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Katsuya Sato (ka28310) Translations

4.9 315 reviews
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Almost 9 years ago Male
Japanese (Native) English
Computer Hardware Computer Software
Contact Freelancer
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Oh, I am so sorry that the glue and eye moved :( I will use a different glue for you this time, and not put the bottom lashes on, like you requested. If you remove Bonni's head, you can remove her eyes from inside, and I will send you glue to reset the eyes and another set of top eyelashes (in the lighter color if you would like) so you can fix them..I will help you, and walk you thru it, if you would like me to. again, I am so sorry this happened to your Bonnie :-(


おお、糊がはみ出していて、目も動いていたとのこと、申し訳ありません。 :( 今回、あなたの製品には別の糊を使おうと思います。そして、ご要求頂きましたように、まつ毛の根元には糊を付けないようにします。もしボニーの頭部を動かしたら、眼球は内部から取り外せます。そしてもういちど眼球をはめ込めるように糊と、まつ毛をもう1セットお送りします。(まつ毛は、お望みであればもう少し明るい色の物もお送りできます。) そうすればあなたご自身で修繕することができます。もし今回のボニーを気に入って頂けましたら、今後ともボニーとともに末永くお付き合いいただきたいと思っています。繰り返しになりますが、今回のボニーの不具合の件、まことに申し訳ありませんでした。 :-(

ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

If we can use your DHL account # and have them come and pick it up it is no problem Where do you want to pick it up ? Hampstead MD 21074 USA or Shanghai China ?? You would only pay $1,870 for the 55 neon clocks. You can pay with paypal They can pick up 11 boxes at 25 pounds each or 1 pallet of 315 pounds which is what I would recommend. I will 100% NOT ship it COD to Japan 100% no . But if we can have your DHL # we can probably have them pick it up  and just charge your account... Do you understand?Let me know


もし私たちがあなたのDHLアカウント番号を使い、彼らに荷物の引き取りに来てもらうことが問題ない場合、あなたはどこに引き取りに来てもらいたいですか? 米国のハンプステッド、MD 21074 もしくは中国の上海ですか ?? あなたは55個のネオン時計にたった 1,870 ドルしか支払いません。PayPalで支払いは可能です。それぞれ25ポンドの11個の箱、もしくは315ポンドの1パレットの引き取りに来てもらいますが、私のお勧めはこのいずれかです。私は日本へは100%、つまり絶対に着払いではお送りしません。しかしもし私たちがあなたのDHLアカウント番号を使えるのなら、彼らに引き取りに来てもらって、その料金をあなたのアカウントにチャージしてもらうだけです…。お分かりになりますでしょうか? お知らせください。

ka28310 Japanese → English
Original Text



Nice to meet you. I am Takemura, working for xx Co. Ltd. The president of company XX, Mr. XX introduced you to me the other day, so I am contacting to you. As a matter of fact, among our clients, one company is planning to perform acquisition of a construction company, or to establish a joint company in Vietnam. The terms and conditions are,
(1) A construction company dealing with individual houses
(2) If the company has some connection with the government, it is more ideal.
(3) The amount of money for acquisition would be within some hundreds million yen.
If you know such candidate company, can you please introduce the company to me?
For your reference, the buyer company performs investigation of electoral regional base.
As I will visit Ho Chi Minh City from 19th to 20th, I can visit the company on-site.