ce70wn Translations

ID Unverified
About 15 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
ce70wn English → Japanese
Original Text

title: Kim Jung Tae Reveals a Photo with Kahi for KBS "Dream High 2"

Actor Kim Jung Tae revealed a "couple-shot" taken with Kahi on the set of KBS drama "Dream High 2." Kim Jung Tae posted a picture of Kahi and himself on twitter and commented, "With the Dance Goddess, Kahi."

In the released photo, the two are standing arm in arm and yet, their expressions are very different. Kahi look comfortable as she is smiling and signaling V with her hand, leaning into Kim Jung Tae. On the contrary, Kim Jung Tae is looking rigid and nervous, with both hands put politely in front of him. In "Dream High 2," Kim Jung Tae and Kahi each play Kirin High School's principal and dance instructor.


タイトル:KBSテレビ「Dream High 2」のKim Jung TaeがKahiとのツーショット写真を公開

俳優Kim Jung TaeはKBSドラマ「Dream High 2」のセットで撮ったKahiとのツーショットを公開しました。Kim Jung Taeはツイッターに自身とKahiが写った写真を投稿し、「ダンスの女神Kahiとツーショット」とコメントしました。

公開された写真では、二人は腕組みをしながら立っていましたが、二人はまるで違う表情をしていました。KahiはVサインをしながら落ち着いた様子でKim Jung Taeに寄りかかって微笑んでいました。対照的に、Kim Jung Taeは硬直した様子で緊張しているようで、体の前に丁寧に手を揃えていました。「Dream High 2」では、Kim Jung TaeとKahiはそれぞれ校長とダンスの先生を演じています。

ce70wn English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 59-2
When required, Gates would even personally intervene in the recruitment process. Say, for example, a particularly talented programmer needed additional persuasion to join the company, then they were likely to receive a personal call from Gates.

Stars like to work wherever the best in their field congregate. Sometimes, too, the top programmers seek out former colleagues and persuade them to join Microsoft. Back in 1981, for example, Gates recruited Charles Simonyi from Xerox PARC. Simonyi, who has been described as the 'father of Microsoft Word', in turn helped persuade others to join. 'In terms of hiring great people, how do we hire all these people? It's by word of mouth', Gates noted.



スター達は自身の分野の専門家たちが集まる場所で働くことを好む。ときには、最高のプログラマーが元同僚をマイクロソフトにヘッドハントするケースもある。例えば1981年に、Gates氏はゼロックスPARCから「マイクロソフトWordの父」として知られるCharles Simonyi氏を引き抜いた。すると今度は彼が他の人材の呼び込みを手伝ったのである。「優秀な人材を雇うことに関して言えば、どのようにこれだけの人々を雇うのか?それは口から発した言葉によるものだ」とGates氏は指摘した。

ce70wn English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 59-1
'Bill Gates embodies what was supposed to be impossible - a practical intellectual', noted Randall E. Stross. 'He consistently has sought out and hired the smartest individuals in the computer industry ... and always hires the brilliant if he can. Microsoft's principal assets, in fact, are the collective craniums of Bill Gates and his employees...’.

From the start, Gates always insisted that the company required the very best minds, the 'high IQ people' in Microsoft lingo, and went out of his way to attract the very brightest recruits. 'There is no way of getting around [the fact] that in terms of IQ, you've got to be very elitist in picking the people


「Bill Gates氏は不可能と思われてきたことを可能にする。実用的な有識者である」とRandall E. Stross氏は強調する。「彼はコンピューター業界で屈指の人材を常に探し出し雇ってきた。。。そして可能な限り優秀な人を雇う。実は、マイクロソフトの主な資産はBill Gates氏と彼の従業員たちの頭脳の蓄積なのである。。。」


ce70wn English → Japanese
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PAGE 58-2
It's a point that Gates endorsed. 'I'd have to say my best business decisions have had to do with picking people. Deciding to go into business with Paul Allen is probably at the top of the list, and subsequently, hiring a friend - Steve Ballmer (appointed Microsoft CEO in 2000) - who has been my primary business partner ever since. It's important to have someone who you totally trust, who is totally committed, who shares your vision, and yet who has a little bit different set of skills and who also acts as something of a check on you. Some of the ideas you run by him, you know he's going to say, "Hey, wait a minute, have you thought about this and that?"



これはGates氏も認めている点である。「私の仕事における最良の決断は人選にあったと言わざるを得ない。Paul Allen氏と共に仕事を始めることを決めたことは一番で、次に友人であるSteve Ballmer氏(2000年からマイクロソフトCEOに就任)を雇ったことである。彼はそれ以来、私の主要なビジネス・パートナーとなっている。全てを信用でき、全力で取り組んでくれて、ビジョンを共有でき、けれども専門分野が若干異なり、自分をチェックしてくれるような人がいるということは大事である。自分が出したアイデアを彼と話し合っていると、彼が「おい、待てよ。これとこれは考えてみたのかい?」と言うのが分かっている。」

ce70wn English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 58-1
Bright as he is, Bill Gates never tried to take the credit for all of Microsoft's success. His willingness to acknowledge the talent of others in his field was crucial. As Fortune magazine once observed: 'Microsoft has been led by a man widely recognized as a genius in his own right, who has had the foresight to recognize the genius in others.'

PAGE 58-3
Gates was never one to suffer technological fools gladly. 'I don't hire bozos', he said. In some quarters his attitude has been seen as elitist and provoked criticism. But it has a number of positive effects. The company is able to recruit many brilliant students straight from college who are attracted by the prospect of working with the very best.


抜け目のないBill Gates氏は決してマイクロソフトの成功を全て自分の手柄にしようとはしなかった。彼と同じ分野にいる他人の才能を快く受け入れる姿勢は素晴しかった。あるときフォーチュン誌では、このような見解が述べられていた:「マイクロソフトは自力で天才と認識されていた男によって指揮されていたが、彼は他人の才能をも見出す洞察力を持っていた。」


ce70wn English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 43-1
Microsoft was also good at shaping the future direction of technology, most noticeably the spread of multimedia. In the early days of CD-ROM, for example, when the technology was struggling to be accepted, Gates funded a series of conferences to promote the CD-ROM concept. These events championed the cause of the new technology and placed Microsoft at the centre of the CD-ROM movement.

PAGE 43-4
The competition, the technological breakthroughs and the research make the computer industry, and in particular software, the most exciting field there is, and I think I have the best job in that business.'




ce70wn English → Japanese
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PAGE 42-2
In fact, Gates does not necessarily rate people who are obsessed with original solutions to problems. Most people only have one brilliant idea in their entire lifetimes, he has said. Most solutions already exist somewhere and simply have to be identified. This was his great talent with Microsoft - identifying solutions, acquiring them and developing them into commercially successful products.

Even DOS, the operating system that made Microsoft famous, was not invented by Gates. His partner Paul Allen bought a version of the operating system called QDOS from another computer company, Seattle Computers, for $50,000. Microsoft developed it and supplied it to IBM for its first PC.



マイクロソフトを有名にしたDOSでさえ、Gates氏が発明したものではない。彼のパートナー、Paul Allen氏がQDOSというOSのとあるバージョンをシアトル・コンピューター社から5万ドルで購入したのである。マイクロソフトはこれを改良しIBM社初のパソコン用に納入したのである。

ce70wn English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 39-1
'That's fun', he observed years later, 'because when people are first skeptical, they say, "Oh, this kid doesn't know anything.' But when you show them you've really got a good product and you know something, they actually tend to go overboard. So, at least in this country, our youth was a huge asset for us once we reached a certain threshold.'

PAGE 39-3
By the mid-1980s it was 'cool' to be into computers. Throughout America, the brightest college students had a new career in mind. They couldn't wait to finish school to get out to Silicon Valley or the Microsoft campus at Redmond, where things were really happening. Microsoft had its own special hip culture and slant on the business.




ce70wn English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 24-2
But Gates had an important ally. He had the muscle of IBM behind his operating system. Big Blue had dominated the mainframe business for years and, somewhat belatedly, was preparing to enter the PC market. The credibility of the IBM name would be crucial in the battle ahead. Gates judged rightly that the best opportunity of establishing an industry standard other than one based around the Apple system lay with the arrival in the PC market of the world's most trusted computer manufacturer. For many years, IBM's proud boast was that 'no one ever got fired for buying an IBM.' At that time, it had a reputation for dependability unmatched in the computer world.

