Yumie (3_yumie7) 翻訳実績

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Of the supposed dozen survivors, only three claim any mention in subsequent history, and only one for long. The renegade from the Catonian party, P. Servilius, grasped the prize of intrigue and ambition--a second consulate from the Triumvirs, like his first from Caesar: after that he is not heard of again. Antonius' adherent Calenus. held a military command and died; but the Caesarian nobilis Calvinus prolonged an active career after that date, the solitary relic of a not very distant past.Less spectacular than the decadence of the principes, but not less to be deplored, were the gaps in other ranks and orders.
Octavian said: "you can change them if you wish to;if not, that you will in any case hereafter


生存者と思われるものの中で、後に続く物語のいずれにおいても言及したのは3人だけで、長期にわたって言及したのは1人だけだった。Cato派から離脱したP. Serviliusは陰謀と野望によって貴重なものを獲得した。最初Caesarから第1回三頭政治で獲得したように三執政官から第2回執政官を獲得した。その後は彼について2度と触れられていない。 Antoniusの支持者Calenusは軍隊の指揮権を持ったが亡くなった。だがCaesar派の貴族Calvinusはそれほど昔には遡らない過去のその日から活躍の経歴を伸ばした。主だった者達の衰退ほどは注目には値しなかったが、嘆かれるほどでもなかったのは他の地位や等級の格差だった。Octavianはこう言った。「君が希望するなら彼らを配置換えしてもよいが、そうでないのなら、とにかく君は今後

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

aid with me in punishing the murderers,with the help of the people and of those who are still my father's faithful friends, and if you still have regard for the conspirators and the Senate, do not be hard on us. Enough of this topic. You know about my private affairs and the expense I must incur for the legacy which my father directed to be given to the people, and the haste involved in it lest I may seem churlish by reason of delay, and lest those who have been assigned to colonies be compelled to remain in the city.Of Caesar's movables,I beg you to take keepsakes and anything else by way of ornament ;had you not preferred these fugitives for governorships, where they can always defend themselves against me."



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

The interval of a year carried off three, Ser. Sulpicius Rufus, Trebonius and Cicero, without notable accessions-Hirtius, Pansa and Dolabella had fallen in war, and the consul Q. Pedius succumbed early in his tenure of office, stricken by shame and horror, it was alleged, at the proscriptions which it was his duty to announce.If the three dynasts be excluded, the surviving consulars now numbered twelve at the most, probably less. P. Vatinius celebrates a triumph in 42 B.C.; a Triumvir's uncle, C. Antonius, becomes censor in the same year; then both disappear.Two honest men, L. Piso and L. Caesar, lapse completely from record. Philippus and Marcellus had played their part for Caesar's heir and served their turn:


1年間の間に、Ser. Sulpicius Rufus、Trebonius、Ciceroが際立った昇進もないままに亡くなり、Hirtius、Pansa、Dolabellaは戦死していた。執政官Q. Pedius は 就任してまもなく亡くなった。追放を宣言するのは彼の義務だったため恥と名誉のために亡くなったのだと考えられている。3名の君主が除外されれば、生き残った執政官らはせいぜい12名かそれ以下だっただろう。 P. Vatiniusは紀元前42年、勝利を祝った。三執政官の1人の叔父のC. Antoniusは同年検閲官となった。その後2人とも姿を消した。2人の正直な男 L. PisoとL. Caesarは完全に記録から消えている。PhilippusとMarcellusはCaesarの後継者のために自分の役割を果たし、役に立った。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Other taxes, novel and crushing, were invented--for example a year's income being taken from everybody in possession of the census of a Roman knight; and at the beginning of the next year a fresh list was drawn up, confiscating real property only. What had already happened was bad enough. After the victory of the Caesarians impended the second act in social revolution. As with the recruitment of the Senate, all rules and all propriety were now cast off in the choice of magistrates, nominated as they were, not elected. In December of the year 44 B.C. the Senate had been able to count only seventeen ex-consuls, the majority of whom were absent from Rome, ailing in health or remote from political interests.



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

For the youth of Octavianus, exposed to an iron schooling and constrained through form of law and not in the heat of battle to shed the noblest blood of Rome.If they had the leisure and the taste to draw fine distinctions between the three terrorists, it was hardly for Octavianus that they invoked indulgence and made allowances. For Antonius there was some palliation, at least--when consul he had been harried by faction and treason, when proconsul outlawed. The banker Atticus was not put on the list even for form's sake or as a warning to others.Atticus was also able to save the knight L. Julius Calidus, famed as a poet, but only among his contemporaries.


Octavianusの若さのためにローマの最も尊い血を流した戦いのさなかではなく、厳しい教育にさらされ、法律の形式を通して制約を受けた。彼らに3人のテロリストの間の明快な区別をするための時間と趣味があったなら、Octavianusにとって彼らが罪の贖いを免除し、許すことはつらいことだっただろう。Antoniusにとっては少なくともいくらか執政官時代の苦痛が緩和された。彼は非合法のプロコンスル時代に派閥や裏切りに悩まされていた。銀行家の Atticusは形式上でさえも名簿に名前が載らなかった。 Atticusは同時代の人の間だけだったが、詩人として有名な騎士の L. Julius Calidusを救うこともできた。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

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3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

I graduated from Vilnius Academy of Arts. My first art exhibit I set while still at school (collage exhibition) and this was the reason why I decided to study arts. The design as profession I chose because it seemed promising profession.

I discovered painting while studying at the Academy of Fine Arts.
To prepare for accession to the Academy of Fine Arts, I attended painting and drawing courses. I painted still alive mostly. And it seemed pointless. I always asked myself : Why should we paint this if we can just take a picture? But when I was in 3rd year, we received an interesting ask. I had to paint abstraction, which depicted a living thing.


