Yumie (3_yumie7) 翻訳実績

4.9 28 件のレビュー
日本語 (ネイティブ) フランス語 英語 スペイン語
3_yumie7 英語 → スペイン語 ★★☆☆☆ 2.4

Normally, will arrive within 5 - 10 business days (16 days at the latest).

We'd like to inform the tracking number after shipped.

We only ship to an authorized PayPal address.

Never sell fakes, knock-offs or reproductions.

Comes from a pet and smoke free environment.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for any inquiries or concerns you may have, and let us know if there is anything with Japanese products whatever you want.

We will have a quote for you includes postage. Estimate is free !

Of course seven days a week, try to reply within 24 hours including on Sat/Sun/Holidays/Year-end/New year's day.

It'll normally be faster than this.

Thank you for your interest.


Normalmente, los articulos llegan de 5 a 10 dias laborales( al maximo 16 dias)

Una vez despachado, le informaremos el numero de seguimiento(tracking number).

Nosotros solo enviamos a una direccion autorizada por Paypal.
Never sell fakes, knock-offs or reproductions.
Nunca vendemos productos falsos, imitados y reproducciones.

Los productos son producidos en un ambiente libre de animales y humos.

No dude en ponerse en contacto con nosotros si usted tiene cualquer tipo de dudas e intereses. Contactenos en caso si usted tenga algun producto que quiere obtener.

Tenemos una quota para usted incluendo el franqueo. La cogtizacion es gratis !

Por supuesto, esforzaremos a responderle 24 horas en 7 dias de la semana, incluyendo sabado, domingo, feriado, el fin del año y los primeros días del año nuevo.

Normalmente, el envio sera más rapido que en estos días.

Le agradecemos por sus intereses para nuestros productos.

3_yumie7 英語 → スペイン語 ★★☆☆☆ 2.4

We do not have a wide variety of items, however, almost prices are lower than ebay's seller because only sell online.

Estimate is free ! If you can not find the item on our website, or combined shipping costs, please feel free to inquire via contact form.

We accept PayPal only, and appreciate when payments are made within five days.

If you made by e-Check, it will take 3-5 business days to processed. We will send you the item after confirming it. So please wait until I notify for you.

Any customs fees, taxes, import duties or any other applicable charges are not included in the item price. Please be aware of these are buyer's responsibility.

Item will be shipped within three business days of cleared payment.


No tenemos la gran variedad de productos. Entretanto, los precios de casi todos los productos son menor que los vendedores de Ebay, porque este producto solo se vende por Internet.

La cotización es gratis ! Si usted no puede encontre el artículo en linea, o el descuento del precio de flete, por favor, preguntenos via el formulario de contacto.

Nosotros aceptamos solamente PalPay. Seremos muy agradecidos si el pagamento sera realizada en cinco días.

Si usted effectua con e-Check, necesitamos de tres a cindo dìas para procederlo. Enviaremos el artículo después de confirmarlo. Por favor, tenga paciencia hasta el momento de que nosotros le notificamos.

Cualquier tarifas, inpuestos, aranceles de importation, o otras tarifas aplicables no están incluidos en el precio. Si bien se recuerda al usuario que estos asuntos son la responsabilidad de los compradores.
Los artículos seran despachados en tres dìas laborales de recibo vaciado de pago.

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Tokyo’s Human Camera Reminds Us to Connect in the Real World

Tokyo-based new media artist Eric Siu has created a really wonderful idea that blends technology and performance art in way that is sure to turn heads — even in Japan where crazy technologies have become almost synonymous with the country.

His prototype of ‘Touchy’ is a human camera, or to explain more fully, a human who wears a helmet-like camera on his head, with the eye-holes functioning as shutters which are activated when others touch him for ten seconds. An LCD screen on the back of the head-piece lets people review the photo which has been taken.


東京の Human Cameraは我々に現実世界と結びつくことを思い出させてくれる

東京に拠点を置く新進メディアアーチストEric Siu 氏は、きっとといい気分になるような方法でテクノロジーとパフォーマンスを融合させた実にすばらしいアイデアを創造した。信じられないようなテクノロジーがほとんど日本という国の同義語とさえなっているこの国においてもきっとそうだ。


3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

The whole concept is rooted in the notion that our current society is in many ways increasingly isolated because of technology. Yes, we’re connected via our smartphones, but the extent to which we are getting lost in the digital world is something which worried Eric. Touchy is a result of rethinking our relationship with technology, and the joy that can come via offline communication.

I’m told that later on, Touchy could be further developed as a Kickstarter project, but nothing has been decided on when or how that might happen. Nobumichi Tosa of Maywa Denki fame has been a mentor on the project, and he has been involved with equally unique and fun devices like the Otamatone.




3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Speaking of 500 Startups, Cubie was also among one of the many new startups included in the latest batch for Silicon-Valley accelerator program. Over on the Cubie blog, the startup explains why joining the program is an important step in its growth into new markets:

500 Startups has, from its inception, shown kickass leadership from women and a focus on for-women services, strengths which we hope to take advantage of over the coming months. We want to learn how to better serve our users and reach out to new ones in North America and elsewhere. 500’s team of partners, mentors and coaches will, we think, be one of our best resources to achieve that.


500 Startupsというと、Cubie もシリコンバレーの最新のアクセラレータープログラム参加の1社に含まれていた。Cubieのブログで、同スタートアップは、企業の新市場における成長にとって、このプログラムに加わることがなぜ重要なステップなのかを説明している。

500 Startupsは創立当初から 女性の迫力あるリーダーシップを見せ、女性のためのサービスや女性のパワーに焦点を置いており、次の数か月、その利点を生かすことを期待している。北米や別の地域で、ユーザに、いかにより優れたサービスを提供し新規ユーザーに出会えるのかを学びたい。500 Startups のパートナー、助言者、指導者のチームはそれを達成する最高のリソースの1つだと我々は考えている。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

As we’ve pointed out over the past week, there is a strong field of mobile messaging apps coming out of Asia. Line from Japan, KakaoTalk from Korea, and WeChat from China are the most notable players to date. DeNA recently launched it’s Comm chat app, and yesterday we told you about Balloon, who just raised funding from Nissay Capital.

But the folks at Cubie say that they “don’t believe messaging is a zero sum game” and that in this field with no established leader yet, there is still a lot of opportunity for everyone involved. Cubie has been pushing a strong focus on services for women, so it may be able to ride that differentiator to stand out from the rest.


この1週間指摘してきたように、アジアにはモバイル・メッセージ・アプリの強力なフィールドが出てきている。日本のLine 、韓国のKakaoTalk、中国のWeChatは現在最も顕著なプレーヤーだ。DeNAは最近、Commチャットアプリをローンチし、昨日お話したBalloonはNissay Capitalから資金を調達したばかりだ。


3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

1.25 m Exterior fabric (quilting cotton, canvas, or décor weight cotton)
1 m Lining fabric (light to mid-weight fabric like quilting cotton)
1 m Sew-in or fusible interfacing or fusible batting/fleece (see notes below)
1 scrap of fusible interfacing for zipper pocket (3” x 10”/8cm x 26cm)
1 scrap of fusible interfacing for slip pocket (10” x 10”/26cm x 26cm)
2 scraps of heavy-weight fusible interfacing for magnet (1.5” x 1.5”/4cm x 4cm)
7” (18 cm) or longer zipper for interior pocket
14mm – 18mm Magnetic Snap Closure
Water-soluble Erasable Marking Pen, or Chalk Pencil
Rotary Cutting Tool, Mat, and Ruler (or a long meter or yard stick to measure)
4 Rectangular Rings 1 ½” wide (Inside measurements) or 1 ½ - 2” O-Rings


1.25 m 外装用織物(キルティングコットン, キャンバス, 又は装飾用厚地コットン)
1 m 裏地用織物(キルティングコットンのような薄地から中物織物)
1 m 縫込み又は接着芯かキルト芯/フリース(下記の注を参照)
ファスナーポケット用接着芯断片1 (3” x 10”/8cm x 26cm)
スリップポケット用接着芯断片1(10” x 10”/26cm x 26cm)
マグネット用厚地接着芯断片2(1.5” x 1.5”/4cm x 4cm)
内ポケット用 7” (18 cm) 以上のファスナー
14mm – 18mm マグネットスナップクロージャー
1 ½インチのレクタンギュラリング 4個 (内側の採寸用) または 1 ½ ~ 2インチの オーリング

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Participating brands have enjoyed extensive media coverage directly as a result of being featured in Interbrands publications. As participating brands represent the most powerful in their field we promote them as examples of best practice.

Coverage includes regular exposure on television, national radio, and the national and trade press. A comprehensive database of journalists from television and radio and press receive copies of Interbrands.
The publication serves as an invaluable reference source for journalists writing features about specific markets and brands or more general branding, marketing and business stories.




3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Interbrands TV is a new service offered exclusively to clients of Interbrands.
Through our production team in New York, brands which have attained the prestigious “Interbrands Status” can now bring their presentations in the Interbrands books to life though sound and pictures.

The IBTV video productions mirror the text and images from the brand presentations in the Interbrands books.

This is a great way to showcase the brands strengths and Interbrands Status through an important new digital delivery platform.
IBTV creates high quality video footage for our Interbrands clients.

Brands can use this footage to promote their brand stories and successes to their clients, shareholders, and within the brands supply chains






3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語


The Interbrands Council in each country is comprised of individuals who have shown exceptional aptitude in business and who have a thorough knowledge of that particular country’s markets and methods of business. The Interbrands Council members produce a shortlist of candidate brands from a list provided by our researchers (we list all brands available in the country that are widely available) we then invite the Marketing Directors of shortlisted brands to vote online for all the other brands and the scoring is tabulated to result in the top scoring brands being designated as Interbrands

The Interbrands are then notified of their status as Interbrands and invited to take part in the Award Event.



