#myusAs a commercial shipper we are required to comply with US export regulations. Shipments of a certain commodity and value will require extra paperwork for export purposes. This is required by the US Census Bureau to track what is being exported. Some shipments will require the EIN from the merchants in order to complete this necessary paperwork. Once the ship request has been submitted we will notify you if any further information is required by you. It is always recommended to request the merchants to include their invoice. This will provide us the accurate price and their contact information if this is necessary. Please let me know if I can be of further service.
輸送事業者として、弊社では米国の規定に従わなければなりません。輸送する商品によっては、それが輸出目的とする場合、さらに書類が必要なものがあります。これは米国Census Burearuが何が輸出されているのかを把握するために必要とされています。ある場合には、この必要書類作成のために、販売元のEINコードが必要なのです。出荷のご要望をいただきますと、さらに情報が必要な場合は弊社からお知らせいたします。販売者インボイスは常に一緒にご提出いただけるのがよろしいと存じます。これがあれば、もし必要が生じた場合にも、すぐに、商品の正しい価格や販売者のご担当者が分かります。まだお聞きになりたいことがありましたら、何なりとお尋ね下さい。
ebaWe noticed you have listings that are missing important details. While many of these details aren't required, your listings might benefit from these suggestions and you could be more successful on E.Listings missing item specifics:Use the bulk editing tool on B.com to update: 10 listingsConsider providing item specifics to help buyers search on eBay using filters such as brand or model.
I hope you are doing well. I see that your order arrives safely in Florida? I am reaching out to all of my export customers to find out if there are additional projects I can help with. I am trying to forecast your needs for the next several months. A couple of my bigger export customers have decided to place Blanket POs with me. That way their supply chain will not have periods of zero inventory. I am happy to do this with you as well if you chose. You would simply let me know how many pieces you want to send each month and I can release the orders once a month.
We have unanimously agreed to not produce the "Red RTC4", in it's place, we will manufacture this cage that we originally fell in love it. The cage and the body work is simply unparalleled and fits with TARC's vision for our next line of roll cage kit.The owner of this cage and body design has given us FULL permission to replicate his body design. We will put our own TARC touch as well but we will preserve the integrity of the cage and body design as originally intended.We have begun development for the "Green RTC4", this is a prelim CAD rendition of what the cage will look like. Lots of changes will be made before this can be tooled properly. Only two words can describe this cage - INSANELY GREAT!
Please find attached photo of PayPal payment.Please confirm you will send product .
I spent a lot of time with ○○ in the studio, and I really wanted to capture his intentions and messages while proposing a unique way to convey them visually. There are specific lyrics that strike me, and particularly his analysis of how we are at times like robots, everyday on our phones ‘looking like standing stones’. I was really interested in the idea of how the challenge of living with technology has turned us into repeats of the same. It’s a sort of individual statement on the loss of individuality through technology, done in a way that at the same time not only embraces it, but is dependent on it.
Please note that the following applies to international credit card orders placed on Zappos.com for delivery in the U.S. or a U.S. territory.Currently we can accept international credit cards on Zappos.com, if you are shipping to a US address or a US territory. However, our order system may not be able to automatically verify your information and we may contact you to perform a manual check.
以下の事項はZappos.com に国際クレジットカードでご注文をいただき、その配達先がアメリカ本土ならびにその領土の場合に適用されます。現在、Zappos.com では国際クレジットカードをご利用いただけますが、それはアメリカ及びその領土内に向けての出荷の場合です。しかし、弊社の注文処理システムが自動的にお客様の情報を確認することができない場合は、ご連絡の上、手動で操作をお願いすることもあります。
Go ahead and place your order online and provide a valid email address. We may contact you and request that you fax additional information so that we can process your order. For the billing information simply enter all the information on address lines 1 and 2, for the state enter AA, and for the zip code enter 99999. Once your order is placed online, please notate your order number and refer to this number if you have any questions about your order.
TIPS:(1) Our Chinese New Year vacation will be from 27th Jan to 7th Feb, during our vacation period, please contact us by email, we will reply you immediately we get back.(2) From 17th Jan to 13th Feb, our shoes facotry will suspend work, during this period, our shoes order will be sent out after 14th Feb.(3) From 17th Jan. to 18th Feb,the clothes which have notice will be arranged to send out after 15th Feb.
ご注意:(1) こちらのお正月休みが1月27日から2月7日までとなります。その間はメールでお問い合わせいただければ、休みが明け次第お返事いたします。(2) 1月17日から2月13日までは弊社の靴製造工場が操業を停止いたします。ご注文は2月14日以降に発送いたします。(3) 1月17日から2月18日までにお知らせいただきます衣類につきましては2月15日以降から発送手続きに入ります。
just checking, like poster, but has it got all that writing on it, as of course not clever enough to understand japanese, or is it your overlay, as I know alot of sellers put there marks over picture, to stop people copying them. so is all the writing shown on the poster?can you tell me if poster is shiny or dull, card or paper? if all writing shown is on and can you tell me what it means. Sorry to ask so many questions, but it is lot of money for me, but I do love ☆. when they are under the name of gifts are there any customs charges. would it be possible to send me the figure under the name of gifts without lowering their value. I fear the customs charges, and i would be grateful if they were reduced.
Amazon has been fulfilling our orders for these because we've been out of stock and they're coming in very slowly. We have another batch coming in and we'll get more shipped to you ASAP.
We received PT7. Thank you for your prompt action.However, on inspection, we have seen the shafts slightly bent as seen with the previous shafts. And rolling them on the table, we saw some gap between the shafts and the table at the center of the shafts.As this is the second time we see the same incident, we wonder if this is due to defect of the shafts or just designed specification.We are responsible for explaining to our customers, so if you could inspect the same patter or inquire with the manufacturer, it would be of great help.We are sorry to trouble you, but would appreciate your support.
i just bought the Shimano Antares from you. Does the friction control knob not work? i cant seem to get it to stop the line even with it turned fully on
I have 9 of the Martin guitar, MBPTG, in stock. There are 2 ways to go about ordering.1) register on line with us. Let me know what email address you use to register. Then, I'll log in and adjust the price in your shopping cart. This way, you can check out when it is convenient for you.Or,2) give me a call. I'll register you and process your order for shipment. Please let me know if you have any questions, or if there is anything I can do to help,
F7944It's not an invoice but an order that you sent to me. Is it possible to have an invoice please?
D 6302Good morning. Did you receive the details of the additional taxes I had to pay and which you offered to pay back to me ?
D 6302おはようございます。私が追加で請求されていた税ですが、返金してくださるというお話でしたけれど、詳細はお分かりになりましたか?
I think bidding can go upto $ ◯ as I am not sure how much shipping will be and what total cost will be all together, so it is hard to say a price without knowing the shipping.as another seller I use has just contacted me to say he has now decided to sell his cards and I told him that I was now in progress with the cards I want with someone else, so he has put them on ebay for $◯ so if the one you bid on is not sucessful, please let me know, so I can bid on the ones now advertised.but I was just wondering if you have the poster with the black panther round his neck and if so, how much would it be. I have sent picture, so hope it works. If not, you can see one on ebay, if you type in POSTERS.
ビッドは〇ドルまで行くかもしれないけど、送料がいくらなのか分からないので、総額がいくらになるかわからない。送料次第だね。よく使っている別のセラーから連絡があって、持ってるカードを売ることにしたと言うので、今ちょうど、他の人から買おうとしていると伝えたら、eBayに〇ドルで出した。だから、もしあなたが入札がうまく行かなかったら知らせてください。そうしたらそっちで入札してあげるから。時に、首元に黒豹が寄り添ってるポスター持ってる?もしあったらいくらでしょう?写真を送ったからわかるよね?もし分からなかったら、eBay で見てみて。POSTERSと入れれば出るから。
The time of delivery has come and gone. I ordered this way back in Nov. and expected it to be here by Christmas and was intended as a gift. I'm failing to see how it can take so long for something to arrive if in stock, and says is shipped. I have ordered many things from Japan from guitars to action figures, and it has never taken this long for something to arrive. I also fail to see why, if something is shipped, there is not tracking number. If I'm sending it half way around the world, I'd would want to track it, not only for myself, but my custome.r Please address this issue.
Because I want your good (I like this lunch box and the price). says the shipping is free and I just want to confirmed it (because I need the price+shipping below U$ 50,00 (100% sure about that))If you dont like my question, ok, I have another lunch box to buy. Buy if you want to sell, I will buy.
hanks for your email. Can you please confirm the last four digits of your payment method as we are unable to locate this order. We apologise for the inconvenience.