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In fact, Gates does not necessarily rate people who are obsessed with original solutions to problems. Most people only have one brilliant idea in their entire lifetimes, he has said. Most solutions already exist somewhere and simply have to be identified. This was his great talent with Microsoft - identifying solutions, acquiring them and developing them into commercially successful products.
Even DOS, the operating system that made Microsoft famous, was not invented by Gates. His partner Paul Allen bought a version of the operating system called QDOS from another computer company, Seattle Computers, for $50,000. Microsoft developed it and supplied it to IBM for its first PC.
マイクロソフトを有名にしたDOSでさえ、Gates氏が発明したものではない。彼のパートナー、Paul Allen氏がQDOSというOSのとあるバージョンをシアトル・コンピューター社から5万ドルで購入したのである。マイクロソフトはこれを改良しIBM社初のパソコン用に納入したのである。