We contacted Japan Post Office regarding the damage of your guitar case.We were informed that there was still no response from UK.Was there any contact from the post office to you?How do you want it to be solved.For example, refunding a portion of repair fee or replacing it with a new case.We understand your feeling.As you are pointing out, it was not fair to you to say our concenience.If we may, is refund of $** acceptable for you?
イーベイのたくさんのショップから当店でのamiibo Lucario 予約販売のご購入ありがとうございます。おかげさまで当店割り当て分20個を完売致しました。ありがとうございます。完売のお礼にギフトを付けて2015年1月22日より発送いたします。今しばらくお待ちください。
Thank you for purchasing an advance sale of amiibo Lucario with us out of many e-bay shop.We've completed our stock of 20 pieces thanks to you.Thank you very much.We will send you a gift on Janurary 22nd, 2015 as a thanks.Please wait for a little bit more.
Thank you for addressing this cap issue. We will set a clear criteria and start selling products again. We are sending the documents you requested. Please confirm the contents.We would like you to address this issue till the end. Thank you.
各種 スマートフォン 対応 スマホケース !高級感のある生地に、キラめくゴールドの箔押しがあなたのスマホを上品に美しく彩ります。・箔押し加工の高級感あふれる手帳型ケース・使い方は簡単!ハート型の粘着パッドにスマホを貼りつけるだけ・何度でも貼り直しOK・内側の特殊なベロで、ケースをつけたまま写真撮影OK・ベロを立てれば横置きスタンドに早変わり・ハートの型抜きが可愛いカードホルダー付き・お気に入りのストラップを付けられるストラップホール付き
Smart phone case for each kinds of smart phone!High class feeling texture and sparkling gold leaf cover makes your smart phone beautifully refined.- A notebook type case with a full of high class feeling with gold leaf cover.- It is easy to use! Stick your smart phone to a heart shaped sticky pad.- You can re-stick as many times as you want.- With small cover inside, you can take a picture with a smart phone cover on.- It becomes a horizontally oriented stand using a small cover inside.- It comes with a heart shaped cute card holder.- It has a hole you can hook your favorite strap. -
hello - hopefully you received our reply by email. as we mentioned, the items are good, they are made like that!All jeans are like these (also the pairs that we have here).If they're not Made in Italy we'll pay the return, but, if they're Made in Italy we won't pay for that.We're sorry but the item is original, as we've wrote you before.Anyway you can return them.we sell only genuine Articles, are not made in Italy?If not we have committed a mistake on describing jeans.Let me know
こんにちは。 私たちからの返信をメールで受け取られているといいのですが。お伝えいたしました通り商品に問題はありません。最初からそのように作られているのです!すべてのジーパンはこれらと同じようになっております。(私たちがここに持っているジーパンも含めて)もしイタリア製のものでなかったら返金いたしますがイタリア製であるならお支払いしかねます。残念ですが、以前に書かせていただきました通り、製品は正常です。ですが返送することは可能です。私たちは本物の品物しか販売いたしません。イタリア製ではなかったでしょうか。もし違っていたのでしたらジーパンについて記述間違いをしてしまったことになります。お知らせください。
Your package left Japan in the middle November, but we can not trace it any further.It seems the processing work of Mexico Post delays a lot.The product which has been over seven months since the shipment can not be returned.This decision is in line with Amazon's return policy. We are sorry that we could not be of your help but please understand.We have couple things we would like to ask you.Are you saying that there was no product in a box with this order?Also you placed only one order with $22 as shown in the attached image, but are you sure you placed four orders with $46?
Please do not put 8 products I listed below with any other products. Please make a package only with these 8 products.These are heavy products and if other products got packaged together, there's a risk of getting other products damaged.Please make sure to make an exclusive package for 8 products listed below.Tracking number : yyyyyyQuantity : 5Tracking number : xxxxxxQuantity : 3
Please submit images that are suitable for printing in PDN magazine. The preferred size is 11x17" @ 300 dpi with either Adobe 1998, sRGB or Untagged color profiles.More Detail: The recommended image size should be close to 5,500 pixels on the longer dimension. We can accept images that were not captured at this resolution as long as they are between 3,300-8,000 pixels on the long dimension.
PDN雑誌に掲載するのにふさわしい写真を送付ください。Adobe 1998かsRGB, タグ付されていないカラープロファイルの形式で11x17"@300dpiのサイズが好ましいです。詳細:長い方の寸法で5,500ピクセルに近いサイズの写真が推奨されています。本解像度ではない画像であっても長い方の寸法で3,300から8,000ピクセルの範囲であれば受け入れることができます。
Despite the different options, they seem to more or less all look and function exactly the same. Perhaps this is something Weitie plans to expand on later. Type the number of your desired format and hit send.Keep in mind that if you can’t read the Chinese and get mixed up, the English version of WeChat allows you to long press messages and translate them into rough but usable English.
Kingsoft and Zhigu have both reportedly put RMB 10 million (US$1.6 million) into the fund, while Xiaomi has kicked in RMB 30 million (US$4.8 million). The remainder of the money will come from the fund’s other partners.
Please check a new spray gun you are shipping by using water. I will ship a defective product tomorrow so please send me a new one as soon as you confirmed my shipment. As I said, a product being defective affected my work a lot. I need it as soon as possible. Also, I need put the name and price of the product on EMC label but what should I put if the it is for return?
We received your cancel request. However, your purchased item was shipped on December 6th.From my experience, if we did not encounter any issue with customs clearance or lose the shipment, it should make it in time for Christmas but we can not be 100% sure.In case it does not make it in time, it will automatically shipped back to me after you refused to receive the item.Excluding 15.5 dollars as shipping fee, I will refund 82.5 dollars right after we receive the item.
I am sorry if I am mistaken but doesn't it not to work in local host?The following script has been updated. It's good, isn't it. It would be better if similar function is implemented in this script as well.
I am going to Nagano for skiing. Is there any recommendation as to where I should stay at?Hotels close to the ski area are already fully booked so I can not find a room.It does not have to be close to the ski area. Please let me know the place where it is convenient.Also please kindly let me know the good town close by where there are good restaurants.