marikowa (marikowa) Translations

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About 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
marikowa English → Japanese
Original Text

If you can’t find anyone who has experienced similar problems before, it will be difficult to address issues like how to scale your back-end performances, understanding term sheets, or decoding investors’ message that is specific to your product.

All mentors offer office hours of at least once per month each batch, or even more. Each ranges from 30 to 45 minutes a session. Make the best use of each mentor’s time by studying their profiles (literally stalk them). Do your homework. Send them an email about your company and a few questions that you want to discuss before the mentorship session. That is how you will make the best use of your mentor’s and your time!




marikowa English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

2. Focus on your traction, metrics, and users, instead of product

GreenGar came to 500 Startups with 500,000 monthly active users. What does that mean? I have half a million people to think about every night before I go to sleep, literally. However, we’re not coming to 500 Startups to show off our traction (who cares?), we’re here to make a difference for our company, to take GreenGar to the next level. 500 Startups has a great team that understands distribution and growth hacking. However, it won’t be helpful if you don’t know your metrics. In fact, I think having a great traction like GreenGar has a lot of disadvantages as most people think GreenGar will be doing okay.


2. 商品ではなくあなたの牽引力や基準、使用者に集中する

GreenGarは月に有効なユーザーが50万人いる500 Startupsを作った。これは何を意味するのか。私は文字通り毎晩寝る前に50万人の人のことを考えている。しかし、我々は牽引力を示すために500 Startupsを運営していない(誰がそんな牽引力を気にするのか?)。我々は会社を良くし、GreenGarを次のレベルに持って行きたいのだ。500 Startupsには配分や成長を止めるものを理解している素晴らしいチームがいる。しかし、あなたが自分の基準を知らなければそれは何の役にも立たない。実際に、GreenGarのようなかなりの牽引力を持つことはほとんどの人がGreenGarはうまくこなすだろうと思うたくさんのマイナスな点がある。

marikowa English → Japanese
Original Text

A definite claim was early made. Pollio's son Gallus (born perhaps in 41 B.C.) informed the learned Asconius that, as a matter of fact, none other than he, Gallus, was the wonder-child: no evidence that Asconius believed him. The Virgilian commentators in late antiquity with confidence instal a younger son of Pollio, Saloninus, who duly smiled at birth and conveniently perished almost at once. Yet the very existence, not merely the relevance, of Saloninus may be called into doubt; further, there is no reason to imagine that Pollio expected a son of his to rule the world, no indication in the poem that the consul there invoked was shortly to become a father.



marikowa English → Japanese
Original Text

I still have a conscience torments, for the case (I mean the feedback), but I will correct!
Just in love, in a friendly way! Do not expect that to come out here so fast and easy. I will be ordering figure you! It is a pity that I could not all at once (for me expensive). No big deal, but it will raise the ratings and sales.

P.S.Very nice name - ◯
Here where I live, this can not be found - Lena, Marina, Sveta, Natasha. It sounds very nice in any language. I like it!!

And so much for understanding, I hope you are not too offended ..
Just a very, very good! Happiness, health and love!


私は今だにそのことに関して( フィードバックのことです。)良心の苦悩がありますが、正します!愛すべき、友好的な方法で!そんなに早く、簡単に出来てしまうとは期待しないでください。あなたのためにフィギュアを注文します。それを一回でできないのは悲しいです。(私には高価なものなので)そんなたいしたことではないけど、レートや需要が上がるので。

P.S. とてもいい名前ですね。- ◯ ここが私が住んでいるところです。見つけることはできないでしょう。- レナ、マリナ、スティーバ、ナターシャ。どんな言語でもとても素晴らしいです。いいですね。


marikowa English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Vague aspirations and magical science were quickly adopted for purposes of propaganda by the rulers of the world. Already coins of the year 43 B.C. bear symbols of power, fertility and the Golden Age. It was in this atmosphere of Messianic hopes, made real by the coming of peace and glorious with relief and rejoicing, that the poet Virgil composed the most famous and the most enigmatic of his pastoral poems. The Fourth Eclogue hails the approach of a new era, not merely to begin with the consulate of his patron Pollio but very precisely to be inaugurated by Pollio. The Golden Age is to be fulfilled, or at least inaugurated, by a child soon to be born.



marikowa English → Japanese
Original Text

His errors had enabled Octavianus to assert himself as the true Caesarian by standing for the interests of the legions. But his errors were not fatal--Octavianus had great difficulty in inducing the veterans from the colonies to rally and march against Antonius; some turned back. Octavianus might command a mass of legions: they were famished and unreliable, and he had no ships at all. Not merely did Antonius hold the sea and starve Italy. Salvidienus with the armies of all Gaul was in negotiation and ready to desert. If anybody, Salvidienus should have known how the odds lay. Once again, however, the Caesarian legions bent the Caesarian leaders to their will and saved the lives of Roman citizens.



marikowa English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

We discussed translation needs in Germany and how business ideas could reach the Japanese market. What surprised us the most was the knowledge and enthusiasm of Bavarian students about Japan, as they already knew a lot about the culture, technology and lifestyle there.

We were in Germany at the right time to attend the famous DLD Conference, this time organized by Burda Publishing especially for women. At a luxurious setting of the Nymphenburg castle’s Porcelain Museum, international businesswomen had an excellent opportunity to network and listen to presentations of mainly female professionals in various fields.

