Simon Cantrill (scintillar) Translations

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About 8 years ago Male 50s
English (Native) Japanese
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
scintillar Japanese → English
Original Text







I did the amended part in red.

I compared it to the baseline, but there wasn't a great difference between either of them. Regarding those statistics and the result, I amended the method and the result on the surface.

For the method, I added the following sentence. "The scientific society's authorised lecturer took the responsibility for carrying out mixing the refined oil, giving guidance for the inhalation method and checking the inhalation."

Also, the medical specialist took responsibility for analysing the results.

I cited the English thesis and my thoughts, but as it was only in Japanese, I decided it was unsuitable for your first class international journal, so I deleted it. I'm sorry that the article was difficult to understand from its tediousness.