Yumie (3_yumie7) 翻訳実績

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3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

Hi, I’m Nozomi Okuma, Marketing Manager at Conyac. My native language is Japanese and I’ve been studying English as a second language for almost half of my life. I don’t have much problem with speaking two languages but when it comes to translating, I realize that the ability that I need for speaking and translating is completely different.

The reason why I started to translate is because I wanted to use my bilingual skill and open up a career as a translator. I didn’t have any education in translation and it is obviously difficult for an inexperienced translator like me to get a job. But Conyac offers newcomers a chance to translate and to practice their translation.




3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Such were the terms of the treaty, to which they attached their names and seals and sent it to Rome to be placed in the custody of the Vestal virgins. Then they entertained each other, casting lots to determine the order of the ceremony. The first banquet took place on Pompeius' six-banked ship, moored alongside the mole.On succeeding days Antony and Octavian gave banquets, they too on the mole, in tents, on the pretext that thus all might participate, but perhaps really for their better security and to quiet apprehensions: for they did not even then neglect precautions. Their ships were moored alongside and guards were stationed around them, and the banqueters were girded with concealed daggers.At this banquet



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

from the arrogance of guards, from the running away of slaves, from the pillage of fields, from the ruin of agriculture, and, above all, from the famine that had pressed upon them with the greatest severity. So, as the triumvirs were proceeding on their journey sacrifices were offered in their honor as to saviours. The city would have given them a magnificent reception, had they not entered secretly by night in order to avoid jealousies. The only people disappointed were those to whom had been allotted lands belonging to men who were to be restored with Pompeius. They thought that they should have irreconcilable enemies dwelling alongside of them as landlords, who would do them injury whenever they could.



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

reluctantly conceded a fourth part of this property, promising to buy it from the present holders. They wrote to this effect to the proscripts themselves, hoping that this would satisfy them. The latter accepted all the terms, for they already had apprehensions of Pompeius on account of his crime against Murcus. So they gathered around Pompeius and besought him to come to an agreement. Then Pompeius rent his garments, declaring that he was betrayed by those for whom he had fought, and he frequently invoked the name of Menodorus as one most competent to command and his only friend.Finally, at the instance of his mother, Mucia, and of his wife, Julia, again the three men (Octavian, Antony, and Pompeius) came



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

together on the mole of Puteoli, washed by the waves on both sides, and with ships moored round it as guards. Here they came to an agreement on the following terms: That the war between them should cease at once both on land and sea, and that commerce should be everywhere unmolested; that Pompeius should remove his garrisons from Italy and no longer afford a refuge to fugitive slaves; that he should not blockade with his fleet the Ionian coast, but should govern Sicily, and any other islands then in his possession, as long as Antony and Octavian should hold sway over the other countries; that he should send to Rome the corn that had been long since required as tribute from those islands,and that he might have


両側から寄せてくる波に洗われながら、警備のために停泊する船と共にPuteoliの防波堤に共にやって来た。ここで以下のような条件で合意を締結した。双方の争いは陸海戦共に直ちに中止され、いずれの場所においても商業活動が妨げられないこと。Pompeiusはイタリアから駐屯隊を移動させ、今後は逃亡奴隷に避難所を提供しないこと。Pompeiusは自身の艦隊でIonian coastを封鎖しないが、AntonyとOctavianが他国を支配している限りにおいて、Sicilyと合意の時点で所有している島々を統治すること、Pompeiusは、それらの島々からの税金として長い間義務づけていたとうもろこしをローマに送ること、Pompeiusは

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Peloponnesus in addition: that he might hold the consulship in his absence through any friend he might choose, and be inscribed as a member of the Augurs' College. Such were the conditions accorded to Pompeius himself; while the nobles who were still in exile were allowed to return, except those who had been condemned by vote of the Senate for participation in the murder of Gaius Caesar. The property of the rest, who had fled merely from fear, and whose goods had been seized by violence, was all to be restored except movables, but proscripts were to receive a fourth part of theirs.Free persons who had thus served should, upon their discharge, receive the same rewards as those who had served under Antony.


加えてPeloponnesusを所有すること、Pompeiusは自分が選出するいずれかの友人を通して自分が留守中の執政官職を維持し、Augurs' Collegeの会員として登録されること。以上がPompeius自身と合意した条件だった。一方、Gaius Caesarの殺害に加担したために元老院の票決によって有罪判決を受けた者を除いては、依然として亡命中の貴族らは帰還が許された。恐怖のみが理由で逃亡した者、暴力によって財産が没収された残りの者達は動産を除いて全ての財産を回復したが、追放者は財産の4分の1を受け取ることになった。兵役についた自由人は除隊の際にAntonyの下で兵役を遂行した者と同額の褒賞を受け取ることになった。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

All the friends of Pompeius urged him with one accord to make peace, except Menodorus, who wrote to him from Sardinia either to prosecute the war vigorously or still to procrastinate, because famine was fighting for them, and he would thus get better terms if he should decide to make peace. Menodorus also advised him to distrust Murcus, who opposed these views, intimating that he was seeking power for himself. Pompeius, who had been vexed with Murcus lately on account of his high position and his stubbornness, became still more averse to him for this reason, and held no communication with him whatever, until, finally, Murcus retired in disgust to Syracuse. Here he saw some of Pompeius' guards following him,and



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

he expressed his opinion of Pompeius to them freely. Then Pompeius bribed a tribune and a centurion of Murcus, and sent them to kill him and to say that he had been murdered by slaves. To give credibility to this falsehood he crucified the slaves. But he did not succeed in concealing this crime, — the next one committed by him after the murder of Bithynicus, — Murcus having been a man distinguished for his warlike deeds, who had been strongly attached to that party from the beginning, and had rendered great assistance to Pompeius himself in Spain, and had joined him in Sicily voluntarily.Such was the death of Murcus. His other friends urged Pompeius to make peace, and they accused Menodorus of fondness of power

