スマホで富士急ハイランドワンマンライブのオリジナル写真集が作れるようになりました!大変お待たせ致しました!遂に a-PRESSO のスマホアプリがリリースされました!今までスマホでは公式ブックのみご購入可能でしたが、a-PRESSO アプリでスマホでも自作ブックが作れます!世界にたったひとつ、あなただけのオリジナルフォトブックを是非作成してみてください!
You can make an original collection of Fujikyu Highland Solo Live Concert by using smart phone.Thank you for waiting. Finally the smart phone application of a-PRESSO was released.You have been allowed to purchase only official book at the smart phone so far,but you can make your own book at the smart phone by using the a-PRESSO application.Why don't you make your original photo book that is the only one in the world.
■アプリのダウンロードの前に会員登録が必要ですhttps://ici.canon.jp/profile/tailor/entry/preRegister_fromAWPB.do■Apple App Store からダウンロードhttps://itunes.apple.com/jp/app/a-presso/id1049220835?mt=8
You have to register as a member before downloading the application.https://ici.canon.jp/profile/tailor/entry/preRegister_fromAWPB.do■Download from Apple App Storehttps://itunes.apple.com/jp/app/a-presso/id1049220835?mt=8 英語に翻訳してください
※場合によっては、予告なく1回の会計での購入点数に制限を設ける場合も有りますので、ご了承ください。展覧会限定グッズのほか、既存アイテム、メンバープロデュースアイテムなど多数販売予定です!!ATTACK ALL AROUND10(展)、盛り上がっています!!ぜひ会場に遊びに来てくださいね☆
*In some cases, you might be able to purchase limited number of items at one purchase without notification.We appreciate your understanding in advance.We are going to sell existing items and items produced by the members in addition to the items thatare sold only in the exhibition.Attack All Around 10 (exhibition) is so excited.Why don't you go there?
会場:広島パルコ本館10Fクラブクアトロ 入場料:一般 500円・学生 400円(小学生以下無料)AAA Party会員 100円割引(入館時にAAA Partyの会員証、またはAAA Partyサイトのログイン画面をご提示ください。※会員証がお手元にない方はAAA Partyサイトのログイン画面をご提示ください。)※有料入場者には展覧会オリジナルチケットをランダムでプレゼント(全7種)※<PARCOカード・クラスS>ご提示で入場無料※<PARCOカード>ご提示で入場料半額
Venue: Hiroshima Parco main building 10th floor Club QuattroAdmission: 500 Yen for adult 400 Yen for student (admission is free for those who are elementary school student or younger than that)AAA Party member: Discount by 100 Yen(Please show an identification card of member of AAA Party or log in screen of AAA Party website when you enter the building.*If you do not have the identification card of member of AAA, please show the log in screen of the AAA Party website.)*We will give the original ticket of exhibition (7 kinds in total) at random to those who enter by paying the admission.*The admission is free if you show <Parco card・ class S>.*The admission is half if you show <Parco card>.
*"Around" zoneAAA has 10th year anniversary thanks to support and fever of the fans (Around) who support it.Please complete the logo of AAA by leaving your feverish support in the message.*We will hand out 1 piece of message form to each person when you enter the hall.*Upon filling out a message, please put it in the box for it.*You complete the logo of the AAA by the message little by little every other day.
12/31にAAA年越し単独ライブ開催決定!!12/31にAAA年越し単独ライブ開催決定!!日時:12/31(木)タイトル :未定会場:東京体育館開場:未定開演:未定※開場開演時間は未定です。※公演は深夜の開催になる予定です。※深夜公演のため、未成年者は必ず保護者の同意が必要です。【ファンクラブ先行申し込み対象者】2015年11月18日(水)までにご入会した方で、2015年11月以降の有効期限がある方が対象。
The live concert of AAA by carrying forward to the new year on December 31stIt was decided that the live concert of AAA by carrying forward to the new year is held on December 31st.Time and date: December 31st (Thursday)Title: UndecidedVenue: Tokyo Gymnasium Opening and start: Undecided*The opening of the hall and start of the concert have not been decided yet.*The concert will be held at midnight.As it is the concert held at midnight, those who are under 20 years old need an approval of parents.(Those who are allowed to apply for fan club by priority)Those who joined the fan club until November 18th Wednesday 2015 and whose effective period is after the November 2015.
We do not guarantee the expenses for transportation and staying at a hotel if the concert is stopped or postponed.If you are going to participate in the concert by wheelchair on the day, please contact the inquiry at each concert.If a trouble occurs on the day of the concert, you have to negotiate with the staff in the hall by yourself and solve it.The sponsor, hall and artists are not responsible for the accident or trouble that occur on the day before or after the concert. We appreciate your understanding in advance.
12/3(木) JFN「上村愛子の一段一段いってみよう!」※4週連続配信JFN「上村愛子の一段一段いってみよう!」ゲスト出演 日時:12/3(木)配信から ※4週連続配信http://www.jfn.jp/RadioShows/aiko★エリアにより放送日時が異なります。詳しくは番組ホームページでご確認お願い致します。
JFN "Go step by step by Aiko Uemura" on December 3rd Thursday *Distribute 4 weeks consecutivelyAppear as a guest at JFN "Go step by step by Aiko Uemura"Time and date: Distribute from December 3rd Thursday *Distribute 4 weeks consecutivelyhttp://www.jfn.jp/RadioShows/aiko*It is broadcasted at different time in each area. Would you check the details on the website?
『KODA KUMI 15th Anniversary LIVE The Artist』会場購入者特典決定!!!・当日撮影が入る可能性がございます。お客様が映りこむ可能性もございますので、予めご了承ください。◆イベントに関するお問い合わせ◆0570-064-414 (平日 11:00~18:00)
We decided a special bonus for those who purchase the item at the hall of "Kumi Koda 15th Anniversary Live The Artist"!!!On the day of the concert, the concert might be filmed.You might also be filmed. We appreciate your understanding in advance.Inquiry for event0570-064-414 (11:00 to 18:00 on weekdays)
※開演後にご当選されたステッカーをご持参いただいても無効とさせていただきます。※特典はなくなり次第、終了となります。※詳しくは各会場のCD/DVDブースにてご確認ください。 <販売開始時間>2015/12/1(火) 大阪城ホール 13:30~2015/12/2(水) 大阪城ホール 13:30~2015/12/5(土) さいたまスーパーアリーナ 12:00~2015/12/6(日) さいたまスーパーアリーナ 12:00~
*If you bring the sticker that you won in the lottery after the concert, it is invalid.*We will end when we sell out the special bonus.*Would you check the details at CD/DVD booth in each hall?(Start of the sales)Osaka Castle Hall: 13:00 on December 1st Tuesday 2015Osaka Castle Hall: 13:30 on December 2nd Wednesday 2015Saitama Super Arena: 12:00 on December 5th Saturday 2015Saitama Super Arena: December 6th Sunday 2015
※各日程・公演ともに商品がなくなり次第、終了となります。<対象公演 日程・会場>2015/12/1(火) 大阪城ホール2015/12/2(水) 大阪城ホール2015/12/5(土) さいたまスーパーアリーナ2015/12/6(日) さいたまスーパーアリーナ【注意事項】 ※必ずお読みください・お客様、アーティストの安全を第一に考え、防犯上、手荷物検査、手荷物一時預かりをさせて頂く場合がございます。
*We will end as soon as we sell out the items at each concert on each day.(Schedule and venue of the concert)Osaka Castle Hall: December 1st Tuesday 2015Osaka Castle Hall: December 2nd Wednesday 2015Saitama Super Arena: December 5th Saturday 2015Saitama Super Arena: December 6th Sunday 2015(Notes)*Please do not fail to read.By considering safety of customers and artists, we might check or keep your personal belongings temporarily.
・会場内には、警備配置を行い、万全を期した上での運営をさせて頂きますが、 不審な人物、不審な物を見かけた場合には、近くにいる警備員にお声掛け下さい。・公演チケットをお持ちでないお客様もご参加いただけます。・お客様のご都合により参加出来なかった場合、商品代金のご返金は出来ません。◎当選に関して・ご当選はステッカー下部の抽選部分をめくってご確認ください。ご当選された方はその場で≪お見送り参加券≫と引き換えさせていただきます。
We manage the concert by setting a security and preparing by 100 percent.However, if you witness an unidentified person or item, please contact a guard near you.Those who do not have the ticket of the concert are also allowed to participate in it.If you cannot participate due to your reason, we do not issue you a refund for the item.Winning the lotteryYou can check if you won or not by checking the part of lottery at the bottom of the sticker.Those who won the lottery will receive participation ticket of seeing off in the hall.
Only the person him or herself can participate in this event. We do not allow that those who are older than 3 years old are accompanied by someone.As this event is held after the live concert, those who are younger than 20 years old must participate in it by obtaining an approval of parents.We assume that those who are under 20 years old and participate in it participate in it after obtaining the approval of the parents.Those who participate in this event must come to the designated area within 20 minutes after the end of the live concert on the day (we will announce to those who won in the lottery on the day of the concert).We will check the participation ticket of seeing off when you enter the hall on the day of the concert.
・≪お見送り参加券≫の紛失・盗難・破損等理由の如何を問わず再発行いたしません。・≪お見送り参加券≫の転売行為、コピー、偽造は固く禁止します。転売等によって入手した参加券は無効とします。 ◎イベントに関して・チケットをお持ちでないお客様もご参加いただけます。・本イベントはライブ終演後の実施となりますため、予めご了承ください。・当日の状況次第で、開始時間に大きく時間を要する可能性がございますので、予めご了承ください。
We do not reissue the (Participation ticket of seeing off) regardless of the reason such as loss, theft, damage and other reasons.We strictly prohibit you from reselling, copying and falsifying the (participation ticket of seeing off).The participation ticket obtained by reselling and other reasons is invalid.EventThose who do not have the ticket can participate in it.This event will be held after the end of the live concert. We appreciate your understanding in advance.The start of the event is subject to change drastically due to the situation on the day of the event.We appreciate your understanding in advance.
・諸事情によりイベント内容の変更やイベントが中止となる場合がございます。その際、商品の返品・払い戻しは行いませんので予めご了承下さい。・当日の交通費・宿泊費等はお客様負担となります。また、イベント中止・延期の場合、旅費などの補償はできません。・当日は係員およびスタッフの指示および注意事項に従ってください。指示に従わない場合、参加をお断りすることがあります。 指示に従わなかった結果、混乱や事故が起こっても、主催者側は一切責任をとることができません。
Due to some reasons, details of the event might be changed or the event might be stopped.In such a case, we neither accept returning of the items nor issue you a refund.We appreciate your understanding in advance.You must pay for expenses for transportation and staying at a hotel on the day of the event.We do not pay for the expense for transportation if the event is stopped or postponed.We ask you to follow the instruction of the staff on the day of the event.If you do not follow it, we might refuse your participation.If confusion or accident occurs as a result that you do not follow the instruction, sponsor is not responsible for it.
Announcement for details of accepting ticket of "Sueyoshi Shuta Birthday Event" that is limited to fan clubShuta Sueyoshi announced that he "wants to express his gratitude to members of the fan club" in commemoration of his birthday.Then we decided to hold a talk event only for the fan club. Why don't you join us?(Schedule)December 14th Monday(Part 1) Opening: 17:00Start of event: 17:30 (Scheduled)(Part 2)Opening: 19:30Start of event: 20:00(Scheduled)*We will decide time when you come to the hall in accordance with reference number.After you make a payment, we will contact you by e-mail again.
There is a slight space between white part and gray part of the dome.I feel that water leaks into the dome through this space.Can I use the dome under this kind of condition?If I cannot use it, how should I repair?
We are supplying beauty items to our valued customers, to their entire satisfaction.Furthermore we ask you to please visit our web site www.kay.com for more information about our quality products. we will send you our samples for quality checking on your demand. -Would you be so kind as to advise me on manufacturers and models that I should consider? Additionally, I am interested in acquiring Filarmonica 14 type "Para Barbas Duras" with the Jose Monserrat Pou engraved on the spine should you happen to be able to get one or more of these. I thank you in advance and look forward to your reply. -Would I need to pay extra to have it sharpened?
We are sorry to be late in replying you.Regarding sending, we handle only EMS.However, as you are so enthusiastic, we can send by SAL this time although we have not used it.We have the following conditions for it.1. SAL does not have a term of guarantee for the lost item.2. We cannot carry out undervalue.3. It takes long time for delivery of the items due to Christmas and year end & year beginning season.Weight : 4,200 gramsIn case of EMS, it is 8,600 Yen.If we use the SAL, we can send it at 7,300 Yen.Which one would you prefer?
You might have heard from X.The company that we have business with wants to have information such as philosophy and historyof the winery.Philosophy for making wineHistory as wineryPositioning as a manufacturerVolume of agricultural chemicals used and how to grow grapesVolume of production and area where the grapes are grownAnnual report of the harvest between 2014 and 2016 If you have above information, would you let us know?(Or would you indicate a place on website where we should refer to?=