nobeldrsd Translations

4.8 4 reviews
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About 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

As you might expect, such an application doesn’t come cheap and this one is priced at $27.99. The developers note that they hope to have further additions to this app including veins and arteries. They also intend to create apps to illustrate the eating and swallowing process in the future as well.

If you’re a medical student, I imagine that DS Anatomy would certainly be worth the money. And if you’d like to try it our, it’s available right now in the app store.

In the past we have featured other iPad apps which are pushing the health 2.0 revolution forward. Readers may recall Dr. Kevin Lau’s ScolioTrack application, or our Startup Arena participant from back in February, Dr. Pad, from Taiwan.



もしあんたが医学生なら、DS Anatomyは値段だけの価値はあると私は思う。もし試してみたいなら、既にアプリストアで入手可能だ。

以前、health 2.0革命を推進していた別のiPadアプリを取り上げた事があった。Dr. Kevin LauのScolioTrackアプリケーションか、2月に開催した我々のStartup Arenaに参加した台湾のDr. Padを思い出す読者もいるだろう。

nobeldrsd English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

different and we do not comment on it right now how it will turn out without the hair transplant procedure.

Let me know about the dates if you would like to move forward with your procedure.

Acell + PRP injections are used in healing scars, and not in regrowing hair, correct?

Yes , it is correct! It is mostly used to treat t the donor area and speed up the healing process, however it may or may not help with re-growth as well, no guarantee on that part. ACell can regenerate skin tissue and promote faster and improved healing following a hair transplant procedure. Dr. Cole's primary goal in using ACell is to further improve the appearance of donor areas following follicular unit extraction by his CIT method.




Acell + PRP 注射は、発毛ではなく、傷跡の治療目的に使われているのですか?

はい、その通りです!主に、ドナー部の治療と治癒を早める目的で使用しますが、発毛を促すこともあれば、そうでない場合もあります。そのため発毛の部分に関しては保証できません。ACellは移植手術に伴い傷ついた皮膚組織を再生させ、早期の治癒を促します。Dr. ColeがACellを使用する最大の目的は、CIT法で毛母細胞を採取したドナー部の見栄えをより良くするためです。

nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

Thanks for replying back.
Is it reasonable to think that the chance of having my hair regrow just by Acell + prp injections is 0%?- Yes it is correct, however there is a always possibility for it to help regrow hair. We have seen positive results in donor area by only using PRP& Acell , but again case to case is different.

How much the total cost will be if I choose 1000-graft shaved-CIT method ($6)?

Your total procedure will be:
1000 X $6 =6000 if you want to get PRP and Acell with it as well, for 1000 grafts you need dosage of 60 mg of PRP and ACell ( if you don’t choose to go over 1000 graft at the time of procedure) then

Available dates for CIT shaven procedure are:

Well, you make the calculation then.


Acell + prp の注射だけでは、発毛の可能性は0%であると思っていた方が妥当ですか?
はい、その通りです。しかし、発毛を助けるという意味では、可能性は常に存在します。ドナー部分にPRP& Acellを投与しただけで、いい結果に繋がった例もあります。でも、それぞれのケースは違いますので。
1000 X $6 =6000。それにPRP and Acellの投与を1000グラフト分ご希望なら、60mgのPRP and ACellが必要になります。(もし、手術の際に1000グラフト分ノ投与を望まないなら)




nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

If you would like to move forward with procedure please let me know which date works for you and payment method that you will be using. We accept all major credit cards. Just to remind you again, ONLY your deposit will be charged to your card at the time of scheduling just to confirm your appointment, the rest of the balance will be due 21 days prior to surgery date. Also please let me know if rest of the remaining balance will be charged to the same credit card that is used for deposit or different credit card? If it is different from the first one, please provide me credit card for the remaining balance as well for financial form purposes.
Looking forward hearing from you!




nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

see for details. This thing was just received back from the manufacturer and has some "rack rash" and a big of scratching on the top and bottom, but works PERFECTLY and is waranteed by Apogee. It is a GREAT sounding unit, and you cannot go wrong if you need "the best"! i have tried to show some of the surfaces scratches in the pix, but if you don't want scratches, BUY NEW! This HAS been used, but only tested once since receiving from the manufacturer. In original box...A GREAT deal! Just like getting a new one, unless you need a "pretty" one... Power supply is included, even though this is NORMALLY an extra approximately $100 upcharge. I am including it at no extra fee.



nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

1. After pulling 1500 graft, wont there be scars which look like dots left in the donor area which can be visible when cutting the hair short?

What happens with CIT is that, with each removed graft, you will have fewer follicles in the donor area. Where you remove the graft, there will ne a gap. Sometimes the gaps are a lighter color the the surrounding skin, but this is only due to a loss of pigment from the hair and the blood flow to the graft. You can remove up to 25% without any problem in most donor areas. In some donor areas, you can exceed 5000-6000 without any problems. In others, 2000 may cause some white spotting when the donor areas is shaved. We have never seen a problem with 1500 grafts


1. 1500グラフト採取した後、そこにドットの様な傷跡が残り髪を短くした際に目立ちませんか?


nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

or less. So, because you are going for 1500 graftsyou shouldn’t be having problem with aggressive white spotting at that point. Anyway you look at it, there is now way to perform a hair transplant and have a totally pristine donor area. You can conceal the evidence with FUE in almost all patients. However, unfortunately, no Strip patient can conceal their results. Once you have a strip procedure you are marked for like. CIT offers you the highest probability of an acceptable esthetic result.

2. Will hair grow back from the white dots in the donor area upon injection of Acell &PRP
Acell is indicated for regeneration of skin tissue. The regeneration of normal skin in an extraction site will serve to



2. Acell &PRP注射をすれば、ドナー部の白いドットからも発毛しますか?

nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

make an already superior aesthetic procedure even better. Anyway you slice it, Acell has great promise for treating the donor area. One aspect we will look for is an elimination of "white spotting" or hypopigmentation that may occur in some patients who undergo FUE. If we can get proliferation of melanocytes into such extraction sites, this alone will be a huge bonus. So, Acell & PRP actually supposed to be helping treat the donor area , with possibility helping grow some new hair in your donor area. That’s is why it is highly recommended at this time for most FUE procedures.

3. Will the grafted hair look the same as the natural hair which currently exists on
my forehead? Will the volume of the grafted



採取した部分の手術は非常にきれいに行っておりますが、さらに良い状態になります。どんな風にスライスしようが、Acellはドナー部の治療には非常に効果があります。一点FUE を使用すると、患者様によっては“白くなる領域”や皮膚の色素沈着が減少する箇所が表面に現れてくる事があります。その部分のメラニン細胞が一気に増えてくれれば、それだけで儲け物です。ですので、実際Acell & PRPは、ドナー部の治療目的で使用され、その結果としてドナー部の発毛に繋がる可能性はあります。同時期に投与することを強くお勧めする理由もそこにあります。

3. 移植した髪は、額に元々ある髪と同じ様に自然に見えますか? 移植した髪は、ボリューム的にも

nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

look natural?
It will definitely will look natural as it is your own hair ,and with new advanced FUE procedure Dr. Cole has an option to as we call” cherry pick” each follicle and graft it individually in right direction and in right position , to give you more natural look and coverage pm growth.

4. Wont my hair grown back with injection of Acell & PRP only?
If you mean if your hair will grow back WITHOUT using PRP & Acell? –No grafted that are been extracted from donor area, typically don’t grow back again in donor area. USING PRP & Acell possibly will help with new growth in donor area by regenerating skin tissue and promoting faster and improved healing following a hair transplant procedure.
The different


あなたの髪ですので、もちろん自然に見えます。また、さらに自然に見え、発毛後も全体が自然に見える様、最新のFUEを使って、Dr. Coleが各毛母細胞やグラフトを入念に厳選し、それらを個別に適正な位置と方向に植毛していくオプションも用意しています。

4. Acell & PRP注射だけで、発毛はしませんか?
もし、“PRP & Acellを使用せずに発毛しますか?”という意味での質問であれば。
採取されたどんなグラフトも、ドナー部に戻しても一般的には復活しません。PRP & Acellを使用する事で、移植手術に伴うドナー部の皮膚組織を再生させ、早期の治癒を促します。

nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

between CIT Non shaven ($8) and CIT Shaven ($6) is Shaving technique. CIT shaven Donor area -The whole back of the scalp and the sides will be shaved down with a zero guard, all the way down to the scalp. If you have had a previous Strip procedure, your scar will be visible once the hair has been shaved in the donor region)

CIT Non-Shaven technique requires Dr. Cole to cut one at a time individual follicular units, it is a little bit pricey just because it is more time consuming and takes more effort for Dr. Cole to work through the hair. We do not shave any areas, not the donor or recipient area at all. Hair must be 2”- 2.5” or longer to do this procedure.
Hopefully this answered your questions.


剃髪しないCIT 法 ($8) と剃髪するCIT法 ($6)の違いは、剃髪技法にあります。CIT法によるドナー部の剃髪:後頭部全体と側頭部の毛髪を全て剃り落します。もし、以前にストリップ法による手術を行っていれば、移植部分の髪を剃り落すと、傷跡が見えてしまいます。

剃髪しないCIT法では、Dr. Coleが1つずつ毛母細胞を切り離していくので、時間と労力がかかり、その分費用も高くなっています。ドナー部や移植部は一切剃りません。手術するには髪は2”- 2.5”(5.08~6.35cm)以上の長さが必要です。


nobeldrsd English → Japanese
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