Henno (henno) Translations

ID Verified
Almost 13 years ago Male 40s
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
henno English → Japanese
Original Text

GREE’s move to merge two platforms into one is a big step towards building a truly international social gaming platform company. The company also recently announced a number of partnerships with leading game developers in China and Korea to bring more games to its new platform. On the topic of going global, Tanaka told me that he is inspired by Japanese gaming console giant, Nintendo, which generates 80 percent of its revenue from overseas and 20 percent from the local market. Right now, Tanaka said that almost 100 percent of GREE’s revenue comes from the Japanese market. “We’re inspired to achieve what Nintendo has achieved in the global market,” said Tanaka.



henno English → Japanese
Original Text

I'm sorry to hear about the delivery problem of your order shipped via USPS.

I checked the tracking of this order and found that it was returned to us as undeliverable.

We've processed the return and issued a full refund that was completed on February 14—check your e-mail or the Order Summary in Your Account (url) for additional refund confirmation.

I understand that address you've provided is correct, and there is no problem in delivering the packages to that address. I was unable to determine what the exact problem in delivering this package was. Regrettably, some packages are returned as undeliverable through no fault of the customer. Occasionally, one of the following situations may occur:




我々はこちら返品を処理し、全額の返金をするように命じ、2月14日にはこれらの処理が終わっています。さらなる返金の確認をする場合は、あなたのメールか、Your Account内のOrder Summaryをご覧ください。


henno English → Japanese
Original Text

As an exception, place the order for this item using priority international courier and write back to us with the order number so that we will refund the shipping charges.

Please make sure to place the order with Amazon.com as we will not be able to modify or refund Amazon Marketplace/Merchant orders.

Please visit this URL to write back to us:


One of our aims at Amazon.com is to provide a convenient and efficient service; in this case, we haven't met that standard. I'm truly sorry, and I hope you'll give us another chance in the future.

We value your business and hope that you will shop again at Amazon.com.

If no, please click here:



Amazon.comで注文をするのを忘れないでください。なぜなら、我々はAmazonマーケットプレースやAmazon Merchantでの注文に関しては変更や返金には応じられないからです。




henno English → Japanese
Original Text

1. Fetch Twitter Search Results

GetTweets is a simple and fast Google Spreadsheet script that lets you quickly export Twitter search results into a spreadsheet. You can play with the spreadsheets in two ways.

Increase the number of results returned — up to 1,500. I managed to fetch about 1,300.
Twitter search operators can help you filter out links (search “-filter:links“) and find tweeted questions (search “?“). Check out this article on advanced social media search as well as this list for more search terms.

Spreadsheet details:

▷ Public script? Yes.

▷Copy the spreadsheet here.

▷Spreadsheet credit: AutomateAnalytics.com.


1. Twitterの検索結果の取得



▷公開スクリプトか? Yes.


▷スプレッドシートのクレジット: AutomateAnalytics.com.

henno English → Japanese
Original Text

If you have done everything correctly, a Twitter Auth will pop up. Then, you’ll be able to authenticate your own application. After, go to Twitter + Get Followers and you should see the tool importing your following list. However, if you have large following, you likely won’t be able to import it all (for me, that meant about 5,000 recent followers).

Spreadsheet details:

▷ Public scripts? No.
▷ Copy the spreadsheet here.
▷ Spreadsheet credit: Export Twitter Followers and Friends.

Are you aware of any other useful, social media-related Google spreadsheets? Please share them in the comments!



▷公開スクリプトか? いいえ

▷スプレッドシートのコピー: こちら

▷スプレッドシートのクレジット: Export Twitter Followers and Friends


henno English → Japanese
Original Text

We’ve recently told you about Nevada-based web services company FC2, which offers what could be the top blogging service in Japan [1], as well as a popular video service which just branched out to Indonesia.

But the company has its eyes set on other big markets as well, a company representative tells us. Its LiveChat service (at livechat.fc2.com) is being released in multiple languages, including Indonesian, Korean, and Traditional Chinese. We’re told a China release is being contemplated as well. Like FC2’s video service, FC2 Live Chat also has a prominently featured adult section, which might prove controversial in some regional markets in Asia, particularly Indonesia and China.




henno English → Japanese
Original Text

Apple Bans Qihoo Apps From iTunes App Store

[UPDATE Feb. 7th - Qihoo has told us that its iOS apps are now in the process of being re-approved and re-added by Apple, and that it was all an innocent mix-up. Read the update here].

Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) has apparently banned all iOS apps by the major Chinese web company Qihoo 360 (NYSE:QIHU) in a major embarrassment to the anti-virus and social media company. It is not known what has caused this severe penalty – or if it’s a mistake – but Qihoo apps such as its 360 Mobile Defender, and its 360 Browser for iPad, have vanished from all nations’ iTunes App Stores (pictured below).


アップルがQihooのアプリをiTunes App Storeから削除

[2月7日 更新 - Qihooは、このiOSアプリは現在、再認可のプロセスにあり、アップルによって再追加されるということと、今回の件は、罪のない、とりちがいによるものだったと語った。更新情報はこちらで]

アップル(NASDAQ:AAPL)は、どうやら、アンチウィルスとソーシャルメディア企業への困惑の中で、中国の主要なウェブ企業であるQihoo 360(NYSE:QIHU)によるiOSアプリの全てを削除したようだ。この厳しい罰則が何に起因するものなのかは分かっておらず、もしかしたら間違いなのかもしれないがー360 Mobile Defenderや、360 Browser for iPadを始めとするQihooのアプリは全ての国のiTunes App Store(下図)から消え去ってしまった。

henno English → Japanese
Original Text

Anecdotally, many geeky Chinese netizens have feared for their privacy when using Qihoo products on either mobile or desktop – and the same goes for the Tencent (HKG:0700) products – but both firms’ apps still remain popular with people in general.

A Qihoo representative, talking to PO via email, would comment only that…

"We are seeking clarification from Apple and still waiting for Apple’s reply. Until then, we should have no further comment."

Recently we looked at nine very dubious tactics used by Qihoo to push its 360 Safe Browser for PC onto users, to the point that it’s now reportedly more popular than Microsoft’s (NASDAQ:MSFT) Internet Explorer in China.




最近、我々はQihooがPC用の360 Safe Browserをユーザーに強要するために用いた9つのとても疑わしい戦略を見たところだ。その戦略によって、360 Safe Browserは、伝え聞くところによると、中国ではMicrosoft(NASDAQ:MSFT)のInternet Explorerよりも人気になるにまで至っている。

henno English → Japanese
Original Text

Small vs. large
If you work in a small company, you want to let employees know what they can look forward to, but things are small enough that everyone is aware of the potential in a job. You can talk about t4e next stages of the company. If the company grows, will those who work for you have opportunities to grow in responsibility? In a large company, people can grow up the corporate ladder; in a small company, people grow not necessarily in position, but in authority and responsibility.
Be sure that when you discuss career paths you talk in terms of what could be, what skills employees will need to learn, and what direction they are going, not in terms of promises for future positions.




henno English → Japanese
Original Text

Creating a reasonable career path for an employee will take some time and consideration of the present positions available within an area. In fact, it should include every position that you are responsible for. If an employee takes a specific position, what will then be the options after the person masters that job?
To help a person develop and reach maximum potential, you need to help the employee set goals, learn, develop, and work hard to get to the next level. To allow employees to sit in blind unawareness of what they can look forward to will demotivate them. They won't believe that you are looking out for them, they will begin to feel trapped, and they will lose their motivation to excel.




henno English → Japanese
Original Text

The farther into a track you go, the more narrow and in-depth the courses become. It's the same with a job. A person at an entry-level position has a number of options available. A vice president of finance is fairly limited in the options available.
Some bosses are reluctant to discuss available options because they don't know how quickly they will be able to implement a promotion or job change. They are afraid of making promises that they can't keep-and rightfully so. But to discuss options is not to make promises. Nearly all employees will want to know what kind of future they have with a company if they work hard, grow, develop their skills, and hang in there.


