nobeldrsd Translations

4.8 4 reviews
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About 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

Different people’s reactions to different things is probably one of the most interesting things to watch. Maybe I capitalize on certain parts of the truth so I don’t have to reveal the parts that make me think too much. In all honesty, the realll realz is it wasn’t for your sake, it was for my own selfish reason of knowing that I’d be leaving, and wouldn’t see you next year so if I just did whatever I wanted, then I could get away with it. Once I get too close to people, I tend to push them away a bit. You made me laugh, and you were interesting and just that alone should have been enough. And so I got close to you, and because I’m so stubborn my mind switched onto defensive mode and pushed you away.



nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

A PR rep told me that the app gets its answers from its group of third-party translators who have pre-loaded their translated content into its database. This is why users can access the app and its content without having an internet connection. The team at Mafengwo took a year to collect all this translated content to be able to provide a useful experience for users even when offline. Because the content is translated by humans, it is far more accurate than machine translation. Traveling Translator is available in over 30 languages and has so far attracted five million downloads. The iOS version costs $1.99 while the Android version is free. Click here to get yours.


広報担当者によると、アプリのデータベースには第三者機関の翻訳グループから入手した結果が組み込まれているので、ユーザーはインターネットに接続しなくてもアプリにアクセスし、コンテンツを閲覧することができる。Mafengwoでは、ユーザーがオフライン状態でも便利に使える様、一年かけて、こうした翻訳内容を集めたのだ。翻訳されたコンテンツは、機械翻訳ではなく人によって翻訳されているので、より正確である。Traveling Translatorは30カ国語以上の言語で利用でき、これまでに500万ダウンロードされている。iOS版は$1.99だが、アンドロイド版は無料だ。こちらをクリックすると入手できる。

nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

“I had an insight that the materials teachers created night after night had monetary value, so I set out to create a marketplace called Teachers Pay Teachers,” Edelman told Mashable. “Teachers are now making a pretty significant supplemental income and creating higher quality materials.”

During the first two years of Teachers Pay Teachers, teachers would pay for the lesson plans they wanted to use, though many would then be reimbursed by their schools. On Wednesday, Teachers Pay Teachers launched a purchased orders option, which allows schools to purchase several lesson plans directly for their teachers.

Edelman expects schools will become the primary buyers with the new purchasing option.


“先生方が毎晩何日もかけて作成する教材に金銭的価値があることは分かったいました。なので、私は、Teachers Pay Teachersというマーケット作りに着手しました。今では先生方は、かなりの副収入を得ることが可能になり、また質の高い教材が作成されています。”とEdelmanはMashableに語った。

Teachers Pay Teachersでは最初の2年間、先生方は利用したいレッスンプランの使用料を払うが、多くの先生方は自分が教えている学校から払い戻しがある。水曜、Teachers Pay Teachersは、学校側が先生方のために幾つかのレッスンを調節購入できる購入オプションを発表した。


nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

Teachers selling lesson plans have the ability to set prices, title their products and make changes based on user feedback. Users can also follow their favorite content creators. Jump, for example, has almost 12,000 followers, who are notified whenever she posts a new lesson plan.

Lesson plans are often sold for $5 to $10, though many are available for free.

The teachers who sell lesson plans use social media sites, such as Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Edelman says Pinterest now drives more traffic to Teachers Pay Teachers than Facebook.

About 93% of sales come from the U.S., 5% come from Canada, 1% come from Australia and the remaining 1% come from the rest of the anglo-speaking world.




レッスンプランを販売する先生方は、Facebook、Twitter やPinterestの様なソシャルメディアサイトを利用する。
Edelmanによると、FacebookよりもPinterestの方がTeachers Pay Teachersに多くの人を呼び寄せているそうだ。

nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

Many people on Twitter had been asking about Lapar’s new direction but the only response they receive was to wait until further notice. For those who asked about not being able to purchase deals anymore, they were told that the site no longer issues new coupons. There was supposed to be an announcement on the 15th last week. but the date came and went and the Twitter account stayed silent since the 10th of May.

We were told that while ownership has not changed hands, is actually being run by a new management. We’re looking to find out whether the change is due to the new management, an initiative from the founders, or both. We’ve reached out to the founders of Lapar but have yet to hear back from them.




nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

More lovingly known as Vinnie, he is passionate about the startup and entrepreneurial lifestyle and truly enjoys bringing the Silicon Valley spirit to other places. He is also sometimes known as “Paul Bragiel‘s other half.”

From your journey as a startup founder to an investor, what is the biggest takeaway for you?

‘People’ are what make great startups, not ideas.

What attracted you to settle in Singapore and look for investment opportunities in the region?

The community. Singapore has a really strong community of entrepreneurs and developers helping each other out. I had the fortune of first seeing this at HackerSpace, then a few months later at SuperHappyDevHouse.


彼はVinnieという愛称でも知られ、スタートアップや起業家的な生き方に夢中で、シリコンバレー魂を色々な場所に楽しみながら届けている。彼は、Paul Bragielの相棒としても知られている。




nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

In order to help you with the correct product specialist on our end, I will
need you to answer a few questions as best you can.

1. Are you going to be reselling your application? are you going to OEM our
2. Can you tell me about yourself, in relation to the project?
3. What is the problem you are trying to resolve? Why are you looking for
a solution?
4. What does your application do? Describe it at a high level?
5. What technology is it built upon? MS, IBM, Java, etc.
6. What is the scale of the solution? Users, CPUs, PVUs, content items?
7. What are the timescales you are working towards?
8. Is there budget? What is the budget for the project? Is the budget
specifically for the editor?



1 アプリケーションは転売するつもりですか?当社のエディターをOEMするつもりですか?
2 ご自身がプロジェクトにどの様に関わっているのか教えていただけますか?
3. ご自身が解決しようとしている問題は何ですか?なぜご自身はソリューションを探しているのですか?
4. アプリケーションはどの様に機能しますか?技術的な側面から詳しく説明願います。
5. 何のテクノロジーをベースに作成しましたか?MS、IBM、Java等。
6. ソリューションの規模は?ユーザー、Cpu、PVU、コンテンツアイテムの規模は?
7. どんなタイムスケジュールでプロジェクトに取り組んでいますか?
8. 予算はあるのですか?プロジェクトの予算額はどれ位ですか?それはエディター用の予算ですか?