Henno (henno) Translations

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Almost 13 years ago Male 40s
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
henno English → Japanese
Original Text

But if at the end of the year the price of manufacturing has been reduced except for that uncontrollable spike in oil prices, you need to recognize that he did everything in his power to keep that production cost in line. In fact, he met the goal to the best of his ability.

Use these events as learning experiences. Better planning the next year can take into account possible fluctuations or build in contingencies for unexpected events.
But the value of the standards of performance is having a firm plan and goal in mind. Everyone knows what is expected.

Focus on improvement
Many jobs are hard to quantify. You probably can't ask a computer programmer to finish twenty-eight projects.





henno English → Japanese
Original Text

And in most cases, people will work very hard, will work extra hours and will do whatever they have to do to meet their standards of performance.

Motivating goals
With this tool, you can make management a much easier task. Employees will know what they are supposed to be doing. The target for employees isn't moving with the day-to-day changes in the environment. They can set their sights and act accordingly. And best of all, they experience a feeling of deep satisfaction when they can go into an end-of-the-year review knowing full well that they have done the job. They will be encouraged to continue to set higher goals so that they can challenge themselves to higher levels of achievement.





henno English → Japanese
Original Text

On the other hand, direct marketers measure the effectiveness of every ad or mailing. Finding ways to bring accountability to activities is fundamental to standards of performance.

This kind of goal setting helps you develop more rounded employees. You have salespeople who are bringing back the sales and also developing future business. And if they meet both goals that you set with them, you can significantly increase the level of productivity for them the next year.

However, the most important thing about setting these goals with your employees is that they know exactly what they must do to successfully complete their jobs.





henno English → Japanese
Original Text

Quantifiable goals
In almost every job there is a way to set specific, quantifiable goals for an employee. If a person works in shipping, one goal could be the number of shipments that he packs without an error. Another goal could be the average number of packages shipped in a day.
But there are jobs where specific goals can be more difficult. Take, for example, a marketing job. Nearly every organization has specific sales goals that need to be met weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly. But they have a marketing team that has the responsibility to make the company recognizable and t9 give products a high profile. But there are few ways the effectiveness of their ads can be measured.




henno English → Japanese
Original Text

Recognize gifts
As you try to help employees excel, you need to discover their weaknesses and recognize that they probably will not ever excel in these areas. People will naturally be drawn to things that they do well. They will avoid tasks that are more difficult for them.
As a boss, you want them to become more rounded, but you also want them to perform at a very high level. The reality is that employees will never perform at a high level if they are focused only on tasks that highlight their weaknesses.
Do you want a person to spend too large a part of time working at less than maximum efficiency? Of course not.





henno English → Japanese
Original Text

By honoring time commitments, you must give those who work for; you enough time but not so much that they take your time for granted. Beginning and ending meetings on time, if you aren't already doing that, will come as a shock to everyone. Hang in there. Soon, the system will adjust itself, and things will begin to run more smoothly. Everyone will have more time to get things done, and meetings won't become meandering organisms with lives of their own.
Create an atmosphere where people can be motivated and get things done. Respecting others' time shows you respect your time. Begin to get yourself on a schedule to respect those who work for you.



henno English → Japanese
Original Text

Employees always make a great effort to schedule a meeting early in the day to be sure they get the time they need with this leader.
To have good communication, you schedule regular meetings with the people who work for you. You have many other meetings as well. There is nothing so demotivating as a boss showing (not telling) an employee that his time is less valuable than someone else's.

When you schedule a meeting with an employee for 2:00, be there ready to start the meeting at 2:00. If you are busy doing other things or caught up in a meeting with someone else and can't begin until 2:30, 2:45, or even 3:00, you are not respecting the time of the employee.




henno English → Japanese
Original Text

As a boss, you can identify things that you wish were different for you and your boss and correct them with the people who work for you. And many bosses fail to respect the time of their employees.

A frustration maker
A leader of one small company is oblivious to time. His first meeting of the day usually starts on time. But if things get involved, its ending time or the beginning of his next meeting is delayed. Although the person he is meeting with feels good because of the extra attention, the other people scheduled for meetings get frustrated, believing that their issues are less important.





henno English → Japanese
Original Text

New Media is here denounced as a mode too narrowly focused on the specific workings of novel technologies, rather than a sincere exploration of cultural shifts in which that technology plays only a small role. It can therefore be seen as relying too heavily on the specific materiality of its media. Conceptualism (in theory if not practice) presumes a lack of attention to the physical substrate in favor of the methods of disseminating the artwork as idea, image, context, or instruction.
Art instead exists somewhere between these two poles. Post-Internet objects and images are developed with concern to their particular materiality as well as their vast variety of methods of presentation and dissemination.



henno English → Japanese
Original Text

It is through understanding the Post-Internet condition that we can propose all contemporary art created after the internet to be deduced to an art that has been effected and mediated in some way by the rhizomatic, decentralized network of the internet along with the properties of other media technologies and products. At its most basic this is art’s existence through various forms of digital documentation (standardized from the 90’s onward with the massive availability of prosumer camcorders, digital cameras, etc.) ranging from videos to gifs to jpegs and ultimately to its presentation on the artist website and its dissemination to other websites, blogs, etc.



henno English → Japanese
Original Text

Tucker does not ship directly overseas. Customer must provide a Freight Forwarder within the United States to have merchandise shipped to.

If customer has a change in phone number, fax number or email address we expect to be updated with this information.

I send out emails throughout the month with Specials and Sales information. Please be sure to check your emails for these.

There are certain brands that we cannot sell to customers who have an exclusive distributor in that country.

Hazardous Materials will not be released on international orders.

Customers need to send photos of the shop both inside and outside with the sign.








henno English → Japanese
Original Text

Foscam is a wireless or wired IP camera solution for indoor use. It combines a high quality digital video camera with network connectivity and a powerful web server to bring clear video to your desktop or smartphone from anywhere on your local network or over the Internet. The high quality video image is transmitted with 30fps speed on the LAN/WAN by using MJPEG hardware compression technology. The image resultion is 640 x 480 (300k Pixels).camera is based on the TCP/IP standard. The control, management and maintenance of the camera is done simply by using your browser to remotely configure and upgrade the firmware.Foscam camera can reach up to 7 meters of visibility in absolute darkness with 5 infrared LED's.

