nobeldrsd Translations

4.8 4 reviews
ID Verified
About 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
nobeldrsd English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

The most inexpensive way to enjoy our classes this summer is to buy an 8 or 10 Class Pass. After doing that you just need to let us know, by ::CONTACT FORM::, email, or phone (050-5534-3984) which days you are planning to attend (at least 12 hours in advance). The first time you show up to class, we'll give you a stamp card. Buy the Class Passes through form below (click "Read More" if you're viewing this from the home page), and we'll be in touch with payment details shortly.

We're running 4 classes with 30 sessions total between July 7 and September 5, so you'll have plenty of dates to choose from!


Thank you for signing up for a class pass! Someone will email you shortly to arrange payment.


この夏の授業を最も安く受ける方法に、8回か10回パスを購入する方法があります。購入後は、CONTACT FORM(コンタクトフォーム)かeメール、又は 電話(050-5534-3984)でどの日を受講したいのか、お知らせ(少なくても12時間前までに)いただくだけで構いません。授業に初めて出席いただいた日にスタンプカードをお渡しします。授業パスを下記フォーム(ホームページを閲覧している場合は、Read Moreをクリック)にて購入下さい。すぐにお支払に関してご連絡致します。



nobeldrsd English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

I would be happy to sell it to you for $500.00 plus shipping. I will need to figure out how to do it. I will contact ebay and see if they have any suggestions or if you know how just let me know.

Disney Bear, pre Duffy bear in used condition. Comes with booklet in plastic sleeve and other tag.

Bear is exactly as shown in pictures. There is a small spot re-sewn above bears left eye.

Please let us send invoice before paying.

Payment is paypal, please pay within 3 days of auction end. There is a 3 day return policy with refund of product cost only. Returns will only be accepted within 3 days of receipt of products. Anything beyond 3 days will be assessed a 25% restocking fee.





nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

best of luck in your internet business, i will spread word over here any way i can to help you out. in about a month i amy ask you for a couple items if that is ok, some items i want are on amazon japan, but i can not buy them as i can't understand the language so i don't know what i am reading. Also i don't have an address there either.
best of luck with your endeavours on the internet, i knoqw you will be successfull i am happy for you. sorry for the late reply i have had a busy week. kind wishes and thoughts to you and your family, i hope all is well, i will look forward to talking to you again soon.



nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

By the late 90's she had entered several colored pencil competitions gaining some exhibition experience as well as recognition.

Naver to be satisfied with one form of artistic expression in the late 1990's she started drawing larher pieces with pastels and then turned to oil painting.
She took a couple of classes on oil painting at PNCA helping her to lern the funfamentals of working with oil.
With that same adventurous sprit she immersed herself in painting with oil on canvas,wood and occasionally paper.
She finds it verry satisfying to work with the color richness of oil while using the slow drying abilities of the medium to her advantage.
In doing so she has created another unique tecnique called structured chaos


90年代後半には、色鉛筆のコンテストに幾つか参加し大会での経験を積みながら、また認知される様にもなりました。一つの方法で芸術を表現する事には満足せず、1990年代後半には、革の素材にパステル具を使い絵を描き始め、その後、油絵に移っていきました。彼女は、PNCA (Pacific Northwest College of Art)で油絵の使い方などの基本的な事を学ぶために幾つかのクラスを取りました。好奇心旺盛な彼女は、キャンバスや木製の板、時々紙などに油絵を没頭して描いていました。油絵の具は色が豊富でゆっくり乾燥するので、彼女はその特徴を生かしながら油絵の創作活動に本当にやりがいを感じていました。彼女はそうしながら、構造化されたカオスと言う、新たなユニークな技法を作り出しました。

nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

The website also enables user to suggest a theme to be made into song for children. From those suggestions, Ayah Djito (Djito’s nickname in MariNyanyi) will write a song and upload it to MariNyanyi.

MariNyanyi, intended for children, has a colorful look for the website. MariNyanyi has 3 mascots, namely Bubu, Sisi, and Koko which are the representation of singers in MariNyanyi. Currently, there are 145 songs with various themes and positive message available for download.

User can also give a rate for the songs on MariNyanyi. MariNyanyi also has a Facebook Page so user can interact with Ayah Djito and other users.

If you are interested to educate for child through a song, you can try MariNyanyi service.


ユーザーはウェブサイトで、子供向けに作ってもらいたい歌のテーマを提案する事ができるのだ。Ayah Djito(MariNyanyiでのDjitoのニックネーム)は、それらの提案の中から歌を作り、MariNyanyi.にアップロードするのだ。

子供向けのMariNyanyiはとてもカラフルなウェブサイトだ。MariNyanyiにはMariNyanyi の歌手であるBubu、Sisi、そしてKokoと、3つのマスコットがいる。様々なテーマや前向きなコメントと共に現時点145曲が、ダウンロードできる。

MariNyanyi.内でユーザーは曲の評価ができる。また、MariNyanyi.にはFacebook Pageもあるので、Ayah Djitoや他のユーザーとの交流も可能だ。
