zhizi Translations

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Over 14 years ago
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
zhizi English → Japanese
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This partnership will provide Softbank and InMobi with opportunities to further explore global scale collaboration in the fast growing mobile ad market. It is also expected to generate further synergies between InMobi and Softbank, given the significant number of prominent Asian Internet companies in Softbank’s investment portfolio.

John Doerr, Managing Partner, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, said: “InMobi is a rapidly growing company in one of the most explosive technology sectors. InMobi delivers extraordinary value to publishers and advertisers globally. They are a leader in the mobile advertising revolution.”




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Social Media Engagement in China: Top 20 Luxury Brands

A new annual report from the L2ThinkTank has been released today, giving insights into which big-name luxury brands are best engaging with Chinese consumers in 2011. The researchers dub it a “China IQ” – a measure of a company’s effectiveness on the web and social media among China’s growing middle-classes.

The report’s authors stress that “success in the world’s fastest-growing prestige market is inextricably linked to digital competence.” They’ve identified a list of top 100 companies in this regard, but we’ll boil it down to 20 top web and social media engagers.

Before we identify those brands, how big is the luxury market in China?





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Top 20 “China IQ” List For 2011

And the winner is… Audi. The German carmaker has already been a hit in terms of sales in China, and now they’re getting better at digital engagement as well. The report praises the way that Audi “maintains presence on six different social media sites in addition to its own OurAudi.com.” The lead image shows Audi’s official Sina Weibo page. Now if only Audi drivers can raise their own IQ and stop driving like asses…

Second is Burberry, the British fashion label that we’ve seen working with check-in service Jiepang, and launching a new brand channel on Youku.


第1位は…アウディ。ドイツの自動車メーカーであるアウディは中国での販売量から見れば既に大成功していたが、今ではデジタルの活用も上手くなっている。リポートでは、アウディが「独自の OurAudi.comとは別に6つの異なるソーシャルメディアも活用している」ことを褒め讃えている。トップのイメージはアウディの新浪微博上の公式ページである。まぁ後は、アウディに乗る運転手がそれぞれのIQを高めて危ない運転を止めてくれさえすればいいのだが…。


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BMW is in third place, and rounds out the three companies that are labelled as “genius”-level in terms of digital engagement in China.

The Swedish – oh, wait, I mean Chinese – automaker Volvo had a good social media year with a Sina Weibo-based campaign in which Weibo users could design the plot of its next TV ad.

Going Up, Going Down…

Some brands had a good year, upgrading their status from “feeble” – such as the cosmetics company Benefit which made better use of Youku, Weibo, and Kaixin to promote its products. Likewise, Dolce and Gabbana raised their game this year, with a wider social media presence and even a new app for Nokia phones available in the Ovi app store.





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On the plus side, luxury companies are doing a better job of using Baidu’s paid search services, such as “brand zone.” This year, paid searches account for 31 percent of all online ad spending in China.

Shopping Overseas

Astonishingly, “fifty-six percent of Chinese luxury purchases are made abroad.” That’s because China’s middle-classes travel a lot these days, and they know that China’s excessive import taxes make things a lot cheaper overseas. Hong Kong, with its zero VAT, is especially popular. For fashion items, many like to go to the source, in France or Italy, where a strong RMB makes the price tags even more desirable.


