mura (mura) Translations

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Over 13 years ago
English Japanese
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
mura English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 107-2
The need to spot paradigm changes is most evident with high-tech companies. No one knows this better than Bill Gates. After all, it was precisely this sort of paradigm change that caught IBM napping and meant that it handed him the operating systems market on a plate - which in turn proved to be the dominant position in the software market. For this reason, Microsoft has behaved at times almost as if it has multiple personalities, pursuing several different and even conflicting technologies, for fear of backing the wrong horse. As its chief lookout and self-appointed visionary, Gates had the unenviable task of scanning the horizon for the next big thing. Sometimes even he missed something big.


PAGE 107-2

mura English → Japanese
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PAGE 106-2
From the very beginning, despite its near miraculous profit margins, Gates always worried about Microsoft's financial situation. 'Even though if you look back and see that our sales and profits grew by basically 50 percent a year for all those years, what I really remember is worrying all the time. If you ask about a specific year, I'd tell you, oh that was an awful year, we had to get Multiplan [a financial spreadsheet] out and establish it, or that was the terrible year we brought out a Microsoft mouse and it didn't sell so we had a warehouse full of them, or that was the miserable year we hired a guy to be president who didn't work out.'


PAGE 106-2


mura English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 106-1
It was another Silicon Valley visionary, Andy Grove of Intel, who coined the phrase 'Only the paranoid survive' as the title to his book. But it could just as well have been Bill Gates. 'The more successful I am', Gates noted, 'the more vulnerable I feel'.

It is an indication of the nature of the computer industry that two such successful business leaders should subscribe to a business creed of perpetual paranoia. But it is hardly surprising given the speed of change within their markets. What these two modern business leaders recognize is that in their particular businesses, change is a given.


PAGE 106-1


”偏執狂だけが生き延びる”という言葉を生み出し、そのタイトルで本を出したのはもう一人のシリコンバレーの夢想家、インテルのAndy Groveだった。ビル・ゲイツでも同じだ。「成功すればするほど」、ビル・ゲイツは言っている、「傷つきやすい気分になる」


mura English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 105-3
Tichy believes that being able to pass on leadership skills to others requires three things. First, a teachable point of view: 'You must be able to talk clearly and convincingly about who you are, why you exist and how you operate.' Second, the leader requires a story. 'Dramatic storytelling is the way people learn from one another', Tichy writes, suggesting that this explains why Bill Gates and the like feel the need to write books. The third element in passing on the torch of leadership is teaching methodology: 'To be a great teacher you have to be a great learner.' The great corporate leaders are hungry to know more and do not regard their knowledge as static or comprehensive.


PAGE 105-3

mura English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 104-2
'Part of Bill's style of presenting, clarifying and challenging ideas is to be very blunt, and a little bit dramatic and some would say a little rude', he said. 'But he is a lot less rude than he was 10 years ago.'

Like all his other challenges Gates worked hard on his presentational skills over the years. So much so that by 2009 he was being held up as an exemplar of how to deliver effective presentations. For example, in Simon Mair and Jeremy Kourdi's The 100: Insights and lessons from 100 of the greatest speeches ever delivered, the authors take note of Gates' relaxed style and sincerity.


PAGE 104-2

他のすべての挑戦においてと同じく、ビルは何年間もプレゼンテーションのやり方を一生懸命練習してきた。だから2009年までには、どうして効果的なプレゼンテーションを行うかという見本として選ばれていた。たとえばSimon MairとJeremy Koudiが著した”The100:現在までのもっとも偉大なスピーチ100からの得られる洞察と教訓”だ。ここで著者たちはゲイツのリラックスした態度と誠実さについて述べている。

mura English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 104-1
Gates' own direct, slightly impatient manner and his unwillingness to suffer fools also made him appear rude. On a good day he was charming, but on a bad day downright abrasive. At industry gatherings he could seem condescending - even patronizing - about the ideas of others. At internal meetings he was prone to outbursts - some say tantrums - if he didn't like the way the discussion was moving.

'That is the stupidest idea I've ever heard', was a typical Gates line. Direct, but hardly likely to make the person he's talking to inclined to volunteer more ideas. Steve Ballmer, a long-term Gates aide and friend for more than 20 years was well aware of how the Microsoft CEO came across sometimes.


PAGE 104-1


「いままで聞いた中でもっともくだらない意見だ」というのがいつものゲイツのせりふだ。しかしこのことによって彼と話をしている人間にもっと頑張ってアイディアを出そうと気にならせることなどほとんどない。長い間ゲイツの側近であり20年以上も友達であるSteve Ballerは、どうすればこのマイクロソフトのCEOが時々このような状態に陥るのかを十分わきまえていた。

mura English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 103-2
Gates always spoke the language of computer programmers. Programming was in his blood after all. Programming pervaded his everyday speech. He talked frequently about 'maximum bandwidth', and even nicknamed one girlfriend '32-bit'. This was both one of his great strengths as a leader and also one of his great weaknesses. Talking to fellow techies, it gave him an open channel of communication allowing him to inspire Microsoft employees to greater heights. On the negative side, however, his nerdy vocabulary and directness could make him seem inarticulate when he tried to communicate to the wider public.


PAGE 103-2


mura English → Japanese
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PAGE 102-2
・they understand the interplay between creativity and criticism, setting up 'creative tensions' between team members and providing constant feedback; and

・they are adept at promoting social interaction between team members - often through informal meetings outside of work.

Beyond these personal skills, they have a vision of what can be achieved, based on a broad technical understanding of the field. They select team members with complementary differences, taking account not just of technical expertise but of the mix of personalities and give them a great deal of freedom, and they shield the team from external pressures from other parts of the organization.




*チームメンバー同士の社会的つながりを促進することに長けている - これは大抵仕事を離れたインフォーマルミーティングを通じてなされる。


mura English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 102-1
The research indicated that people who excel at leading creative teams foster an environment conducive to innovation and which is supportive of the aspirations of the individuals involved. They also have their own ways of nudging people to get the best ideas - or as one leader put it, of 'tickling their thinking'.

People who do it well have a number of common characteristics; the research suggests that:

・ they are often gregarious individuals, with the ability to stimulate ideas by expressing the same issue in different ways;

・they have the ability to read others, a skill which enables them to push the right buttons to get their best performance;


PAGE 102-1



mura English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 100-2
Despite Gates' reputation as a visionary, a criticism often made of Microsoft was that the company was not a great innovator, and simply raided the ideas of others - converting them into Microsoft products. Windows, Microsoft's PC operating system, for example, is still seen by many as an imitation of Apple's Macintosh software.

The company has also been accused of a predatory attitude towards its partners. Microsoft has been described as 'the fox that takes you across the river and then eats you? But according to one industry insider, most of the criticism is sour grapes on the part of its competitors.


PAGE 100-2

mura Japanese → English
Original Text



The condition of the item you sold to me is very bad. I hear small strange sounds, and its cluck is very small. I send it to the Japanese agency of Reuge to check the condition.
They assessed that fixing would be necessary.
The necessary part is old and must be replaced by a new one. Therefore the repair cost will be high at 52,000 yen (about $650). (See the attached estimate.)
I rather don’t want to return the item; I want to keep it after repair as much as possible.
Different from your explanation, the performance of the item was not satisfactory. So, in fact, I want you to pay all the cost for fixing it. However, I know the repair cost is very expensive. How much can you pay for it? I would like to ask you to pay $325, half the amount of the repair fee.
I am looking forward to receiving your favorable reply.

mura English → Japanese
Original Text

It's 2012 now: Happy new year! And the year isn't the only thing that's new. YYY is undergoing a huge change, and we have lots of new announcements to make. We've got a new website, redesigned from scratch; the first semester of the ZZスクール with three brand-new classes; and the new Ensemble's first ever public performance!

Even YYY itself is being renewed: we're in the process of registering as an NPO Hojin. The papers are in, and we're waiting for the results.

So I apologize for the sheer length of this newsletter. As you can see, there are many annoucements to make, and I hope you will take the time to look at each one, as each one represents months of hard work, not just for me, but for the entire YYY team.





mura English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 25-1
By the late 1970s, Microsoft was already licensing its software to a variety of customers. In 1977, Gates supplied software for Tandy, but it also licensed BASIC 6502 to Apple for the Apple II Computer. Microsoft went on to work with many of the other leading computer companies. This suited Bill Gates' purposes perfectly. Microsoft was already beginning to set the industry standard with its software. It was this strategy that he continued with MS-DOS, persuading as many PC makers as possible to license the system and distribute it in their computers.


PAGE 25-1

1970年代後半までにマイクロソフトはすでにそのソフトウエアーを多くの顧客にライセンス貸与していた。1977年にゲイツはTandyにソフトウエアを供給したが、またBASIC 6502もアップルIIコンピューター用にアップルにライセンス貸与した。マイクロソフトは多くの他の大手コンピューター会社と提携し続けた。これはビル・ゲイツの目的にぴったりとかなっていた。マイクロソフトはそのソフトウエアでもって業界基準をすでに確立し始めつつあった。MS-DOSに関して彼が用い続けたのはこの戦略だった。できる限り多くのPCメーカーに、このシステムライセンスを使うよう、そしてシステムを彼らのコンピューター中に入れるよう説き伏せた。