London Gardens (ayaka_maruyama) 翻訳実績

10年以上前 女性
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
20 時間 / 週
ayaka_maruyama 英語 → 日本語

I can’t have one buyer buying 4 Light Kits in one month….that is what will get us into trouble. The orders have to be as though all the items ordered are for that one buyer like a normal buyer would actually do. If you have a list of different names (preferably English/American type names as that looks “normal” to 「A」) and a US address then I can sell different items to each buyer. I have other accounts that are doing this above idea. I don’t care what the names are, the most important thing is that they are normal names with US addresses.
Here’s how 「A」knows what is going on; 「A」 installed a Dealer Management System in all it’s dealers so they SEE WHAT is being sold and WHERE 



ayaka_maruyama 英語 → 日本語

it is going to as they can track every single invoice !!. Now you know how they know one buyer is buying10-20 of one item or we are shipping items outside the US. Let me know if this helps or works for you (using different names and ordering in smaller quantities). If this works for you (different names and a couple addresses) I may not be able to sell you as much as before, but I can still sell to you. Perhaps you can find another dealer that can sell you a few to make up the difference. Your postage will be a bit more since I can’t send 3-4 at a time but it may still be worth it.



