居倉 悠香 (anna_claba) Translations

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Almost 9 years ago Female 30s
Japanese (Native) English French
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
anna_claba English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Which charging port should I use to charge my device?

Each port can charge any device no need to decide between them.

What if the charger is not charging my device?

Check to ensure that your device is usb-powered with an input current between 0 and 2amps and voltage input of 5V.

Check to ensure that the power cord isn't broken and is securely connected to an active wall outlet.

How do I check my device's input current and voltage?

Please refer to your device's user manual,original OEM charging adapter,or contact the manufacturer to determine the information.

My device charges at 1 amp,will this charger's 4amp output harm it?

No.the charger will only supply the maximum charge current allowed by your device up to 2amps.





お持ちのデバイスが、入力電流(input current)が0~2A(アンペア)、電圧入力(voltage input)が5VのUSBポートで使用できるかを確認してください。






anna_claba English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Experience deep relaxation in seconds with BioSonics precision-tested tuning forks.

Reduce Stress
Increase Blood flow
Enhance Mental Clarity
Improve Immune Response

BioSonics tuning forks are simple and easy to use and the results are miraculous! Sound alters our biochemistry and enhances all energy therapy practices.

For weighted BioSonics tuning forks (Including Ottol 28, Otto 64, Otto 32, Om Tuner, and Planetary Tuners)

You can use your weighted tuning forks on specific points of the body:
1. Find the exact point using whatever method is appropriate.
2. Place your index finger on the point.
3. Tap the fork on your knee (or the palm of your hand.)






1. 適当な方法なら何でもいいので、正確な場所を探します。
2. その場所に人差し指を当てます。
3. 膝の上(または手のひら)に置いた音叉を軽く叩きます。

anna_claba English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

4. Bring the fork to your index finger and simultaneously slide your index finger away while bringing the base of the tuning fork stem onto the point.
5. In general, it is always good to place your free hand somewhere else on the body.

Here are three specific points to use your weighted BioSonics tuning forks:

1. Place the tuning fork on your sternum, your chest bone. Feel the vibration and imagine your heart softening.
2. Place the tuning fork on your third eye - the space between and just above your eyes. Close your eyes and feel the vibration move through your cranium.
3. Place the tuning fork on your sacrum, the bone at the base of your spine. Close your eyes and feel the vibration move through your lower pelvis


4. 音叉を人差し指に当てると同時に、人差し指を滑らせ、音叉の持ち手のほうを当てたい場所に持っていきます。
5. 通常、体のどこか他の場所に、使っていない方の手を置くといいです。


1. 胸骨に音叉を当てます。振動を感じ、心臓がリラックスしていくのを想像してください。
2. 3つめの目、つまり両目の間の上あたりに、音叉を当てます。目を閉じて、振動が頭の骨を通り抜けていくのを感じてください。
3. 背骨の下の方にある仙骨に音叉を当てます。目を閉じて、振動が骨盤の下の方を通り抜けていくのを感じてください。

anna_claba English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Who uses BioSonics Tuning Forks?
What was once only available to healing arts practitioners is now available to anyone! Regardless of your occupation, BioSonics precision-tested tuning forks will become an invaluable part of your life. Executives, stay-at-home moms, athletes, physicians, yoga practitioners and people across all walks of life are using our tuning forks to relieve stress, enhance mental clarity and increase energy. Also, massage therapists, and energy and body work practitioners use tuning forks to enhance their work.

When do you use BioSonics Tuning Forks?
Keep them by your bed and use them before you go to sleep to relax from a busy day.




anna_claba English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

Although each BioSonics tuning fork is uniquely designed to address different areas of physical, mental and spiritual health, they each follow the same basic principles.

For non-weighted BioSonics tuning forks
(Including Body Tuners, Solar Harmonic Spectrum, Angel Tuners, and Crystal Tuners)

For the knee tap gently tap the flat side of the tuning fork below your kneecap. Do not hit your kneecap. All it takes is a gentle firm tap and your tuning fork will sound. Bring the forks slowly to your ears, about three to six inches from your ear canal, and listen to the sounds. (Note: If you do not want to top the forks on your knees you can tap them on a hockey puck or on carpet.)




1. 膝を叩く

anna_claba English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Hold your tuning forks by the stem with moderate pressure — not too light and not too loose.

Do not put the tuning forks near your ear canal when using the "tap together" technique.

The second way to sound your tuning forks is to tap them together. Hold them by the stems with only moderate pressure and tap them together on their edges, not the flat side of the prongs. You do not have to use a lot of force. Play with creating an easy sounding tap versus a banging tap when too much force is used. When you tap then together the tuning forks will sound overtones. Move the tuning forks around slowly and fast in the air and listen to the different tones as they get louder and softer




2. 音叉同士で叩く

anna_claba English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Weixin Dushu includes a WeChat Moment-like content sharing platform where users can browse through the reading list of WeChat friends and share reading suggestions.

The app has also integrated “Leaderboard” and “Like”, two existing gamification features that have proven successful in WeChat Sport and Games. It also counts how long users have spent on reading in the app and turns it into a social competition, complete with a daily leaderboard that covers all your WeChat friends who have also opted in. Of course, you can close the service if you don’t want to share your reading list or compete with others.


Weixin Dushuには、WeChat Momentのようなコンテンツ共有プラットフォームがあり、ユーザがWeChatフレンドの読書リストを閲覧でき、お勧め書籍の共有もできる。

また、同アプリは、「Leaderboard」と「Like」という、WeChat Sport・Gamesで成功を収めた2つの既存のゲーミフィケーション機能を統合した。ユーザがアプリ内で何時間読書に時間を費やしているかをカウントし、ソーシャルネットワーク上でのコンテストを設け、選択したWeChatフレンド全員の情報が掲載されるデイリーリーダーボードを備える。もちろん、読書リストの共有や他者と競争したくない場合は、同サービスを停止することができる。