Katsuya Sato (ka28310) Translations

4.9 315 reviews
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Almost 9 years ago Male
Japanese (Native) English
Computer Hardware Computer Software
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
ka28310 Japanese → English
Original Text





As you wrote that you would do your best to cooperate with me as much as possible, so I am asking your cooperation.

Judging from the picture you sent to me, it is expected that, "repair fee" is not covered by the guarantee of Universal Postal Convention, but "the amount of money of item price and shipping fee" would be covered by that.

As I mentioned earlier, damage report should start from "receiver" side, not from "sender" side.
This is defined in international regulation.

Japan Post Office mentioned that, the reason the person in charge in the post office you visited said,"the sender should start the process." would be that the person did not like bothered and was reluctant to make documents for the damage report.

ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Regarding the first item of which I have asked you, that is, the pickup “KOETSU”, with original warranty, a friend of mine who came to Tokyo to visit Japan has paid about € .2350 including taxes, and the other item "the original replacement Stylus for my pickup “205CMK3”, whose acronym of the parts is:" “EPS 205ED” or “ EPS 205EX ", the price for this item is not original , in Italy costs about €16 or €30 but it is hard to find, perhaps in Japan it is more simple. To make you understand what are the items that interest me I enclose their photos to this email. I look forward to your response, but do not worry because there is not a purchase that I can do right now, so take all the time you want to find them !!


あなたにお願いした最初の商品、つまり、最初の保証のついている「こうえつ」のピックアップについてですが、日本に来訪するために東京にやってきた私の友人が、税込みでおよそ2350ユーロを支払いました。そして、もう一方の商品、私のピックアップ「205CMK3」のオリジナルの代替スタイラス、つまりパーツの頭文字が:「EPS 205ED」または「EPS 205EX」については、値段がオリジナルの価格ではありません。イタリアでは16ユーロもしくは30ユーロの価格ですが、稀少で見つけにくい商品です。おそらく日本ではもう少し簡単に見つけられるのではないでしょうか。私がなぜその商品に興味を持っているかを分かっていただくために、それらの写真を本メールに添付いたします。あなたからの返信をお待ちしています。でも、私は今すぐに購入するつもりはないので、心配しないでください。それらの商品をじっくり探して頂ければ幸いです。