4-1 The next uncomfortable moment was triggered in the team's second meeting when Albert told the team leader his name was "Albert-not Al. Two syllables, not one." He momentarily felt a little guilty that the team leader had been embarrassed when Albert corrected him in front of every¬one. But only a little guilty. He thought it insulting that the guy couldn't even refer to him by his correct name.
And now this.
Each of the team members had agreed to complete an assignment during the three-week time period between the second and third meeting. Then they would get back together at the third meeting and piece things together to lay the foundation for the rest of the project.
「Two syllables, not one」の部分は直訳で「二音節あるんだ、ひとつじゃない」となりますが、要するに略さないでアルバートの名前を呼んで欲しいという文脈なので意訳しました。