Yumie (3_yumie7) Translations

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About 12 years ago
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
3_yumie7 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Thank you for contacting eBay Customer Support in regards to your concern with raising your selling limits. You are a valued member of eBay and I am more than happy to assist you today!
As I research your account I can see that the documents were requested. From the notes it looks like the department that requested those documents wants you to give them a call.
4. Click the "Call us" button to receive a phone number to speak with an eBay Representative. The number that will appear is 1-○○○-○○○-○○○.
The above steps is the best way to resolve your issue with your selling account. You will also request to speak with our Seller Vetting Department.
Thank you for your patience. Have a wonderful day!Sincerely,


4.eBayの担当者とお話になられるにはCall usボタンをクリックして電話番号を受け取ってください。画面に現れる番号は1-○○○-○○○-○○○.です。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

The Kaixin Baby app integrates with the regular Kaixin site, and also features a parenting portal with a selection of baby-care tips and general parenting news.

We’ve been seeing quite a few parenting diary apps this year, such as Japan’s Daiby (which offers paid printing services), or Chinese rival Miidooo, which looks great but lacks any smartphone apps.

Last time we looked at Kaixin, the company said it had 130 million registered users, and was seeing rising revenue – all despite being dwarfed by rival Renren (NYSE:RENN) and the emergence of the Twitter-esque Sina Weibo and Tencent Weibo in recent years.

Kaixin Baby is free in the iTunes App Store.


Kaixin Babyアプリは通常のKaixinのサイトに統合しており、赤ん坊の世話に関する話題や全般的な子育て情報などの選りすぐりと共に子育てポータルも搭載している。


先日Kaixinを見た時、同社は1億3000万人の登録ユーザーを持ち、ライバルのRenren (NYSE:RENN) や最近ではTwitter風のSina WeiboやTencent Weiboなどに比べて影をひそめているが、それでも収益は増加してきた。

Kaixin BabyはiTunes アプリストアで無料だ。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

With 40 million users worldwide, including 200,000 users in Indonesia, Evernote seems to be placing a great deal of focus on Indonesia, a nation which matches up very well with Tencent’s mobile strategy. The Chinese company recently partnered with media conglomerate PT. Global Mediacom and also stated its ambitions quite clearly at our Startup Asia Jakarta conference in June of this year.

Andy Pan, Tencent’s Director of International Mobile Products, said:

We are rapidly introducing our products in the Asian region and Indonesia is a primary market for us. With the mobile phone subscribers’ base now topping more than 260 million, Indonesia’s mobile phone penetration has tripled in five years.


インドネシア国内の20万のユーザーを含め、世界に4000万人のユーザーを持つEvernoteはTencentのモバイル戦略に非常によく合っている国インドネシアに大きな重点を置いているように見える。この中国企業は最近メディア複合企業PT. Global Mediacom と提携し、今年6月開催されたStartup Asia Jakarta conferenceで同社の目標を非常にはっきりと語った。

Tencentの海外モバイル製品担当部長Andy Pan氏はこう述べている。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

How did you conceive the idea for Mindtalk and what do you envision Mindtalk to be in the future?

We got the idea of Mindtalk from Blackberry Messenger Groups and mIRC, in early 2011. Robin and I talked about on how people interact with each other. We believe that people socialise in two different ways. One is based on the social graph (who I know) and the other is the interest graph (what i like). However, most new social media sites are focused on the social graph and many interest graph social media are in the old style such as forums, mailing lists, blogs, and groups in applications.



私たちはMindtalkのアイデアを2011年初めBlackberry Messenger GroupsとmIRCから思いつきました。Robinと私は人々が互いにどのように交流をはかるかについて話していました。私たちは人々は2つの違ったやり方で人と付き合うと思っています。1つはソーシャルグラフ(何を知っているか)でもう1つは関心のグラフ(何が好きか)です。しかし、ほとんどの新しいソーシャルメディアサイトはソーシャルグラフに焦点を当てており、多くの関心グラフのソーシャルメディアは掲示板、メーリングリスト、ブログ、アプリ内のグループ等の古いスタイルの中にあるのです。