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Katsuya Sato (ka28310) Translations

4.9 315 reviews
ID Verified
Almost 9 years ago Male
Japanese (Native) English
Computer Hardware Computer Software
Contact Freelancer
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

I will certainly refund your purchase price upon receipt of the return of the items. Please process the return though the eBay return process. Please let me know when you have shipped the items and give me the tracking information. Anything you can add to the protection of the items on their return - I would obviously appreciate!! I paid $12.60 Priority Post for shipping and insured it for $500 at a charge of $8.25. If you could put a value of $400 for the return, at least I'll be covered if there is any more damage. I will reimburse you the shipping up to $20.00.
This is very disappointing to us both.


私は、返品の確証をお送り頂いたら、あなたに購入頂いた金額を確実に返金いたします。eBay の返品手続きに沿って返品を行ってください。いつ返品を発送したのか、そして荷物の追跡情報を教えてください。返品のときの荷物の保護や保険などの付与をして頂けると幸いです。私は $12.60 の速達料金と、$8.25 の料金で $500 ドルをカバーできる保険を出荷の時に払いました。そこで、あなたが返品のときに $400 の価値の物品としていただければ、少なくとも商品に何か損害のあった場合でも補償されると思います。送料は $20 を上限に払い戻しいたします。

ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

I see you have listed yourself as a detailer.
Are you offering professional detailing services?
I do not see this on your website and want to see if this is accurate and how detailing fits into your current structure.

What automotive brands do you currently carry?

We require all Resellers to complete, and adhere to, the Reseller Agreement that is attached.
Do you believe you’ll have any issues enforcing this agreement?

Distributors require a minimum yearly purchase amount but because the Japanese market still has a lot of room to grow,
I do not estimate these numbers will be higher than reasonable.
Likely around $15,000 USD first year and about $50,000 USD the fifth.
Do you believe these are reasonable numbers?




初年度は米ドルでおよそ $15,000、そして5か年でおよそ米ドルで $50,000 といったところでしょう。

ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

Im going to call customs today to see what they can do to help us. If it was delivered at the wrong address hopefully they can correct it or I will file an insurance claim for your money. Neither one of us should be out both a doll and money. I am trying my best to see why or where it is. Its hard being in another country to communicate with the post office in your country. This is the firstbtime this has ever happened to me. Do you like my doll i have on now? She is the one I received back. The other that I sent to you is the one missing if you didnt get it. Im afraid to send another unless its shipped express guarenteed with signature.


私は今日、お客様を訪ね、彼らが私たちをどう支援して頂けるのかを確認します。もし、間違った住所に配達されたのならば、彼らはそれを訂正できるでしょう。もしくは、あなたのお金に対し保険請求を行うつもりです。人形もその代金も、私たち誰一人諦める必要はありません。私はいま、なぜ、そして、どこにそれがあるのかを究明するために全力を尽くしています。別の国にいながらにして、貴方の国の郵便局と意志疎通するのはとても大変です。私にとってこれは初めての体験です。あなたは、今私のところにある人形はお好きですか? これは、返送されてきたものです。私があなたに送った別の人形は、もしあなたがそれを受け取っていないのなら、行方不明になっているということになります。署名された保証つきの特急便を使わないと、もうひとつの人形をあなたには送ることができないと思っています。