nobeldrsd Translations

4.8 4 reviews
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About 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

For some, the Amazon-Apple comparison may seem like a stretch. Amazon’s Kindle Fire is no Apple iPad, after all. It’s smaller, less powerful and more tightly focused on pure content consumption. Unlike Apple, Amazon does not seem particularly concerned with beautiful devices. Apple builds MOMA-worthy products. Amazon builds clean, simple gadgets that give you straightforward access to their library of content and their vast array of consumer products.

Apple vs. Amazon, Not Google

I think the best way to understand why Amazon will be Apple’s true competitor is to look at the ways in which Google, often thought of as Apple’s biggest threat, is not.


AmazonとApple の比較は、ある人にとっては、こじつけに思えるだろう。AmazonのKindle Fire はしょせんAppleの iPadではないのだ。より小型で、性能は抑え、純粋にコンテンツ購入により重点をおいている。 Appleとは違いAmazon は端末自体にデザインの美しさは求めてない様だ。 Appleはニューヨーク近代美術館級の製品を製造し、Amazon はコンテンツのライブラリーと無数の商品群に簡単にそしてわかりやすくアクセスする装置を作った。

Apple 対 Amazonで、対Googleではない。
