Violet (violet) Translations

ID Unverified
About 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
violet English → Japanese
Original Text

Russian site has created a mockup of what such an iPhone could look like [Google Translate]. One significant part that the video gets incorrect is that the original rumor claimed the larger phone will come with an 8-megapixel camera, whilst the video says it will have a 12-megapixel camera. Instead, an update to the iPhone is said to come before the holiday season this year, upgrading the lens to 12-megapixels.

Considering the sketchiness of the "iPhone Math" rumor and the lack of any specific claims about how Apple would handle the larger display in iOS, the mockup video should primarily be viewed as a concept giving a general idea of what such a device might look like.


ロシアのAppleDigger.ruは iPhoneの可能性を具体化した映像を作った(グーグル翻訳)
そのビデオが間違いであったことのひとつに、大きな iPhoneのカメラが12メガピクセルではなく8メガピクセルであったことがあげられる。そのかわり、 レンズを12メガピクセルにするというiPhoneへのアップデートは今年のホリデー前には行われるといわれている。

"iPhone Math"のうわさの不完全さやアップルが iOSを大表示でどのようにあつかうのかについての意見の不足を考えると、具体化した映像はそのデバイスに対する一般的なアイディアを与えるものに過ぎないと捕らえるべきだ。

violet English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

It is no trouble, we can send to that address. I am assuming that you do NOT want the express shipping still. I have attached a new invoice with free shipping.
The shipping method we will use is USPS Priority mail to the Florida address. It will arrive to Florida in 2-3 days after we receive payment.
Express mail would take 2-3 days also so in this case it is not faster than Priority to Florida.

Please include the Florida address you want the items sent to in your purchase notes in PayPal or make sure it is one of your “Verified addresses” in PayPal
when you pay so that we can reference it in the event of a claim or lost package.
Thanks again,
Eric McCormick
Sportsman Survival


私たちがフロリダのアドレスまで送るのに使う配送会社はUSPS Priority mailです。私たちが納金を確認してから2~3日で到着します。


Eric McCormick
Sportsman Survival