2-1.jpgはアスクル㈱ LOHACOのinvoiceです。この会社はinvoiceに購入者のaddress, phone number, email, or websiteを記載しません。しかし、invoiceが入った箱の宅急便伝票に私の住所が記載されています(2-2.jpg)。この箱には"invoice is inside"(納品書在中)と記載されており、2-1.jpgのinvoiceが入っていることを示しています。
また、2-1.jpgと2-2.jpgのIssuer's nameとPurchase dateは同一であり、2つが関連した印刷物であることを示しています。
3-1.jpgはMストアのinvoiceです。Mストアのinvoiceも購入者のaddress, phone number, email, or websiteは記載されません。しかし、商品発送の通知がメールで届いており、その中に私のaddress, phone number, emailが記載されています。
3-1.jpg is the invoice of M store. The invoice of M store does not list the buyer's address, phone number, email or website in the invoice, either. But I received an email notifying the delivery of the item, and my address, phone number and email address is listed in it.
3-1.jpg is an invoice of store M. The invoice of store M does not list the buyer's address, phone number, e-mail, or website either. However, the shipping notification of the merchandise was sent to me in which my address, phone number, and e-mail are listed.
3-1.jpg is an invoice of M store. M store’s invoice does not have a purchaser’s address, phone number, email address or website, either. But a notification email about shipping a product is sent, and the email has my address, phone number and email address.
3-1.jpgと3-2.jpgのOrder numberとPurchase dateがi一致していることをご確認ください。
This time, as we have not received the approval of beauty category, we limited the amount of the items purchased to the minimum amount, which can be stored in a box. Once we get the approval, we are going to increase the amount of these purchased items. Also, we will ship all of these cosmetics following the way of FBA shipping system.
We would appreciate your confirmation.
Since the beauty category has not been approved for this occasion, the quantity of purchasing merchandise is set to fit in one box which is the minimum. Once an approval is obtained, I will increase the purchasing quantity of these merchandises. Also, these beauty goods will be entirely handled in the FBA delivery method.
Thank you for your confirmation in advance.
This time I have not gotten an approval for the beauty product category, so I tried to put everything in one box, which is a minimum amount of purchase. Once I have an approval, I will be able to increase the number of purchase. Also, for these beauty products, I completely followed the FBA’s shipping methods.
Please confirm this.