石村達雄 (tatsuoishimura) Translations

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Over 12 years ago Male 70s
Japanese (Native) English French
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

Web Readiness: The Index examines the quality and extent of Communications Infrastructure (facilitating connectivity to the Web) and Institutional Infrastructure (policies regulating Web access and skill and educational levels enabling the full benefit of the Web).

Web Use: The Index looks both at Web usage within countries (such as the percentage of individuals who use the Internet) and the content available to these Web users .

The Impact of the Web: The Index uses social, economic and political indicators to evaluate the impact of the Web on these dimensions. This includes measures of social networks, business internet use and e-participation.


インデックスは、「通信インフラ(Communications Infrastructure)」(ウェブへの接続性を容易にする)、および「制度的インフラ(Institutional Infrastructure)」(ウェブの最大限の恩恵を可能にするウェブ・アクセスとスキル、および教育レベルの管理方針)の品質と規模を調べます。



tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

Much of the Web research that exists today measures quantifiable metrics, such as the number of Web users, speed of access to the Web, the number of broadband subscribers, or covers particular single-dimensions such as economic impact or censorship. Tim Berners-Lee recognized that in order to better measure progress to developing a more open and meaningful Web, and for the Web to attain its full potential as a transformative tool that can improve living standards, reduce conflict and improve governance and well-being, it is important to understand how the Web impacts social, developmental, economic and political dimensions as well.



tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

Designed and produced by the World Wide Web Foundation, the Web Index is the world’s first multi-dimensional measure of the Web’s growth, utility and impact on people and nations. It covers 61 developed and developing countries, incorporating indicators that assess the political, economic and social impact of the Web, as well as indicators of Web connectivity and infrastructure. This is the first edition of the Web Index, which will be published annually. It will eventually allow for comparisons of trends over time and the benchmarking of performance across countries, continuously improving our understanding of the Web’s value for humanity.



tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

Each Augustus Hare tie is conceived as a work of beauty, using a colour palette that is neither plain nor brash, and is consistent with design that aims for elegant playfulness and subtle eccentricity.

We are passionate about using English craftsmen. We have sourced woven silk from a mill in Suffolk that was founded by Huguenot artisans in the 1720s and remains run by the same family today. Our printed silk is hand screen printed in Macclesfield, the historic silk centre of the UK, in a mill that has been printing since the Eighteenth Century. Every Augustus Hare product is thoughtful, tactile and hand-touched.




tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

①Thank you for contacting A Seller Support. There is absolutely no doubt that you are providing your effort to ensure great customer service.

But, please know, as per A policy sellers should not send any confirmation mails to the buyers, as this may lead to confusion also we had instances of seller redirecting buyers to third party sites or providing personal information.

Hence, it would be recommended not to provide any personal information or link in the buyer seller messages. In rare instances, you may provide as an exception and keep the seller performance team noted, so that they consider this while reviewing your account, if needed.


①「A 売り手サポート」へのご連絡ありがとうございます。あなたが多大な顧客サービスを確実にする努力をされていることはまったく疑いがありません。



tatsuoishimura English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

The rediscovery of civil society, I have suggested thus far, is an important development in both contemporary political theory and practice. Especially when we understand civil society as a third sector out side of and anchoring both state and economy, the theory of civil society reveals powerful means of enhancing democracy and social solidarity. These functions have been relatively neglected by political theorists concentrating on state and economy. Renewed interest in civil society, however, coincides with new expressions of scepticism about state institutions. Anti-state sentiment in many parts of the world has helped to create conditions for dismantling state enterprises, regulatory and planning functions,



tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

If you use the Add a Product tool to list your SKUs, you should disregard the Listing Quality alert for this listing and move to the next listing with an alert.If you use feeds to list your SKUs, you are receiving this message because the listing you are trying to fix was created using an inventory file or XSD for the wrong category, or the listing was assigned the wrong item-type-keyword. To fix the Quality alert, relist the SKU using the correct inventory file or XSD and assign an item-type-keyword that matches the item’s category.


「製品を追加する(Add a Product)」ツールを使って最小在庫管理単位(SKU)をリストする場合は、このリスティングに対するListing Qualityアラートを無視し、アラートを受け取ったら次のリスティングに移らなければなりません。フィードを使ってSKUsをリストする場合は、確定しようとしているリスティングが間違ったカテゴリーのインベントリー・ファイル、またはXSDを使って作成されたか、またはリスティングが間違ったアイテムタイプ・キーワードを割り当てられたために、このメッセージを受け取ることになります。Qualityアラートを修正するには、正しいインベントリー・ファイルまたはXSDを用いてSKUを再リストし、そのアイテムのカテゴリーにマッチするアイテムタイプ・キーワードを割り当ててください。

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

This arrangement also may allow one or more of the cells to be selectively removed from the plurality, which may be desirable from a manufacturing perspective.

While Apple lists a variety of products that could take advantage of the flexible battery designs, it does specifically mention “wristwatches” in the patent application. From the patent drawing above, we can easily see how it could be beneficial for its much rumored iWatch.

As we inch closer to expected fall hardware releases for Apple’s mobile lineup, rumors of an ‘iWatch’ smart watch product from Apple continue to heat up. The latest proof comes from a series of trademark applications for ‘iWatch’, many of which have been directly linked to Apple.





tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

These relationships are the cornerstone of WCF’s business model and allow for greater control and flexibility in the design process as well as a higher quality of materials and labor.

Kristen Wentrcek spent several years working in real estate development before striking out on her own to form Wintercheck Factory. Her experience in high-end architecture and construction combined with her interest in manufacturing processes and simple, affordable design led to the creation of a company in which she could control the entire process, from idea to finished product. Kristen lives on the Lower East Side and works out of her studio in Bushwick.



Kristen Wentrcekは、不動産開発で働くことに数年を費やしてから、独立してWintercheck Factoryを作りました。ハイエンドの建築と建設における彼女の経験が、製造プロセスとシンプルで手頃なデザインに対する関心と組み合わさり、彼女がアイデアから完成品までの全プロセスをコントロールできる会社の創設につながりました。クリスティンは、ロワー・イーストサイドに住んでいて、ブッシュウィックの彼女のスタジオで仕事をしています。