Henno (henno) Translations

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Over 12 years ago Male 40s
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
henno English → Japanese
Original Text

Hearing: Baby enjoys listening to music. Baby may become distracted by noises in the environment at 3 months.

Taste: Visible communication skills are beginning to emerge. Baby may be heard making an ahh sound deliberately. Baby will vary her cries and her cries begin to have meaning.

What You Can Do:
With close supervision, use a tummy time mat or playmat on the floor. Place a colorful toy or a toy that makes an interesting sound in front of baby to encourage him to lift his head. This exercise time helps baby build neck and shoulder strength.
Keep tummy time sessions brief if baby is fussy, but continue to repeat daily.
Allow baby to grasp your finger or reach to touch your face.





henno English → Japanese
Original Text

What your baby can do:
Recognize faces, voices, and smells
Respond to your smile and touch with pleasure

How you can help:
Talk and sing to your baby
Hold your baby, engage in skin-to-skin cuddle time

What your baby can do:
Use sounds, facial expressions, and body movements to tell you "how" she is feeling
Show you when she wants to play and when she wants a break

How you can help:
Watch your baby and learn her signals
Respond to your baby's signals, and encourage more signals

What your baby can do:
Grip your finger or a toy you put in her hand
Move her head toward a bottle or mother's breast when she is hungry







henno English → Japanese
Original Text

Amazing Facts About Infant Development

Babies have all their brain cells, or neurons (some 100 billion), by just six months in the womb. However, these cells remain poorly connected until months after birth.

At birth, babies' brains have very little white matter or myelin, the fatty substance that dramatically speeds up information processing. As myelin is gradually added to their brains, babies' perception increases and they move more quickly and efficiently.

Newborn babies are more alert for the first two hours after birth than they will be for the next week or two. This is due to stress hormones released during delivery, which arouse babies, dilate their pupils and promote bonding with their new parents






henno English → Japanese
Original Text

Young infants recognize their parents and other familiar caregivers by smell. In fact, their sense of smell is much sharper than the senses of vision and hearing in the first few months of life.

Babies begin learning the difference between languages even before they're born. They don't understand the words, but can recognize the distinct musical tones of different languages.

Babies can recognize familiar songs or stories that they were repeatedly exposed to before birth.

Touch sensitivity develops in a head-to-toe sequence in babies. For example, young infants detect different textures more acutely with their lips than with their fingertips.






henno English → Japanese
Original Text

Babies sense motion and gravity using the inner ear, or vestibular system. This is one of the earliest senses to develop and is responsible for many newborn reflexes, such as the Moro response. Also known as the startle response, this reflex action is characterized by the flailing open of a baby's arms if he or she has a sudden sensation of falling.

Pediatricians test the vestibular system by turning a baby's head from side to side and looking for eye movements in the opposite direction: when the head turns right, a baby's eyes will move left, so that they stay focused on what's in front of them. This is called the doll's eye reflex because it is similar to the movement of the weighted eyes in dolls.




henno English → Japanese
Original Text

3-D vision emerges quite suddenly in infants between about three and four months of age, and earlier in girls than in boys.

Baby's sense of hearing begins before birth. By birth, a newborn has been listening to mother's voice for at least three months and can distinguish it from other women's voices.

Newborn babies can see, but not very clearly. Their vision is 20/600 and they cannot see well directly in front of their faces. A newborn can actually see better out of the corner of his or her eye.

Their sense of taste is well developed at birth, however, the ability to detect saltiness does not emerge until about four months.

Read more from Lise Elliot, PhD, Author, What's Going On in There?






「What's Going On in There」の著者のLise Elliot博士のところでもっと読む

henno English → Japanese
Original Text

Vision: Distance vision is blurry. However, the ability to distinguish light from dark and close vision is reasonably good. Babies at this age have trouble maintaining focus. Babies prefer organized, symmetrical faces, which provide them with a sense of calm. Often, new parents will notice that their babies' eyes look crossed. This is due to underdeveloped eye muscles. Babies at this age can only see reds, oranges and greens.

Hearing: All babies should have their hearing tested at birth. Science previously believed that 2 years of age was the optimum time for the first hearing test, but today we know that newborns can discriminate between volume, pitch, tone, and ascending and descending tones.


視覚: 遠くの視界はぼやけている。しかし、明暗を区別する能力と、近くの視界はかなり良好だ。この年齢の乳幼児は、焦点を維持することがうまくできない。乳幼児は、整のった対称的な顔を好む。そのような顔はを見ると落ち着くのである。新しい親たちは、しばしば、乳幼児の目が固く閉じているのに気付くだろう。これは、目の筋肉がまだ発達していないせいでおきる。この年齢の乳幼児は、赤と、オレンジ、緑しか認識できない。


henno English → Japanese
Original Text

Good morning.
Many thanks for your kind recommendation to all of your Japan friends.
I really appreciate of your kindness from bottom of my heart, I will do more to improve my website as well as my new company & our services, Ganbarimasu+++
There are many secret usernames & passwords in order to open files contents (There are many interesting infos); such like Map & Photos, Japanese FAQs etc.--- These infos/pages need specifically log-in design only for my company agents and those specific members/customers who are our existing customers.

You are specially invited guest member;
When you have time, you may like to check the followings by those procedure step by step to check the followings;







henno English → Japanese
Original Text

6. Adjust the height limit nut to limit the pressing and bronzing height, and avoid the collision and damage among the word surface, the surface of the heat transfer plate and the bronzing surface due to using large strength to pull the handle.
7.To save the foil paper,it is possible to adjust the length adjustment knob of the foil paper according to the length of the bronzing surface,so that the paper-advance length per time is suitable for the length of the bronzing surface.

☆3.Insert the foil paper into the shaft,rolate the knob to maintain the tension state of the foil paper.Make sure the paper should be parallel to the bronzing table


6. 圧縮とブロンジングの高さを制限するために、高さ制限ナットを調整してください。ハンドルを引く時に大きな力がかかりますが、ワード表面、熱交換プレートの表面、及びブロンジングの表面の間の衝突と損害を避けてください。

7. アルミ箔を節約するために、ブロンジング表面の長さに応じてアルミ箔の長さ調整ノブを調整することも出来ます。そうすれば、時間あたりの用紙送りの長さをブロンジング表面の長さに合ったものにできます。


henno English → Japanese
Original Text

Henry shared that especially for the Internet industry, almost no sole foreign investor – without a joint-venture (JV) partner; more on that later – is able to obtain the mandatory Internet Content Provider (ICP) license. These tend to be restricted so as to prevent Chinese citizens viewing some ‘sensitive’ material from foreign websites.

Hence, one of the most common approaches done by most foreign entrants is partnerships, such as Groupon did with Tencent.

On top of which, one would need many business licenses in order to operate in China. Additional business licenses are very high barriers themselves because one would need to understand which license is required for which side of the business operations.





henno English → Japanese
Original Text

If there is a successful site or service in the West, it would be replicated, built, and localized in China. With such a well-oiled process in place, it makes it pointless for foreign companies to enter when their business models could be easily replicated in China.

Poor Partnerships

In most cases when a foreign company approaches a local company to set up a joint-venture, they approach with different agendas in mind. For the foreign companies, their main aim is to obtain the license and learn how to run a business in China. On the other hand, the local partners would want to obtain the transferable skills and learn the technology from their foreign partners.





henno English → Japanese
Original Text

However, once they achieve their goal, they want each other out of the JV. The relationship and trust between the two partners weakens and breaks. So that is why some businesspeople say the JV is the kid that brings bad luck to the ‘marriage.’
Problems with being a Global Organisation

Often in big organisations, decision making tends to be very slow. They have to go through levels and levels of red tape before making a decision, which slows down the entire implementation process. This makes them less agile than most startups.

That aside, foreign Internet giants are always aiming to keep to global standards but fail to recognise that the China market itself is very different and fragmented.






henno English → Japanese
Original Text

One cannot plainly copy the common practices that they use in big mature markets and implement them in the Chinese market.

Inability to Attract Top Chinese Talents

Instead of companies choosing their employees, now the choice is given to top talents. In recent years, working in the government sector was the favored choice for many top talents within China. Why so? It gave them power and status being in government and state-owned companies. [And long lunch breaks. -Ed].

Also, Henry states that it is a common misconception that labour in China is cheap. This is not true, especially for highly sought-after skills. These days, top talents are paid according to international standards and receive global salaries.




会社が従業員を選択するのではなく、現在は、一流の才能を持つものが選択を行う。ここ数年で、中国国内では公共部門で働くことが、多くの一流の才能を持つ者たちに好まれるようになってきている。なぜだろうか?公共部門で働くことで、彼らは政府と国有企業内での権力とステータスを勝ち取れるのである。[お昼休憩 -Ed]


henno English → Japanese
Original Text

How to Build Success in China?

Henry advises that in order to build a successful company in China, you have to first build strong government relationships which will help pave the way for the subsequent operations.

Apart from building strong relationships, you need to play by China’s market rules. If your website mainly thrives on user-generated content, put in a dedicated team to regulate the content being placed on your site.

Remove any inappropriate content to prevent your site getting blocked. That’s the oft-misunderstood process of self-censorship that goes on on the Chinese web – it’s the web firms themselves that do most of the policing.






henno English → Japanese
Original Text

Of course, where is your sincerity when you claim that you want to build a product for the Chinese market and you do not even have offices and staff placed in China? Make a long-term commitment: build a local team, understand the various cultures in numerous cities in order to successfully localize your product. Develop trust between foreign and local employees, because locals know how to better localize your product that you do.

Advice For Foreign Entrepreneurs

Henry advises that if one is sincere about doing and starting a business in China, be based in China. If possible, work in a startup to understand the culture before starting your own business.



