hhanyu7 Translations

5.0 1 reviews
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About 9 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
hhanyu7 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

1. Make the Case

Why is the change being made? What’s in it for the participants in the change? You have to answer these questions first, and I try to do so by appealing to the heart, not the brain. I do this by telling stories, and weaving those stories into a narrative. If you’re unsure about the difference between a story and a narrative, see this post about story and narrative. The narrative, or the promise, of agile marketing is to increase the predictability, transparency, velocity, and adaptability of the marketing function. It leads to marketing that is done in a rapid, iterative, experimental, don’t-be-afraid-to-fail fashion that complements agile development.




hhanyu7 English → Japanese
Original Text

The second form of government investment we applaud is in education. Many European countries have a long history of funding engineering and science programs. Companies in those areas reap the indirect, but substantial, benefit of a steady supply of young, high-tech talent that can help them grow rapidly.

These government investments have spawned a surge of high-growth potential companies, many of which we’ve backed.

For example, Sweden is home to the leading eye-tracking software company (Tobii) and Europe’s largest mobile payment processor (Izettle). And Apple recently acquired the German augmented-reality firm Metaio.





hhanyu7 English → Japanese
Original Text

That’s because the country has one of the most aggressive and generous grant-making programs for R&D in all of Europe. And its engineering schools, including Ecole Politechnique and Ecole Central are first rate and well funded.

The result is a clutch of companies poised for high worldwide growth and solid returns.

Consider Sigfox, a company in our portfolio based in Toulouse. It builds low-energy, low-cost wireless networks that are critical for Internet of Things devices. With deployments that cover most EU countries, it has secured two rounds in funding from more than a dozen firms. The latest round will let it expand into the United States, Latin America, Japan, and South Korea.


それは、国がヨーロッパ中にあるR&Dのための最も積極的で寛大な助成プログラムの一つを持っているからだ。そして、Ecole Politechnique や Ecole Centralをはじめとするエンジニアリング・スクールは、一流であり十分に資金提供されている。


我々のポートフォリオの一社でトゥールーズを拠点とするSigfoxを考えてみよう。そこは、Internet of Things機器に欠かせない低エネルギー、低コストのワイヤレスネットワークを構築している。ほとんどのEU諸国に広がる開発のおかげで、同社は12社以上からの資金調達を2度も確保した。最近の回では、アメリカ、南米、日本、韓国へとそれを拡張することになっている。