sosa31 Translations

ID Unverified
Over 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
sosa31 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

At graduation time Albert was recruited heavily and was quickly hired by United Global Advance Technologies, better known as UGAT. UGAT is a Chicago-based high technology company with worldwide operations. He settled in quickly and rapidly gained notoriety as the company's brightest rising star.

Ten months later he was assigned to his first Tiger Team. The team was brought on board to help complete the company's hottest and most important project.

Albert felt his contribution was minor because he was put on the project so late in the game, but because he crossed the finish line with the group, he was included in the recognition for the project's success.


アルバートの卒業時には多くの企業から声がかかり、間もなく彼はUnited Global Advance Technologies社 ― UGATという名前の方が知られているが ― に就職した。UGATはシカゴに拠点を置くIT企業で、世界中で事業を展開している。彼はすぐに仕事を覚え、会社の若手ホープとしての評判を瞬く間に確立した。



sosa31 English → Japanese
Original Text

And Albert lost. Big time.

He not only lost the argument, but he lost his cool.

Albert's composure was annihilated as he stormed out of the conference room in a huff-an angry, contemptuous huff-that left a wake of ruffled emotions and unresolved conflict.

So now here he was. Mindlessly surfing through cyberspace, contemplating his situation, and wondering why some people were so hard to get along with.

Albert longed for a return to the days when he was in college. Albert had graduated cum laude.from the University of Northeastern Michigan (UNM) with a bachelor of science degree in computer engineering. He graduated in three years instead of the usual four or five like most students these days.







sosa31 English → Japanese
Original Text

To say the presentation didn't go well would be a considerable understatement.

As soon as he started to explain how his idea was superior to the one the group conceived, the team members began to withdraw. Some folded their arms. Faces turned serious; some were even grim. The overall reaction was decidedly negative.

When team members started questioning the reasons for some of Albert's suggestions, Albert became defensive and pushed even harder to convince the group that his way was a better way. He raised his voice, impatient to get his point across, but the louder he spoke, the louder the dissenting team members protested. The meeting quickly became a classic power struggle.





sosa31 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

He even rehearsed the presentation a few times in front of Digger, who enthusiastically barked his approval.
Albert had stayed up all night working to fine-tune his speech and was in the office early that morning, eager to present his ideas to the other team members.

Then came the meeting.

As soon as the group had exchanged their usual pleasantries, Richard, the project leader, outlined his agenda. Albert interrupted to ask if he could take a few moments to address the group before they started work on the agenda. He assured them they'd be pleasantly surprised and would consider it time well spent.

The group consented.

Albert proceeded to outline his ideas and the plan







sosa31 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

4-2 After starting his work according to the criteria that the group had agreed upon, Albert came up with a better idea. He refocused his efforts and put all his energy into developing this new idea. For the past two weeks, he worked day and night, and even gave up both weekends. With the exception of a couple of hours on Saturday and Sunday when he played Frisbee with his pet Australian shepherd, Digger, he worked nonstop. He was eager for everyone to see how much better his plan was.

He prepared a presentation to deliver to the group at the beginning of the third meeting. He even titled it "A Better Way," so they would get the point quickly and not waste any more time following the mediocre direction




sosa31 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

4-1 The next uncomfortable moment was triggered in the team's second meeting when Albert told the team leader his name was "Albert-not Al. Two syllables, not one." He momentarily felt a little guilty that the team leader had been embarrassed when Albert corrected him in front of every¬one. But only a little guilty. He thought it insulting that the guy couldn't even refer to him by his correct name.
And now this.
Each of the team members had agreed to complete an assignment during the three-week time period between the second and third meeting. Then they would get back together at the third meeting and piece things together to lay the foundation for the rest of the project.


4-1 その次に場が気まずくなったのは、2度めのチーム・ミーティングで、アルバートが自分の名前は「アルバートです。アルじゃない。2音節あるんです。」と言った時だった。チームリーダーの間違いを皆の前で指摘して恥ずかしい思いをさせたことについてアルバートは一時的に罪悪感を覚えたが、それもほんの少しのものだった。非難しても名前が正しく呼ばれることはなかったじゃないか、と彼は思った。

sosa31 English → Japanese
Original Text

Good Morning,

Thank you for your email.

Please reply to this email including the answer of the following security details, so we may continue with the cancellation of your account cancal7:

SECURITY QUESTION 1 - Favorite Color?


Based on your experience, do you have any suggestions that might help us improve our products and services?

If you need additional help, please reply to this email making sure to include the original messages for an accurate response. If your prefer, you may call us at (1) 760-602-3000 M-F 8-5 Pacific Time. Please listen to the entire list of telephone choices in order to ensure you reach the proper department.

Kindest Regards,






質問1 好きな色は何色ですか?
質問2 生まれた年は何年ですか?


もし他にサポートできる点がありましたら、このメールへの返信にて、当初のメール本文をそのままにしてお送りください。太平洋標準時で月-金の8時から5時の間であれば電話番号(1) 760-602-3000にてお電話でのご連絡も受け付けております。適切な部門におつなぎするため、メニュー上の選択肢を最後までご確認のうえ選んでいただくようお願い致します。



sosa31 English → Japanese
Original Text

First a bit of a highlight chronology for your own reference.The questions force time to be a bit non-linear, so this may provide a map.

Currently only accepting projects that interest me, and doing all the stuff I put off until "the time is right"—photography, 3D, movie making, music—all together into multimedia for the gratification of myself and friends.

It was all done with independent research, and the president of the university complimented my dissertation as being "on a PhD level".
I made considerable use of analogue multimedia in my defense of the dissertation.

A few weeks later, I got an unsolicited offer from Cornell University to do a PhD there, writing my own curriculum, and being paid to do so.






sosa31 English → Japanese
Original Text

From the beginning Albert felt that the other Tiger Team members weren't very friendly. They were congenial to each other, but never really warmed up to him. Even more important, though, he felt they didn't show enough respect for his intellect or his ideas. Deep down inside he knew he was smarter than all but one, and he could certainly hold his own with her. Worse yet, they were almost arrogant about the work they had already accomplished, even though Albert was confident he could have done a better job.

However, strained feelings and underlying tensions aside, the team and Albert finished the project before any-one's emotions festered to the boiling point.




sosa31 English → Japanese
Original Text

His anger slowly gave way to fear and a deep, gut-wrenching anxiety as he continued to reflect on what had just happened. His stomach began to tie up in knots as he realized that his second experience in working with groups had quickly become worse than his first.
The first "Tiger Team" they had assigned him to had been bad enough. But fortunately-both for Albert and the other team members-the assignment had been a short one. The work was for the most part completed by the time Albert joined the group. Albert's contribution wasn't critical to the outcome, but was important to the project's overall success. The good news was that although Albert's piece was indeed challenging,



sosa31 English → Japanese
Original Text

Albert was livid. Absolutely livid.
"How could they?" he said to himself. "How could they ask me, how could they ask anyone with any intelligence whatsoever, to put up with this kind of treatment?"
The young man was seething as he slammed into his chair and assaulted his computer. If the mouse had been a live one, it surely would have suffered whiplash from Albert's jerking as he whipped it back and forth across the mouse pad to disengage his computer's screen saver and cause the menu display to pop onto the screen.
Albert quickly scrolled the cursor to his Internet browser icon and double clicked. He tapped his right heel up and down and glared off into the opposite side of his office cubicle,



sosa31 English → Japanese
Original Text

Daily many lads, men, and boys of his own age attended him whether he rode on horseback outside of the town or went to the house of his relations or any other person; for he exercised his mind with the finest practices and his body with both genteel and warlike pursuits; and more quickly than his teachers he himself applied his lesson to the facts in hand, so that for this reason also much praise redounded to him in the city. Both his mother and her husband Philippus took care of him, inquiring each day from the instructors and curators whom they had placed in charge of the boy what he had accomplished, how far he had advanced, or how he had spent the day and with whom he associated.



sosa31 English → Japanese
Original Text

What elements of Shade do you typically do yourself, or rely in premade content
(for example, do you ever use premade models, premade shaders, etc, or do you do everything from scratch)?
Can you tell us about your use of image maps vs native shaders?

I do use downloaded image maps I have found, for things like wood.
I use Spotted a lot for random grunge, uneven walls and floors, specially if they are somewhat reflective.
I bought a couple of the packages of objects, which were well worth the price for revealing how they were modeled.
I did use a couple of distant houses in the work "Tragedy in Beige" since they are distant and out of focus.



物体を集めたパッケージもいくつか購入しましたが、モデルがどのようにできているかを知れたのでとてもよい買い物だったと思います。「Tragedy in Beige(ベージュの悲劇)」の中の遠く離れた家もいくつか使いました。離れていて焦点の合っていないものが必要でしたから。