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chee_madam Translations

5.0 16 reviews
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Almost 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
IT Law Manuals
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
chee_madam English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

LinkedIn acquires US and Philippine job search startup Bright for $120 million

Professional social network LinkedIn (NYSE:LNKD) announced yesterday that it has acquired Philippines- and US-based job search company Bright. TheBobbery reports the deal is worth $120 million, making it LinkedIn’s largest acquisition to date.

The three-year-old startup takes a big data approach to job hunting, matching job seekers to employers with a calculated “Bright Score” so employers don’t have to look over every resume separately. The aim is to increase efficiency and find better matches for both parties.



プロフェッショナル向けソーシャル・ネットワークサービスのLinkedIn(NYSE: LNKD)は、昨日、フィリピン、米国に拠点を置く、求職サービス会社、Brightを買収したことを発表した。TheBobberyはこの取引の価格は1.2億米ドルにのぼり、LinkedInの行ってきた買収の中で、今日現在最大のものとなる。

この3年目になるスタートアップは、求職活動にビッグデータをつかったアプローチを使い、求職者と企業を計算された「Bright Score」というスコアに基づいてマッチングするもので、企業は個別の履歴書を読む必要がなくなるというものだ。このサービスは、求職者と企業の双方のマッチングの効率とマッチ度を改善させることを目的としている。

chee_madam English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Chinese Online Retailer Files for US IPO to Raise up to $1.5 billion Inc. (formerly 360Buy), one of the largest online retailers in China, filed with SEC for IPO to raise up to $1.5 billion in the U.S..

The company started as an online retailer in 2004 and then introduced third-party retailers to its platform in October 2010. It’s business model, selling goods directly to users and take commissions from third-party retailers, is different from that of Alibaba’s Taobao & Tmall whose major revenue sources are search marketing and other advertising offerings.’s direct competitors in China include, Amazon China and Yihaodian.



中国の最大級ネット小売り、 In. (前・360Buy)はSEC(米国証券取引委員会)に、米国で15億米ドルまでの資金調達のためIPOを申請した。

同社は2004年にネット小売業者として起業し、2010年10月には外部の小売業者を自社のプラットフォームに取り入れた。直接ユーザに商品を販売し、外部小売業者から手数料を取るという同社のビジネスモデルは検索によるマーケティングおよびその他広告提供を主な収益源としているAlibabaのTaobaoやTmallのそれとは異なったものとなっている。JD.comの中国における直接的な競合は、Amazon ChinaおよびYiHaodianだ。

chee_madam English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

The gross merchandise volume (GMV) on JD platform were RMB32.7 billion and RMB73.3 billion in 2011 and 2012, respectively. The GMV is RMB86.4 billion (US$14.1 billion) in the first nine months of 2013. Its operating income had been negative since 2009 till the third quarter of 2013.

The company is well-known in China for its self-supported, effective delivery service. It has 82 warehouses in 34 Chinese cities, and 1,453 delivery stations and 209 pickup stations in 460 cities, with 18,005 delivery men, 8,283 warehouse staff and 4,842 customer service personnel as of December 31, 2013, according to the company. The delivery capability handled 211.7 million orders in the first nine months of 2013.




chee_madam English → Japanese
Original Text

The product manager of GDT for WeChat told me that it works differently from the GDT system on other platforms. As what can be shown in the mobile pages by Subscription Accounts is limited — only text and image allowed — the ads cannot be more than simple display ads.

It’s unknown when or what a percentage of the advertising revenues Tencent will share with third-party publishers. But publishers that heard about the news today feel encouraging. There are other players, such as Sohu and Sina, are also building mobile platforms for third-party publishers and promised to share income with them. But today no one thinks anyone could be so powerful as WeChat.




chee_madam English → Japanese
Original Text

Item specifics are the characteristics of your item that you specify on the Sell Your Item (SYI) form. These specifics allow buyers to search and find the items they want. Sellers can choose one of up to six choices of Item Condition values depending on the category. Definitions are different from category to category.

You can choose to change it or leave it as is, but if you want to change it. Just click on the link "Use the bulk editing tool on to update" of the email we sent you about this. You should be taken to the edit your listing options. Select all the listings and click "Edit" then choose Item specifics. Choose the item specifics suited for your items and click on "Save and close".


商品詳細(Item Specifics)とは、あなたがSell Your Item (SYI)フォームに記載した、商品の特徴のことで、これらの詳細でバイヤーが商品を検索し、ほしい商品を見つけることができるようになるのです。売り手は、カテゴリによって商品の状態の設定値を6個ある中から選ぶことができます。

変更することもできますし、そのままにされても結構ですが、変更なさりたい場合には、この件について送信さしあげたメール上の「Use the bulk editing tool on to update」というリンクをクリックすると、「edit your listing options」が開きます。全てのリスティングを選択し、「Edit」をクリックし、商品詳細を選択してください。あなたの商品に合った商品詳細を選び、「Save and close]をクリックします。