stupid i was thinking that you will send it for free because you didn't tell me the price.Well my dad died few month ago and i always been living alone with my mother.  I'm very big fan of INFINITE! I mean they are my reasson to still alive and stay strong everyday, I've always been looking for second invasion japan but my mother doesn't have a lot of money so i always been wanted this so much ... today i was criyed because i was thinking that you will send and i was very very happy.I'm so sorry for my stupidity ...


商品の支払いということですね、すみません。私としては、値段を教えていただかなかったので無料で送ってもらえるものだと思っていました。バカですね。実は、私の父が数か月前に亡くなって、それ以来母と二人きりで暮らしています。私は INFINITEの熱狂的なファンなんです!彼らがいるからこそ私が生きる意味があり、毎日を力強く生きさせてくれるのです。いつも日本への次なる上陸を楽しみにしていたのですが、母は経済的に裕福ではありません。ですので、これをいつも欲しいと思っていました。・・・・・今日私はあなたが送ってくれることを思い、とても幸せな気持ちだったので、その知らせで泣いていました。私のバカさが申し訳ないです。

honeylemon003 英語 → 日本語

His servants were interrogated under torture by his father, and they revealed the whole plot, how he also intended to kill his step-mother and his other brothers and the children of the dead youths, so that no other heir to the throne would be left. He had even set in motion some crimes against the household of Caesar, far greater than his offences against his own family.
After Varus, the governor of Syria, and the other Roman officials had arrived, Herodes summoned the sanhedrin to judge his son. As evidence, he provided the poison and the confession of the tortured servants and some letters from Rome. The king appointed Nicolaus to manage the trial.


Varusの後、Syria政府とほかのローマ当局が到着した。 Herodesは彼の息子の裁判にサンヘドリン(ユダヤ教の最高法院)を召集した。証拠として牢獄受け渡し、使用人たちへの拷問の告白をし、ローマからのいくつかの手紙を提供した。王は裁判の管理に Nicolausを任命した。

honeylemon003 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

We can only issue a call tag to the address this was shipped to which was your verified paypal address supplied on this order. As there was only one item in stock as notified to you, we refunded via paypal prior to your order being placed the extra item and we would not be refunding that item again. The refund would be for the one 026159US charged at 121.95 via paypal as per paypals
terms and conditions.
If the item is not at the address we shipped to we cannot do a call tag to pick this item up but can refund the product price difference to correct the price to the item you did receive. This would be a refund of 17.00.
Please let us know.
Best regards



コールタグは、ご注文の際にいただいたpaypalにて認証されている住所、すなわち商品の送り先の住所にのみ発行することができます。以前もお伝えしましたように、こちらに在庫が残り1点しかなく、それ以上の商品につきましては、paypalを通してご注文が確定される前に返金をしており、再度の返金はいたしません。返金は、026159US 1点で、paypalを通し、paypalの諸条件により、121.95ドルの支払いとなります。


honeylemon003 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Herodes attacked Arabia without the agreement of Caesar, who voiced his disapproval and became deeply angry with Herodes. Caesar sent him a very harsh letter, and abruptly dismissed the envoys who arrived on his behalf. But when Nicolaus arrived and met Caesar, he not only freed Herodes from all guilt, but he also turned his anger against the enemies of Herodes. The Arabian [king] had already died, but Caesar was persuaded by Nicolaus' accusations to condemn his chief minister, who was later found to be thoroughly wicked and was put to death.In the meantime, the household of Herodes was in turmoil. His eldest son had accused two of his other sons of plotting against their father.


Herodes は彼の不満を表明し、Herodesに激怒したCaesarの協定を無視して、Arabiaを侵略した。 Caesarは彼にとても厳しい手紙を送り、突然彼の代わりに到着した使節を却下した。しかし、Nicolaus が到着し Caesarに会うと、Herodesを罪から開放しただけではなく、Herodesの敵に対しても怒りをみせたのである。 Arabiaの王はすでに亡くなっているが、Caesarは、彼の大臣の長を非難するNicolausの告発によって説得された。その大臣の長は、後で徹底的に邪悪であり、王を死へとおいやったことが判明した。その間、Herodesの世帯は混乱していた。彼の長男は他の2人の息子が、父親に対してのたくらみを非難していた。

honeylemon003 英語 → 日本語

Thank you for writing. We appreciate the additional information you have provided.

As previously stated, sellers are not allowed have more than one account. This is for a variety of site safety and security reasons.

We have reviewed this situation, provided the following criteria is met, both accounts may remain active:

1. Each account must have separate bank information on file with us.
2. The inventory on each account must be different.
3. There may be no interaction between the accounts.

Please note that should it come to our attention that the above criteria are not being met, one or both of the accounts will be closed.







honeylemon003 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

The Leki Jasper AERGON Antishock trekking poles provide comfort and stability for your long haul down the trail.

Lightweight AERGON grips feature an edgeless shape and a rubberized, textured surface to maximize comfort and minimize hand fatigue
Simple and fast, Super Locking System (SLS) adjustment requires little effort to securely lock pole sections into position
Antishock system offers a shock-absorbent ride with minimal rebound
Domed disc baskets provide extra support on soft terrain; thanks to a threaded design, they can be easily replaced with larger baskets (not included) for winter use
Universal carbide flex tips ensure durability and optimal grip on ice and rock


Leki Jasper AERGON抗ショック性トレッキングポールは、ロングホール(長い)トレイルでも、使い心地の良さと安定性を提供します。

軽量の AERGONのグリップは、へりのない形のゴム入りの作りで、握ったときの最大限の心地良さの表面の手触りと、手の疲れを最小に抑える作りが特徴です。
シンプルかつ素早いスーパー・ロッキング・システム (SLS)の調節は、ポールセクションをロックする際、しっかりと所定の位置に調整するのに、少しの手間で済みます。

抗ショック性システム(Antishock system)は、跳ね返りを最小に押さえ、ショックを吸収することができます。