Shino Case (sweetshino) Translations

ID Verified
About 13 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
sweetshino English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

I truly regret to hear that your shipment arrived missing items. We will need to file a damaged claim with DHL. Please complete and sign the attached document and email this information to us at along with the following supporting information:

1. Copy of the merchant invoice or receipt
2. Photos of inside and outside of box
3. Completed and signed Claim Form (attached to email)

Please be aware that we can only file a claim up to the declared value of the damaged item(s). DHL only allows 30 days for us to submit the claim from the date your shipment was sent. Please provide us with the necessary documentation at your earliest convenience and a claim will be filed immediately.





sweetshino English → Japanese
Original Text

Interbrands pays tribute to the strongest brands in the country. Comprehensive distribution and public relations programmes have built significant audiences for Interbrands in the media, communications and education arenas, as well as public and industry sectors.

Enclosed is a link to our website where you will find a list of brands in contention for the accolade of Interbrand Japan.
We would be most appreciative if you would grade this list of brands on a scale of 1-10 in the boxes provided after considering the market achievements and strengths of the nominated brands.
Also, if you feel there are other brands that warrant consideration, please add them to the final section.




sweetshino English → Japanese
Original Text

While scoring the brands please keep in mind the definition of a Interbrand:
“A Interbrand offers consumers significant emotional and/or tangible advantages over its competitors which (consciously or subconsciously) consumers recognise and want.”

- Each brand must be given a score between 1 and 10 (10 = V. high, 1= V. low).

- Do not score any brand with which you are currently involved or competing with (your score will be an average of the scores given by all other members).

- Keep in mind that we are concerned only with each brand’s status within Japan.

- Some brands appear in more than one category. The brand should be scored according to its status in the particular category in which it is placed.


― 各ブランドは、1から10の段階で点数をつけること。(10が一番高く、1が一番低い)
― 現在関与しているブランド、もしくはその競合である場合は点数をつけないこと。(貴方のブランドの点数は他のメンバー全員からつけられる事になります)
― 日本国内における各ブランドの状況のみに関心があることを念頭において下さい。
― いくつかのブランドは1つ以上のカテゴリーに出て来る事があります。そのブランド該当するカテゴリーにおける状況を考慮して点数をつけてください。

sweetshino English → Japanese
Original Text



Alibaba-owned Taobao is no stranger to e-commerce industry. The C2C giant sells almost everything, literally, from notebooks to vehicles. Unlike its western counterpart, eBay, Taobao owes its success as the market leader in this industry by notably offering free registration for its users.



Another Alibaba-owned business, Tmall focuses on B2C services. Its a virtual mall that plays host to many brands’ main online retailing presence, notably companies like Gucci, Calvin Klein, Burberry and many more. Our most recent market share report notes that Tmall is the leader by a wide margin with 41.5 percent of revenue in 2012 Q2.


個人間電子取引(Consumer to Consumer)

一般消費者向け電子取引(Business to Consumer)


sweetshino English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

The example reports here show just a few of the things you can do with BIRT. Unless otherwise noted, the reports are meant to be run against the "Classic Models Inc." sample database that is included in the BIRT download.

Preview a report by clicking on the title link. To try a report for yourself, click on the rptdesign link to display the ROM file, save it to disk and then use File-->Import to bring the file into your Eclipse workspace. If the report uses the Classic Models database, you should be able to run the report immediately. If the report uses another database, follow the instructions provided in the "Other Notes" section of its description.


本稿で紹介されている報告書例はBIRTで作成可能な内のほんの一部分に過ぎません。注釈がない限りは、報告書例は、BIRTダウンロードに含まれている「Classic Models 社」のサンプルデータベースに対して作成されています。

リンクになっている題名をクリックして報告書を参照してください。報告書を作成して見たい場合は rpdesignリンクをクリックしてROMファイルを表示し、ディスクに保存して下さい。そして、FileImportを利用し、Eclipseワークスペースへファイルを移動してください。報告書がClassic Modelsのデータベースを利用している場合、その報告書をすぐに作成できます。もし報告書が別のデータベースを利用している場合は、「Other Notes」にある指示に従ってください。

sweetshino English → Japanese
Original Text

Another patient, 86 years old and periodically confused, often stood before the mirror in his hospital room and rhythmically chanted either happily or angrily. He was especially given to angry flare-ups and crying spells over food, money, and clothes. When angry he would screech obscenities at his mirror image, so savagely beating his fist upon a nearby table that the staff tried to protect him by covering the mirror. But in contrast to the first patient he denied that the image was himself, and when an observer came up beside him and said, “See, this is me in the mirror and there you are in the mirror,” he smiled and said, “That’s you in the mirror all right, but that’s not me.”



sweetshino English → Japanese
Original Text

Every country will have to order in advance (during the export meeting or the latest one week after the export meeting!) the total and fixed quantity of all items needed.

This year we would like to offer all countries the opportunity to test this kind of procedure.
In the folder “Export Meeting April 2012” (on the ftp-server) you will find the document “Overview of the new items with pictures”.
In this list, there is a column “your order qty.”:
please give your prognosis of the most wanted items listed in this list.
Please send us the list filled in, at the latest on the 31st of May 2012.

We will summarize all orders and inform you!"

Please be aware that this is only a test and not a fix order.



”Export Meeting April 2012"(ftp サーバー)フォルダー内に、貴方の”Overview of the new items with pictures"の書類があります。
このリストの中に、”your order qty" (発注数)というコラムがあります。



sweetshino English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

With many of the companies with which we work we use to make forecasts even for all the year and, of course, this is part of our job.

BUT, no one of these companies asks us for a fixed order for all the year!

We pay to [] an annual fee to be proud to be distributor in our Country.

Our prices are always higher enough to impede us to be competitive compare to German Countries.

In Italy we can’t see all over an important region like South Tyrol, because these customers can easily receive the goods from Austria and Germany with a lower prices.

Now you ask us to make order in advance for all the year. Should we have some economic advantage?








sweetshino English → Japanese
Original Text

There are lots of things that regular people can do but dads can't.
Dads can't pitch a baseball very hard or hit one very far.
When dads play hide-and-seek they always get found, but they have a hard time finding you.
They aren't very good wrestlers.
Dads lose at checkers and cards and almost every other game.
Dads like to go fishing but they don't like to go alone.
And they need extra practice baiting the hook.
Dads don't seem to be able to drive very fast.
Dads seem to have trouble holding on to their money.
Dads can't see you hiding your lima beans at dinnertime or feeding them to the cat.
Dads like to give baths but they can't help getting all wet.



sweetshino English → Japanese
Original Text

There are many things that can sabotage you on a job interview.
A swearword tattoo to cross your knuckles,...
...drunken karaoke videos on your MySpace page...
...or having ever worked for hotnewz.
Just kidding.
But one you may not be aware of is your body language.
Greg Hartley, author of Body Language Expert, explains.
About 85% of everything you say is not with words.
It's with the tone of your voice,...
...with your body language, with how you sit, with the way you look at someone.
When you go to a job interview, one of the first things to remember is the younger you are, the more energy you are liable to have.
And that energy will lead through things called adaptors.


ボディランゲージ専門書の著者であるGreg Harleyはこう説明する。