zhizi Translations

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Over 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Chinese (Simplified)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

There may be another reason, though. A recent study on the overseas Chinese experience by Huaqiao University revealed that less than one third of China’s overseas students have returned home since students from China began studying abroad in 1978. China’s blazing hot economy has increased its pull in recent years — that study covered from 1978 to 2009 — but numbers are still relatively low, and given that everyone from China’s wealthy to China’s corrupt officials seems to be moving out of China, it makes sense for the country to offer some incentives for students to come back and found tech companies that can bring China profit and prestige.



zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Japan’s Mobile Carriers Play Chicken with Smartphone Data Plans

On multiple occasions this week, Japan’s mobile carriers have publicly addressed a looming problem: networks are not prepared for the smartphone revolution (see here and here, subscription required). Smartphones still only comprise a small fraction of the mobile phones in Japan, but compared to so-called ‘feature phones’, smartphones use 10 to 20 times more data. By the year 2015 data traffic from smartphones is expected to increase 18-fold. Koji Tanaka, the president of Japan’s second largest carrier, KDDI (33.5 million subscribers), has admitted that without change the KDDI network will become overloaded.



今週数回にわたり、日本のモバイル企業は迫り来る問題について公表した。それは、スマートフォン改革のためのネットワークが準備が整っていないことだ(こちらとこちらと参照、購読必要)。未だ、日本でのスマートフォンの利用率はモバイルフォン全体のわずかにすぎないが、 スマートフォンは、いわゆる「フィーチャーフォン」と比べると10〜20倍のデータを使用する。2015年までに、スマートフォンのデータ・トラフィックは18倍に増えると見られている。日本で2番目に大きい通信会社のKDDI(契約者数3350万)田中孝司社長は、このままではKDDIのネットワークは過負荷になることを認めている。

zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

This week KDDI announced it will begin limiting data throughput speeds of smartphone users exceeding a data cap. This is an effort to combat an overall network slowing due to a handful of heavy data consumers (see Japanese press release). Beginning in October, smartphone users under KDDI that exceed three million packets (approx. 366MB) of data transfer during three consecutive days will have their data speeds limited on the fourth day. The speed limitations apply for 24 hours and are only expected to affect the top 3-4 percent of data consumers. NTT Docomo, Japan’s largest carrier (58.6 million subscribers) already has a near-identical system in place to combat overextending its network.



zhizi English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Mecox Lane Stock Price Has Dropped 90% Within A Year

Due to the stock market wobbles in the past few weeks, not only the market lost ground, but also brought disaster to some US- listed Chinese companies. Mecox Lane Limited, China’s leading online retailer of apparel and accessories(M18.com), who got listed on NASDAQ for less than a year, has dropped from $17.26 to less than $ 2 now, resulting in Mecox Lane investeors Sina and China Dongxiang Group loss more than 69 million US dollars.

Mecox Lane (NASDAQ:MCOX) went public in the US last November as China’s first B2C stock. At its debut Mecox Lane is trading at $17.50, $6.5 higher than the IPO price.


麦考林(Mecox Lane)の株価、1年で90%の下落


zhizi English → Japanese
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The closing price of Mecox Laneday is up to $17.26, raised 56.91%. Unfortunately, it actually became Mecox Lane’s highest price on NASDAQ–since then, the stock has dropped significantly.

On November 29, 2010, nearly one month after the IPO, Mecox Lane announced its third quarter financial results, which showed the company had a weaker-than-expected gross profit margin of 39.7 percent. Mecox Lane encountered several lawsuits by its U.S. investors for inaccuracies and misleading information in its IPO prospectus.

Also, its market value shrink from US$ 627 billion to US$ 11 million, which means in less than 10 months, the market value of MCOX has evaporated 0.517 billion US dollars.





zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

What Problems Do Tech Entrepreneurs Face in India?

Entrepreneurs across the world face a multitude of problems and the same holds true in India. In an early morning panel at TechSparks 2011 Bangalore, led by folks from Intel, Google, IBM, Flipkart and Sequoia Capital, the discussions centered on issues faced by the nation’s entrepreneurs.

A question was posted to the audience: “Besides access to capital, what are some of the problems you face?”

As you might expect, that drew quite a bit of reaction. I heard different answers, among them were marketing, mentors, networking, tech support, and inability to reach early adopters. Many of these are the same problems faced by all entrepreneurs.


世界中の起業家は多くの問題に直面している。このことはインドでも同じだ。バンガロールで開催されたTechSparks 2011の早朝討論会は、Intel、Google、IBMやFlipkartそしてSequlia Capitalからの参加者によって先導されたものだが、その時の議論の中心はインドの起業家が直面している問題であった。

