Football makes the world peaceJapan gives a message to the world
I've won your product, so could you send me to Japan?It's impossible to pay money because Japan isn't designated as shipping address on ebay.But your ebay page says "Shipping to Japan is possible"Please change your configuration so that I can pay.Shipping Japan's address is below.Best regardsI will pay money as shipping address to US.Could you send me the following Japan's address?
日本、イラン、トルコ、ロシア、スペイン、イギリスのバックグラウンドを持ち多彩な言語を操るマルチリンガルアーティスト。幼児期よりダンス、ピアノ、オペラを学び、作詞、作曲、ピアノの弾き語りをもこなす。圧倒的な歌唱力とパワフルかつ澄んだ歌声、そして前向きでポジティブなメッセージが共感を呼び、幅広い世代から支持を受けている。2006年7月12日ミニアルバム「ALL MY GIRLS」でメジャーデビュー。
May J, born of Japan, Iran, Turkey, Russia, Spain, and England's decent, is a multilingual artist. She's been learning dancing, piano and opera since her childhood, and can write lyrics, compose, and sing while playing the piano.She's received strong support from wide range of ages by her possitive message as well as her powerful and clear voice.She made her debut on July 12 2006, with a mini album "ALL MY GIRLS".
最新カヴァーアルバム「Heartful Song Covers」も累計25万枚を突破!記録的な大ヒットで社会現象にもなった、2014年公開のディズニー映画「アナと雪の女王」の日本版主題歌を担当し、その歌声でお茶の間人気を不動のものにしている。テレビ・ラジオのレギュラーMCや多数のCM出演でも活躍中。2014年7月に過去最大規模の全国ツアー「May J. Tour 2014 ~Message for Tomorrow~」を開催!
Her latest cover album "Heartful Song Cover" also sold over 250,000 copies!She sings a theme song in Japanese version of Disney's movie "Frozen", a social phenomenon & monster movie released in 2014.She becomes a regular popularity in Japan by her vocal in this movie. She's also been a regular host on TV and radio, and appearing in many commercials From July of 2014, her largest-ever national tour "May J. Tour 2014 ~Message for Tomorrow~ " will start!
How many products should I purchase to be discounted deeply?Are there other companies in Japan which deal with you?I'd like to purchase in the Japan's cheapest price.A firm which imports the products from US sells 13,000 Yen (about $125), the cheapest sales price in Japan.Therefore, the price you have offered to me isn't competitive.I'm so sorry for many requests, but I'd really like to buy a large amount of the products (or the other models as well) from you. It would be appreciated if you reconsider the price.
25ledHi, I ma not certain as to what product you're referring to. Could youplease provide more information? Item type, Item number and youreBay user ID?I am sorry, I just noticed the case information about this messaging board. I will check with our warehouse regarding this transaction and get back to you asap! Regards, Customer care
25led様こんにちは。どの商品に関する問い合わせでしょうか? 項目種別、品番、eBay のユーザーID等、詳細な情報を頂けますでしょうか?申し訳ございません。たった今、この件について把握いたしました。弊社の倉庫係とともにこの取引情報をチェックし、早急に返信します!よろしくお願いいたします。カスタマーセンター
In light of first oil crisis in Japan, its government made a study on energy policy through Advisory Committee for Energy, approving "A Basic Policy for Total Energy" at Cabinet meeting in 1975. To realize the policy, it drew up "Temporary Prospect of Long-term Energy Supply and Demand" as a goal of 1985 and 1990. In addition, petroleum tax was imposed on crude oil and import oil products in 1978, as the measure of the stable supply. Meanwhile, price in the oil products went down temporary due to currecy exchange, but the price went up because a oil crisis occurred in 1979.
②廃棄物の処分について 操業中に排出され、埋立処分場に持ち込まれた廃棄物についても、A社が契約に基づき適切な業者を選択して処理すべき義務を負っていたと考えられることから、当方が責任を負うとするのは不当だと考えます。③5千ドルのデポジットについて 仮に当社が何らかの責任を負う場合が想定されるとしても、5千ドルものお金をデポジットしておくことは到底受け入れられません。
②About the disposal of waste materialsAs for waste materials put out during the operaton and brought to the landfill space, Company A should've had a commitment to find the proper operator to discard besed on the contract. It, therefore, has no legitimate to take a blame on ourselves.③About the deposit of $5000Even though we take some kind of resposibility for that, it's not acceptable by any measure to deposit $5000.
Before WW2 in Japan, firewoods played a central role in energy source for long, and people in rural areas used to provide mostly for themselves. By comparison, price in firewoods as fuel were low as there were a plenty of the self-energy source. If the reason why Japanese household relatively utilized the energy in great abundance was price effect, then we can't say that the prewar Japanese families didn't spend source-saving lives. Furthermore the companies could use rare modern energy, such as electricity & gas, without competition against the household budget, as the household used a traditional energy of firewoods and woodcoals.