zhizi Translations

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Over 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Chinese (Simplified)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

The only factor that could count as a tie cut with Facebook is whether or not Project Z would introduce a platform currency that could compete with Facebook Credits. Right now, Zynga Facebook games accept only Facebook Credits as a means to purchase in-game currency in keeping with Facebook’s July 1 policy change. Currently, Facebook does not require Facebook Connect-enabled games to make Credits a payment option; but it does require games that run both on Facebook and other networks to enforce price parity between games. If Zynga offered a paid currency only for use in Project Z games, it would be a step away from the social network and toward actual financial independence.


Facebookとの提携が崩れると思われる唯一の要素は、「Project Z」が「Facebook Credits」と張り合うような通貨プラットフォームを導入するかどうかということだろう。現在、Facebook上のZyngaのゲームでは、Facebookが7月1日に行なった方針変更に基づき、ゲーム内の通貨を購入する手段として利用できるのは「Facebook Credits」だけである。現状では、Facebookは「Facebook Connect」によって利用できるゲームには、「Facebook Credits」を決済オプションにはしていないが、Facebookおよび他のネットワークの両方で利用できるゲームにはゲーム間の価格を同じようにするよう要求している。もし、Zyngaが 「Project Z」のゲームだけに支払通貨サービスを提供すれば、Facebookから1歩離れたことになり、事実上の経済的自立に向かうことになるだろう。

zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Thank you for your recent order. To process your order, we request
written confirmation sent by the credit card holder. Please reply
with your name as it appears on your credit card, the physical
address at which you receive your credit card statements and your
phone number. Also, include the bank name and phone number printed
on your card. Please do not include your credit card number,
expiration date or card verification number in your reply. Please
reply within 5 business days to prevent order cancellation.
Thank you, Footaction Payment Verification Department




zhizi English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Facebook Singapore Eyes Sales and Developers in Asia. No Office for Indonesia, Yet

What’s the function of Facebook’s Singapore office? Well, it’s pretty much still a sales office but it will now also focus on platform partnerships to help companies — both start-ups and big corporations — integrate/improve their products using Facebook, we learned today.

Alexander Kleinberg, Platform Partnership for the Asia region, says that he traveled around in several cities in an effort to reach out to developers across the APAC region. When asked about which emerging Asian markets have a strong community of developers, Kleinberg says that he is “impressed by the quantity and quality of the developers in Singapore.”





zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

I’m not sure if I would agree with that but that’s just Kleinberg’s opinion, which I respect. For me, I would say that Vietnam and India are places where one can find really technically capable people who are really building stuff and not hiding in a bank’s IT department office. And from what I understand, some Japanese companies are certainly looking at Vietnam for more developer talent.

Anyway, back to Facebook: events like Facebook Garage, f8 Singapore, Seoul, and the upcoming f8 Tokyo are evidence that Facebook is reaching out to the developer community across Asia. I had a question for the people in the picture above: what took Facebook so long to set up a base in Singapore?




zhizi English → Japanese
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As I last wrote, I do think that Facebook has what it takes to be successful in China. I’ve also said that it has to enter China quickly before Renren, its Chinese equivalent, gets all the market share. Looks like I was wrong there; now it’s Sina and Tencent Weibo that are keeping Chinese social users busy on the web. But there is still a role to play for Renren as a more traditional, friend-based social network, even if people are spending less time with it because of microblogs.

What about Facebook? Would the Chinese find a reason to use Facebook at all?


私が前回の記事で書いたように、フェイスブックには中国で成功する素質があると信じている。また私は、中国のフェイスブックとも言われる人人網(Renren)がマーケットシェアのすべてを奪い取る前に、フェイスブックは早急に中国に参入しなければならないとも述べたが、その点においては間違っていたようだ。今、ウェブ上で中国のソーシャルメディアユーザーを夢中にさせているのは、新浪(Sina)、騰訊(Tencent)、微博(Weibo)だからだ。しかし、たとえマイクロブログの台頭でユーザーが人人網に費やす時間が少なくなったとしても、 人人網にも従来通りの友人を基盤としたソーシャルネットワークとしての役割はある。

zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Well, besides all the product localization things that needed to be done, perhaps global pressure might be the answer to cracking the market. Instead of marching hastily into China, Facebook could be aiming to connect the rest of the world first. And perhaps, by then, it won’t be about Facebook wanting to go into China. Chinese would feel compelled to be on Facebook and be part of the majority, the world’s social network. The cynics might say that the Chinese don’t give a damn about being part of the world. China is the world, to a very large extent!

It’s all fantasy guesswork, but hey, it’s always fun to think about the problem, isn’t it?


サービスのローカライズをしなければならないことを除けば、おそらく、国際的なプレッシャーが中国市場を開く答えとなるだろう。フェイスブックは、急いで中国に進出するよりも、中国以外の国々を先につなごうとしているのかもしれない。そして、その他の国が繋がった頃には、 おそらくフェイスブックはもう中国に参入したがっていたフェイスブックではないだろう。中国はフェイスブックを受け入れ、世界のソーシャルネットワークというメインストリームの仲間入りをせざるを得ないように感じるだろう。皮肉な人は、中国がメインストリームの仲間入りをするなど、どうでもいい事だかもしれない。かなり大きく言えば、中国がメインストリームなんだから。

zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Baidu International Launches, Aimed at Global Brands

[Update: A Baidu International rep called us to clarify the launch. We were told that Baidu International is a partnership between China Search International and Baidu. It is set up to help international brands and ad agencies to run ad campaigns on Baidu's existing ad platform and thus help Baidu increase revenue in the international market. We have made changes to the first paragraph and title accordingly.]

Baidu, in partnership with China Search International, is launching ‘Baidu International‘ ad platform today, which it touts as a service “to help advertisers globally launch, manage and optimize on Baidu.”


「Baidu International」が開始、グローバルブランドを目指す
[アップデート:「Baidu International」の代表から同サービスの開始を明らかにする連絡があった。「Baidu International」は China Search InternationalとBaiduの提携によるもので、国際的なブランドや広告業者がBaiduの従来の広告プラットフォームで広告キャンペーンを行なう手助けをし、それによってBaiduもまた国際市場での収益を伸ばすことを目的として開設されたということだ。この記事では、最初の段落とタイトルそれぞれに変更を加えている。]

Baidu(百度)は China Search Internationalと提携し、本日「Baidu International」(広告プラットフォーム*)を開始した。同社は、これは広告業者が国際的な広告キャンペーンをBaidu上で行い、管理し、効率よく行なうのを助けるためのサービスであると宣伝している。

zhizi English → Japanese
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Now, before you dismiss this news, think about what it represents. It is an opportunity for the world to throw ads at China’s 500-million-strong internet users. And like it or not, Baidu is one of the best channels to reach Chinese netizens as it controls a whopping 83 percent of the Chinese search market.

The launch is essentially a partnership roll-out between China Search International and Baidu to help international brands and agencies to leverage Baidu’s ad platform , which were previously limited to just the Chinese-language, and mainly to companies with a local presence. Baidu International is based in Singapore – not Beijing HQ – and is also on Twitter.



このサービスは、China Search InternationalとBaiduの提携によるもので、国際的なブランドや広告業者がBaiduの広告プラットフォームを利用するのを手助けするために開始された。Baiduの広告プラットフォームでは、これまで、使用される言語は中国語だけで、しかも主に現地に事務所をおく企業に制限されていた。「Baidu International」は、北京本社ではなく、シンガポールが拠点となっていて、ツイッターのアカウントもある。

zhizi English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Brand Zone: The brand zone pushes the company’s messages right up to the top of the search results page. For example, if you search for French fashion brand Chanel (pictured below), you will realize that all the links are from the company’s Chinese website. These links could communicate PR or sales messages to users. It allows companies to take control of the communication with potential consumers and also build their brand image.

We asked Baidu International for more details, and a representative explained to us that Baidu International is semi-self-serving. Here’s his explanation:



我々は、「Baidu International」に更なる詳細を聞いてみると、代表者は「Baidu International」は半セルフサービスであると述べ、次のように説明した。