zhizi Translations

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Over 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Chinese (Simplified)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
zhizi English → Japanese
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Does Gnip plan to expand to more Chinese services in the future? While Chris couldn’t name specifics, he did note that Gnip “plans to have broader coverage in China.” He notes that there are different conversations taking place on different networks, and that the idea that one social network could cover the entire conversation is “not realistic.”

As we mentioned a couple of weeks back, there are over 1000 Sina Weibo enterprise accounts for overseas. That’s certainly one sign that companies want to engage in conversation with Chinese users. “The appetite for more and more diversity in terms of conversation is growing,” says Chris.


Gnip は、将来さらに中国のサービスに手を広げていく予定なのだろうか?Chris は、具体的な名前を挙げることはできなかったが、Gnip は「中国からのデータ収集を広げる予定」で、ネットワークが異なれば会話も異なり、1つのソーシャルネットワークで全ての会話を網羅できるという考えは「非現実的だ」と述べた。

数週間前にお伝えしたが、Sina Weibo(新浪微博)の企業アカウントには1000以上もの外国企業が登録している。これは、企業が中国のユーザーと交流したいということを明らかに示している。「会話によって、さらなる多様性への欲求が高まっている」とChris は語る。

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SalingSilang Launches SXindeks, Tracks Indonesia’s Digital Conversations

We were at SalingSilang’s office last week and had the privilege to get a sneak peek at its new social media analytics product, SXindeks which launches today. This social media tracking and analysis product is unique, in the sense that it is built for the Indonesian market only. Brands in Indonesia would surely welcome SXindeks to help them understand what Indonesians are discussing in the social sphere. Right now, SXindeks only analyzes the digital conversations on Twitter but we were told that the team is working on Facebook tracking soon.


SalingSilang が「SXindeks」をローンチ、インドネシアのデジタル会話を追跡


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SXindeks is a keywords-based, real-time social media analytics platform that allows brands to understand who their influencers are, the sentiment of the community voice, the volume of tweets versus time period, etc. It also has a heat map to identify where the buzz is coming from geographically, but only tweets that are tagged with locations will be mapped. The information tracked and analyzed by SalingSilang’s SXindeks is particularly useful for brands. Beside knowing whether conversations are positive or negative, SXindeks’ tweet volume versus time chart allows brands to understand when is the best time to engage with Twitter followers.



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The heat map will help to identify key locations of its influencers, which might be a hint that more offline activities should be done there.

SXindeks allows multiple users to be assigned to a campaign. An administrator can also assign a particular tweet to one of the staff who might be a better person to address the issue at hand. This way, social media becomes like a customer service tool. Didi Nugrahadi, one of the founders of SalingSilang told me previously that he has long wanted to do a platform business. I guess he finally has one now and it looks like a big one as there aren’t any (as far as I can see) other social media analytics focusing just on Bahasa Indonesia.



「SXindeks」では、1つのキャンペーンに複数のユーザーを配置することもできる。管理者は、目の前にある問題に取り組む適任者をスタッフの中から1人選び、ある特定のツイートに対処させることも可能だ。そういう意味では、ソーシャルメディアはカスタマーサービスツールにもなる。SalingSilangの共同設立者Didi Nugrahadi氏に前回お会いした時、同氏は長い間ビジネスプラットフォームと手掛けたいと思っていると語っていた。それが、ついに実現したようで、しかもバハサ・インドネシアだけに特化したソーシャルメディア分析ツールは(私が知る限り)他にはないので、大きな影響力をもったプラットフォームのようだ。

zhizi English → Japanese
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The deals are categorized into Entourage, Mystery and Flash. Entourage deals are for those wanting to get more social with friends or take the risk of showing up and meeting new friends. Currently under the Entourage deal, they are offering a 2 night stay at a 5 Star hotel in Songkran for the World’s Biggest Water Fight for US$899 per person. Mystery deals allow more adventurous people who like surprises to turn up then find out where they will be staying. Currently there is a Bangkok deal for US$99 per room with an undisclosed hotel name. Flash deals are of course limited time deep discount offers. Currently there is a deal for the JW Marriot in Beijing from US$199 per room.


旅行プランには、「エントラージ」、「ミステリー」、「フラッシュ」の3種類がある。「エントラージ」は、友達とソーシャルな時間を過ごしたり、新しい友達をつくりたい人向けのプラン。今募集しているのはソンクラーンで行なわれる世界最大の水掛け祭りに行くツアーで、5つ星ホテルに宿泊する2泊3日のプラン。一人あたりの旅費はUS$899。「ミステリー」は、現地について初めてどこに泊まるのかが分かるサプライズ好きで冒険心のある人達向けだ。今は、バンコクのあるホテルに1部屋 US$99で泊まれる(宿泊ホテル名は行くまで分からない)プランがある。「フラッシュ」はもちろん時間限定で提供され割引率の高いプランだ。今提供されているのは、北京のJWマリオットホテルに1部屋US$199で泊まれるというプラン。

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To cater to people who don’t really know where they want to go but know what type of holiday they want to have, PrivéPass has also created different types of themed travel packages. For Andrenaline Junkies you can trek to Mount Everest. Feeling the need for a cultural fix? Head to Tibet to see through the eyes of the nomads. Drained from work and need to exhale your stress? Then party it up on a yacht in Shanghai. Need to relax and get away from it all? Then why not seclude yourself in a private island in Java. Need to rekindle your romance? Head to Montreal for the cobblestone pathways. Need to recharge with some sporting action? Head to the F1 racing circuits.



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Taobao Launches Pinterest Clone Wantu

Everybody in China seems to be getting into the Pinterest clone business these days, so perhaps it was only a matter of time. This morning, Taobao launched its own social photo-sharing platform. Unsurprisingly, it looks and acts a lot like Pinterest:

The site, which you can find at wantu.taobao.com, is called Wantu, or roughly: “Mischievous Rabbit.” I’m not sure what makes the rabbit so mischievous — perhaps it’s his apparent penchant for copying other people’s websites? — but the name does follow in what appears to now be the official Alibaba tradition of giving new products weird animal names.


Taobao、Pinterestのクローン 「Wantu」をローンチ



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It isn’t clear what this might mean for the new cooperation between Mogujie, China’s biggest indie Pinterest clone, and eTao, the ecommerce search platform that, like Taobao, is owned by Alibaba.

So, if you were in need of yet another Pinterest clone, uh, now you’ve got it. For the rest of us, this announcement is just further evidence to support the rumor I want to start about a new Alibaba cartoon TV show in which Sky Cat chases around Mischievous Rabbit. Or maybe they team up to fight crime. Either way, Alibaba, if you’re reading this, get to work!


この新しいサイトが 、 中国最大のインディーPinterest クローン である「Mogujie」と Alibabaが所有するTaobao のようなeコマース検索プラットフォーム「eTao」 との新たな提携にどう影響するのかは分からない。
