eggplant (eggplant) Translations

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Over 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
eggplant English → Japanese
Original Text

"If I can keep someone healthy, I'm going to have a work force that's productive, that's not going to cost me any more money in terms of overtime," Lopez says. "Hopefully, they'll be happy; they'll want to keep on working for us."

In the November issue of the journal Diabetes, Dr. James Levine, an endocrinologist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, and a leading researcher in the field, points out that sitting has a biological function rooted in evolutionary need -- it's almost as energy efficient as lying down, but while seated, a person can be vigilant of his or her surroundings.

"Sitting is not bad for you in moderation, but in excess it is addictive and harmful," Levine writes.



雑誌Diabetesに取り上げられた、11月の記事で、ミネソタ州のロチェスターにあるメイヨー・クリニックの内分泌科医であり、この分野お最先端の研究者、James Levineは、座ることには進化上に必要とされた生物学的機能があるのだと指摘している。それは横たわるのと同等の効率的なエネルギーを要するが、座ったままでいるときは、周囲に警戒態勢をとることができる。


eggplant English → Japanese
Original Text

Will carriers lose revenue from OTT services?

As for carriers losing out in the instant messaging and online service battles, Anurag is confident that carriers will remain relevant, even as the likes of WeChat, LINE, Kakao Talk, WhatsApp and other messaging services incrasingly get mindshare and usage from users who would otherwise be sending SMS messages and making voice calls. The secret is in offering services that allow carriers to monetize data usage without costing an arm and a leg. This is perhaps one of the reasons why local carriers like Globe have partnered with the likes of Viber, which is traditionally seen as competition.



IMやオンラインサービスとの競争で敗北している配達業者に関して、Anuragは、WeChatやLINE、Kakao Talk、WhatsAppや他のメッセージサービスがますますマインドシェアを得て、他の手段としてSMSメッセージを送信したり、音声電話をかけたりするユーザーによって、活用されるようになっても、配達業者は適当であり続けると確信しています。この秘密は、配達業者が腕や脚を使わずに、データ利用を貨幣化することを可能にするサービスの提供にあります。このことは、おそらくGlobeのような地域の配達業者が、伝統的に競争しているViberのような存在と提携している理由の1つです。