A. The product will be shipped from Japan. If it's quick, it would take 10 days. If it delayed, it would take around 20 days.Scheduled delivery date is shown on the product's order history. We will deliver the product within promised date.Q. Can I change the shipping information such as my address?A. We are afraid we do not accept the change after the shipment.Q. I received the bill for the customs duties.A. We will pay all the customs duties. Please let us know your order number, the customs number and total cost.Please wait a little longer for the product's arrival.
Thank you for contacting us.Normally, it should have passed the customs on December 7th and arrived on December 9th but due to the delay in the customs office, the package delivery has been delayed already 6 days.Once the product clears the customs, it should arrive 2 days after.We appreciate it if you could wait a little longer for your product.Also, if you would like to cancel or request a refund, please let us know. We will explain the method then.Thank you.
写真解説1枚目「誕生日&結婚」dancer kazukiは誕生日、shingoは結婚という事でリハーサルの合間にお祝いをした写真左に写っているdancer puriの姿を見ればさぞ楽しくお祝いしたんだろうなというのが伝わってくるはずちなみにpuriは今回のLIVE演出を一緒に考えてくれている頼りになる男2枚目「3 days moon」左から中秋の名月、スーパームーン、そして次の日も綺麗だったので
1st picture : "Birthday&Marriage"It was Dancer Kazuki's birthday and Shingo was getting married, so we celebrated them during the break time of the rehearsal.If you look at Dancer Puri who is on the left side of the picture, you can tell how fun the celebration was. Puri is a reliable person and he planned this live performance together with me.2nd picture : "3 days moon"Starting from the left, a harvest moon, a super moon and since the moon next day was beautiful as well,
*If the delivery of the album released on 11/4 has not been completed when shipping the live video product which will be released on 12/2, special feature will not be applicable. *We cannot make a refund if customer could not receive the product for their personal reason.*Quantity of the special feature is limited. So the limited time offer lasts until Tuesday noon on 11/10/2015 at the longest but as soon as the special feature is sold out, we will finish the limited time offer. Thank you for your understanding.
[Special features for 2 titles simultaneous purchase]Contents : TBDNote 1 : We will announce the contents as soon as they are decided.Note 2 : Special features for 2 titles simultaneous purchase will come with the live movie which was released on December 12th.[Reservation]You will be entitled for the special feature when you purchase an album with 2 sets of Live DVD videos or one Live Blu-ray video.Note : You will not receive special features if put the products in the different carts and purchased them.
オープニングでは、高さ8.5mの空中より宙づりになったベンツに乗って登場するという度胆を抜く演出に、観客からは割れんばかりの歓声と拍手で迎えられ、「WALK OF MY LIFE」ではグランドピアノでの弾き語りを初披露。圧巻は、壮大なバラード曲「Dance In The Rain」で繰り広げた命綱なしのアクロバティックな空中パフォーマンス!雨にうたれながら、美しいパフォーマンスを披露する彼女にただただ会場は息を呑んだ。
At the opening, an audience cheered wildly when she appeared on the Benz hanging in the 8.5m high midair and she sang "WALK of MY LIFE" to her own accompaniment with a grand piano.The best part is the acrobatic midair performance without lifeline which she did along with a magnificent ballade, "Dance in The Rain"! An audience had their breath taken away by her beautiful performance in the rain.
I'm afraid say this but we found out that the recommendation we sent to you was incomplete. We are sending you a corrected version.If it's too long or if there's any issue with the recommendation, please let us know.Thank you for your understanding.
We aplogize that the focus of the lens are off. We will accept a return. Please return the lens to the return address. We will make a full refund including the shipping fee as soon as the product arrives. Thank you.
will the lens fit the canon1100d and will it work with AF made thanks.did you say it will fit the canon11ood will the lens fit on the canon1100dwill the lens fit the canon1100d
Regarding the item 2, we will hire IT engineers and try to solve the issue and respond to you as soon as possible.As for the item 3, we will change the current web vendor.Through these measures, we will try to improve our system.Also, some of our products are expensive as you pointed out.We are using high-quality material and they are hand-made products.Importing fee and cutsoms are contributing to the cost up as well.Again, we sincerely apologize for your inconvenience.
Thank you for purchasing our products. We apologize that your purchased item has not reached you yet. As shown in the product page, the shipping method you selected for this purchase does not have a tracking number. So we are afraid that we cannot track the product. Usually, products get delivered in two to three weeks so please kindly wait for a little bit more. If the product does not reach you within one week, please contact us again.
<推奨環境>スマートフォンOS:iOS6以上、Android2.2以上パソコンOS:Windows Vista、Windows 7およびMacintosh OS10.4以上※対応機種はこちら http://sp-m.mu-mo.net/pub/supportPhone/ <ダウンロード方法>1. ダウンロードサイト http://mu-ca.net/ にアクセス(直接入力または二次元バーコードより)2. 本品記載のPINコードを入力下さい。
[Recommended Environment]Smartphone OS : iOS6, Android2.2 or higher PC OS : Windows Vista, Windows7, Macintosh10.4 or higher*Here are applicable phone types.http://sp-m.mu mo.net/pub/supportPhone/[Download Method]1. Access to the download site, http://mu-ca.net/ (By direct input or via 2D bar code).2. Input PIN code described on the product.
※待受画面プレゼント対象期間:2013/8/28(水) 0:00-2013/9/3(火) 23:59iTunes好評配信中♪iTunes:https://itunes.apple.com/jp/album/id689912174テキスト1 CDジャケットはmu-moショップだけのオリジナルヴァージョン!さらにピクチャーレーベル仕様♪
Period of Standby Screen PresentFrom 8/28/2015 (Wed) 0:00 a.m.To 9/3/2015 (Tue) 11:59 p.m.iTunes is distributing the music!iTunes :https://itunes.apple.com/jp/album/id689912174Text 1CD jacket is an original vergin only for my-mo! And it's a picture-label style!
【CD+DVD】「KOIOTO TO AMAZORA」 9/4発売 NEW SINGLE「KOIOTO TO AMAZORA」の着うた(R)、着うたフル(R)/シングルをレコチョクにて独占先行配信開始!着うた(R)には特典としてソロアー写を使用した待受画面をプレゼント!全部で7種類!さらに、着うたフル(R)/シングルをDLされた方の中から抽選で10名様に非売品告知ポスターをプレゼント!
[CD+DVD] "KOIOTO TO AMAZORA"Rekochoku has started an exclusive advance distribution of the ringtone and full ringtone of the new single, "KOIOTO TO AMAZOR", which will be released on 9/4!As a benefit of the ringtone, we will give you a solo artist picture for the standby screen! There are 7 kinds!Also for 10 people among those who downloaded a full ringtone or a single, we will give out a notification poster which is not for sale.
Thank you for contacting us.We apologize that your delivery is being delayed.We appreciate it if you could kindly wait for another one week.If the pacakge does not arrive after one week, we will soon re-ship the product.Please let us know.Thank you.
The customer is selecting EMC as a backbone storage.We introduced 3PAR with our account team's effort in 2012 but we caused major inconvenience to the customer due to the functional issue.So we were told that it's hard to adopt 3PAR as a backbone system therefore it cannot seem to become high end system.We are now trying to recover customer's confidence in this system.Our plan is to make sure to get midrange and low end with 3PAR and VSA. Also 6500 is included as a backup so we will improve it to a total backup backbone system.
Just being simple itself can be considered as one of the design.It can be considered as something that gives you a comfort in your daily life.Whether in your work time or in your private time, the life filled with design.From those that have their own shapes to those that do not.Take design into your daily life.We provide design that gives comfort in your daily life.
こんにちは私のお店はTokyo、TATHIKAWAです、秋葉原には電車で40分ぐらいかかります。少し日本の事を説明しますね。もうしばらくすると東京では桜が咲きます。本当に美しいですよ私が今年の桜の写真をメールしますね。話が変わってアイテムの事ですが、電源プラグがAタイプです。確かサウジアラビアはBFですよから変換アダプターを同封しておきますが、ゲームは長時間 プレイするのであなたの国のソニーのPS4電源ケーブルをお使い下さい。また何かあれば連絡下さい。お買い上げありがとう。
Hello.My store is called Tokyo, TATHIKAWA.It's 40 minutes away from Akihabara by train.I would like to explain a little bit of Japan.Soon, cherry blossoms will bloom in Tokyo.They are really beautifulI will take pictures of the cherry blossoms this year and e-mail them to you.By the way, regarding the item, the power plug is A type.If I remember correctly, Saudi Arabia uses BF so I will include a conversion adopter but games are something you play for many hours so please use PS4 power cable of Sony in your country.Please let me know if you have something you would like to ask.Thank you for your purchase.
I am sending this e-mail to tell you what I'm expecting from you to avoid any misunderstanding of the contents from today's hearing.I would like to polish my skills to convey my thoughts and to understand people in English.To achieve this, I'm thinking to take following steps.I would like to receive your support as to how to proceed especially for Step 1.To understand the rules in speaking English- Grammar- RulesTo repeatedly practice things I learned in Step 1.What do you think?If there's some other things needed or if you have other ideas, please let me know.I really appreciate all the support you are giving me.
Are you busy now? I have things I would like to ask. Do you have time for me?You may not be the one I should be asking this but I have no one else I can ask to.No one tells me about products, how to use system, the flow until the shipment. Nothing at all.First I would like you to tell me how to see the shipping data I send you every day.Which row indicates the number of shipped items from the storage?Which row indicates the number of to-be-shipped item with order?Which row indicates the number of to-be-shipped item without order?Will you tell me when I get another questions?Thank you very much. You really helped me out.