HEMAYANI (dazaifukid) Translations

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Over 12 years ago
Indonesian (Native) English Japanese
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
dazaifukid English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Thank you for your prompt payment. Because I specifically state in my auctions that I don't ship international, I wasn't prepared for this to be shipped overseas and adding to the packaging will add to the shipping costs due to the bigger size of the box. As it stands, the box is 25 lbs and measures 15x10x20". UPS is charging me for 32 lbs due to the size. Additionally, I don't have other packaging material and that would also be an added expense. Please have your shipper in Florida secure the package for international travel. If this is not acceptable to you, please let me know and we can agree to cancel the sale and your payment will be promptly refunded.


早速入金していただいてありがとうございます。海外発送を対応しないことをオークションページに記載しましたので、海外発送する準備はできていません。海外発送するには再梱包が必要になり、梱包サイズが大きくなるので、送料も高くなります。現在の梱包の重量は25lbs、寸法は15x10x20". 寸法が大きいことからUPSは32lbsサイズの料金を請求しています。また、梱包材も持っていないので、購入するのに別途費用がかかります。フロリダの運送会社にこのアイテムが海外発送できるように準備してもらってください。以上の条件が厳しいようでしたら、今回の取引をキャンセルし、支払った金額をお返しします。