Eiko (gloria) 翻訳実績

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gloria 英語 → 日本語

while others, who made the best possible choice, have been charged with folly because they were not fortunate enough to attain their objects.He, too, acted in a precarious and hazardous fashion; for he was only just past boyhood, being eighteen years of age, and saw that his succession to the inheritance and the family was sure to provoke jealousy and censure; yet he set out in pursuit of objects such as had led to Caesar's murder, which had not been avenged, and he feared neither the assassins nor Sulla and Antony. Nevertheless, he was not thought to have planned badly, because he proved to be successful. Heaven, however, indicated in no obscure manner all the confusion that would result to the Romans from it.



gloria 英語 → 日本語

He was practised in oratory, not only in the Latin language but in the Greek as well, was vigorously trained in military service, and thoroughly instructed in politics and the art of government.Now this Octavius chanced at the time that Caesar was murdered to be in Apollonia, pursuing his education; for he had been sent ahead thither in view of Caesar's intended campaign against the Parthians. When he learned what had happened, he was of course grieved, but did not dare to begin a revolution at once; for he had not yet heard that he had been made Caesar's son or even his heir, and moreover the first news he received was to the effect that the people were of one mind in the affair.



gloria 英語 → 日本語

You must have a US Customs Bond in place at the time of importation of the goods. The bond must be a Continuous Bond.

Indicate A as the deliver-to party on the bill of lading (BOL) and commercial invoice.
Only indicate A as the deliver-to party, not the consignee. A will not act as the Importer of Record for these shipments. Here is an example of how A should appear on the BOL and commercial invoice:

If "Attn: FBA Program" is not included in the deliver-to address your shipment will not be accepted at the fulfillment center dock.

Imports must be customs cleared by A's designated Customs House Broker: S. E-mail all documents prior to shipment departure to:

Indicate S as the "Notify Party" on the BOL as follows:





