Whatever the reasons, the loss of experienced upper management probably isn’t good for China’s fledgling — and floundering — group buy industry. It’s also significant that most of these people are moving to other industries; in some cases, even industries like traditional e-commerce that compete directly with group buy for customers.
One of the biggest challenges for social enterprise incubators is funding. Unlike more transparent and easy to understand business like manufacturing, companies and venture capital firms don’t understand how to value social impact and therefore don’t know how to justify how much to give. Traditional manufacturing companies use a % of expenditure model to figure out how much money they need, but of course this can’t be applied in the same way to social enterprise start-ups. Such a challenge remains a bottle neck in really promoting social or non-profit organizations.
In some sense, China is undergoing the same path South Korea is. Now experiencing a period of unprecedented economic growth, many poor and marginalized people on the sidelines are being forgotten. China can learn from South Korea’s experience and balance economic growth with sustainable and equitable social welfare. More emphasis should be put on social entrepreneurship rather than start-ups that can simply raise a lot of VC funding and have a big exit.
South Korea, a New Social Entrepreneurship Hub of AsiaTech start-up incubators have sprung up across the world, in a concerted effort to uncover the next Google or Facebook and make a lot of money. But in Seoul, the government is driving a big push towards funding and incubating not just tech start-ups, but also those that have a socially good element to them.
On the surface, Seoul looks and feels like a great place; it’s clean, well organized, has delicious food and great nightlife, addictive KPOP and good looking people. But below the surface, like every other country, Korea does have many social problems. One of the biggest problems is very high youth unemployment, which now stands at 8.3% for people below 30 years old. High youth unemployment is a result of a cycle that is hard to stop. Many graduates without jobs, create more competition for jobs, making young people frustrated and forcing them back into education which is getting more expensive, causing more stress because they can’t afford to pay it off, plus Korea is already an expensive country to live in.
This of course creates a lot of headache for the government to manage. In a creative way, the government is looking to other young people with an entrepreneurial spirit to solve these problems by establishing incubation centers. On offer are funding grants of around 30M Korean Won (USD$30K) per enterprise per year, office space and other services like mentoring and education. Social enterprises also enjoy favourable tax treatment and bank loan interest rates.
Beyond solving the social problem of high youth unemployment, the South Korean government has a responsibility to undertake more social projects. One reason is because South Korea is a part of the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) group of countries and has a quota to meet for number of social enterprises created. Another reason is that once upon a time, South Korea was a poor country. But after the recent four decades of rapid economic development, and some neglect for social welfare, it is time to make up for it. In some sense it has graduated from poor to rich country and now feels the need to give back to society.
Such incubators are popping up all over Korea. There are five alone in Seoul and around 21 in Korea in total.In Seoul, I had the opportunity to visit one center called Social Enterprise Incubating Center. I chatted to Kyung Seok Yang from Social Cube, who operates the center. She explained there are three main types of social enterprises. One is those aimed at job creation, especially for South Korea’s youth. Secondly, there are those that employ people with disabilities or the elderly. Thirdly, it could be a mix of both. One example is an enterprise called WeCAN, which employs disabled people to make cookies and the profits go back to disabled people.
こうしたインキュベーターが韓国中に生まれている。ソウルだけでも5つあり、韓国全土ではおよそ21ある。ソウルで、私は Social Enterprise Incubating Center というセンターを訪問する機会があった。同センターを運営する Social Cube の Kyung Seok Yang と話をした。彼女の説明によれば、社会的起業には大きく分けて3つの種類がある。1つは、雇用創出、特に韓国の若年層の雇用創出を狙うものだ。2つ目は、障がい者や高齢者を雇うものだ。3つ目は、前の2つの混合だ。一例を挙げると、WeCAN という企業は、クッキーを作るのに障がい者を雇い、利益は障がい者に還元している。
Another recent example is an enterprise called Cizion. Similar to Disqus, it is a social comments manager for blogs. At first I was confused how this could be a social enterprise but it became apparent. Since South Korea has such a strong entertainment industry, many people like to talk about celebrities like singers and actors. But some of this chatter is gossip and rumours which have a detrimental impact on the minds of celebrities who feel ashamed, leading some to even commit suicide. Therefore Cizion aims to filter out untrue comments, by creating a blacklist of commentors through Facebook or Twitter.
もう1つの最近の事例は、Cizion という企業だ。Disqus と同様、ブログのソーシャルコメントマネジャーである。初めは、どうやってこれが社会的な企業になりうるか分からなかったが、後に明らかになった。韓国には非常に強力な芸能界があり、多くの人が歌手や俳優といったセレブについて語りたがる。しかしこうしたおしゃべりのゴシップや噂話の中にはセレブの精神にとって有害なものもあり、それによってセレブは恥ずかしく思い、時には自殺に試みることにもなる。そのため、Cizion はFacebook や Twitter を通じてコメンテーターのブラックリストを作ることで、間違ったコメントを取り除くことを目指している。
While at the Social Enterprise Incubation center I chatted with two start-ups being incubated there currently.The first was Life Seed, a group aiming to support baby sitters. The problem with child services in South Korea is that the quality of government support is rather low quality and there is poor monetary compensation. Baby sitters in South Korea are mainly students, social workers or elders and many are untrained in how to properly handle babies or young children.
Social Enterprise Incubation センターで、現在入居しているベンチャー2社に話を聞いた。1社目は Life Seed で、ベビーシッターの支援を目指しているグループだ。韓国の子供向けサービスの問題は、政府による支援の質がやや低く、金銭面の報酬も低いことだ。韓国のベビーシッターの多くは学生やソーシャルワーカー、或いは高齢者で、赤ちゃんや幼児の正しい扱い方に関してトレーニングを受けていない。
Therfore Life Seed wants to provide an education system, teaching sitters how to baby sit and how to manage long term stress. To also create a support structure, the enterprise wants to create an offline community that can share and learn from each other. The mission of Life Seed is to change the eco-system of child care where the government, teachers, parents and sitters can work together to improve the system. Life Seed is a four person team led by Han Kyung-Jin and Choi Eun-Joo.
そのため、Life Seed は教育システムを提供し、それによってシッターたちにどうやって子供を寝かしつけるか、どう長期的なストレスに対処するかを教えたいと考えている。また支援スキームを作るために、同社はお互いに共有したり学習したりできるオフラインコミュニティを作りたいと考えている。Life Seed の使命は、チャイルドケアのエコシステムを変え、政府や教師、親、シッターがシステムをより良くするために一緒に動けるようにすることだ。Life Seed は、Han Kyung-Jin と Choi Eun-Joo が率いる4人のチームだ。
The second was InnoCrowd, a freelancing platform for designers in South Korea, similar to Elance. Just walking around South Korea’s young hot spots like Hongdae, it is clear to see the groundswell of design talent. However, high youth unemployment is making it difficult for these people to get jobs or projects, meaning there is an excess supply of talent. To better utlize South Korea’s talent, InnoCrowd wants to connect creators from the graphics, engineering, UI/UX and Product fields to find willing demand from outside Korea like Japan, China and Taiwan.
2社目はInnoCrowdで、Elanceと似ているが、韓国のデザイナーのためのフリーランスプラットフォームだ。Hongdae 等、韓国で若者が集まる場所を歩けば、才能あるデザイナーであふれていることは明らかだ。しかし、高い若年失業率が、彼らの就職やプロジェクト獲得を困難にしており、つまり才能が供給過剰になっているということだ。韓国の才能をもっと良く活用するために、InnoCrowd はグラフィックやエンジニアリング、UI/UXのクリエイター達と製品のフィールドをつなげ、日本や中国、台湾等、韓国の外に積極的な需要を見出したいと考えている。
Businesses with projects can post a project, designers can apply to work on the project, and then the businesses can review and select the designers they want. Once selected, InnoCrowd will allocate Project Managers to oversee the completion of the project for a fee. InnoCrowd will charge per project and its size. Currently InnoCrowd is in the development phase and will launch in July in open beta. Co-founder and CEO, Sean Park leads a team of four and is aiming to secure government funding for arts and culture social enterprises. South Korea’s government wants to back such projects because they want their small to medium sized companies to be more internationally competitive and design competent.
プロジェクトがある企業はプロジェクトを投稿でき、デザイナーは案件に応募できる。そして企業はレビューし、欲しいデザイナーを選ぶ。いったん選ばれたら、InnoCrowd はプロジェクトマネジャーを配置し、手数料を取って、プロジェクトの完了を監督する。InnoCrowd は、プロジェクトごとにそのサイズによって課金する。現在、InnoCrowd は開発フェーズにあり、7月にオープンベータをローンチする。共同創業者兼CEOの Sean Park が4名のチームを率い、文芸領域の社会企業向けの政府資金の獲得を狙っている。韓国政府は、こうしたプロジェクトをバックアップしたいと考えている。なぜなら、政府は中小企業に、もっと国際競争力をつけデザイン能力を高めてほしいと考えているからだ。
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こんにちは。ご要望の場所どちらへでも発送できますが、送料がやはり高額です。商品を発送することは問題ありませんが、唯一の質問は、あなたが本当にこの送料をお支払いになりたいかどうかということです。恐らくいくらかかるかご存じないかと思いましたので、まずはお尋ねするのがフェアではないかと思った次第です。もしこの注文を完了されたいとお考えであれば、PayPal 用の請求書を発行させていただきます。もしキャンセルされたい場合は、その旨お知らせください。キャンセル手続きを取らせていただきます。ありがとうございます。
Hello. How are you doin?I met you while traveling in Osaka, where I enjoyed talking with you.Now I am in Tokyo, and if you come around here, please let me know.My contact information in Tokyo is following:
Survey Says Japan Seen as Most Creative Country, By Everyone Except Japan [Infographic]Adobe has released an interesting survey which takes a look at creativity across the globe. Its State of Create global benchmark study surveyed [1] people in the US, the UK, Germany, France, and Japan and came up with a number of interesting findings on how people in some of the world’s largest economies view creativity. Among the most remarkable findings in this report is how the respondents around the world view creativity in Japan, and how this contrasts with how respondents in Japan see themselves.
日本は最もクリエイティブな国とのアンケート結果、ただし日本人は違う回答 [インフォグラフィック]Adobe は世界中の創造性に着目する面白いアンケート調査を発表した。State of Create グローバル・ベンチマーク・スタディ(注1)は、アメリカ、イギリス、ドイツ、フランス、日本の人々にアンケートし、世界何か国かの大国に住む人々が創造性をどう考えているかについて、多くの興味深い結果が得られた。このレポートで最も注目すべきは、日本の創造性について世界中の回答者はどう見ているか、日本人自身はどう見ているか、に関する調査結果だ。
Among the total respondents, Japan was deemed the most creative country among those listed (by 36 percent) and Tokyo the world’s most creative city (by 30 percent of respondents). The report noted however that Japan does not seem to see itself in the same way the rest of the world does, with most Japanese seeing the US and New York as the most creative country and city respectively. The report further states:Outside of Japan, national pride in each country is evident, with residents of the United Kingdom, Germany and France ranking their own countries and cities next in line after Japan.
I also found it interesting that 78 percent of Japanese respondents said that “being creative is still reserved for the arts community” – a stark contrast with the other nations surveyed who responded in the range of 21 to 38 percent. Personally, I find it pretty easy to discover creativity in Japan by walking down almost any street here, where almost every single yard or garden is impeccably groomed with colorful flowers and beautiful stone walls.But from a technology point-of-view, there’s still no shortage of great ideas coming from Japan, I think. For more information, check out the full report, or browse Adobe’s accompanying infographic below.
また興味深いのは、日本在住者の78%が「創造性はアートな人々だけのもの」と答えていることだ。他の国々ではこの意見は21~38%であり、明確な差がみられる。個人的には、日本では創造性を見つけるのは非常にたやすい。どんな通りを歩いても、それぞれの庭は色とりどりの花や美しい石壁で完璧なほどに手入れされている。しかし、技術的な観点からいうと、日本生まれの素晴らしいアイディアは今も不足していないと思う。詳細は、レポート全文または Adobe が添えた下記のインフォグラフィックをチェックしてほしい。