Yumie (3_yumie7) Translations

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About 12 years ago
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Risk arises when data from one segment in a server escapes into another segment, which in return makes one’s data backup strategy and recoverability extremely important. Backups should be frequent and reliable. Virtualization software – widely known as the “hypervisor” – should be able to deal with this risk.

In short, securing infrastructure and protecting the user’s data and applications, are among the provider’s main duties. Meanwhile, making sure that the vendor has taken necessary security measures properly in order to protect the aforementioned vital components, is the client’s primary task in terms of security.




3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Addressing user’s concerns and expectations

Institutions and companies of various types and sizes will usually have deep concerns about loss of control in cloud computing. Yet, as security concerns are among the major factors limiting greater adoption, this simply encourages users to better scrutinize terms and conditions, liability provisions, process transparency, indemnification, and exit strategies as very crucial aspects of cloud service.

Because systems and human resources are under third-party providers, and not managed by the customers directly, users tend to rely on contracts for better security enforcement.





3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Three years ago, the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) was formed to provide information and standards, conduct research on cloud computing best practices, and engage in educational activities about cloud security, with 31 chapters worldwide, 10 of which in Asia Pacific region. They introduced the first certification on cloud computing security, CSA’s Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge (CCSK) and will be offering CCSK, PCI Cloud, and GRC stack training.

Regardless what the above organization has been trying to do thus far, most importantly, educating employees on the importance of security is the preliminary step for both vendor and customers need to take security seriously to ensure sustained awareness.


3年前、クラウドセキュリティーに関する情報や基準の提供、クラウドコンピューティングの最良実施例の調査活動、クラウドセキュリティーに関する教育活動への従事を目的として、クラウドセキュリティー・アライアンス(CSA) が設立され、現在世界中に31の支部があり、そのうちアジア太平洋地域には10の支部が開設されている。CSAはクラウド・コンピューティング・セキュリティー初の認証制度CSAのCertificate of Cloud Security Knowledge (CCSK) を導入し、CCSK、PCI Cloud、GRCのトレーニングを提供する。


3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

The next big thing

Best practices, policies and standards on cloud security are just emerging. Audits are important, and standards (such as ISO 27001 or SAS 70) are necessary to ensure compliance.

Another thing that users and IT managers should implement is improving IT risk management by classifying data based on its sensitivity and then ranking these from highly critical to the less critical. Assess carefully and comprehensively where data should reside, which protection methods will be needed moving forward, and how long data needs to remain in the secure location. Consider the business value against business risk.



クラウド・セキュリティーの最良実施例、方針や基準はやっと現われ始めたばかりだ。会計検査は重要で(ISO 27001やSAS 70などの)基準は順守を確実にするために必要だ。


3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

A rumour got abroad and it seemed likely that something unusual would take place. This belief was due particularly to the circumstance that once, when Octavius wished to speak with Antony in court about something, from an elevated and conspicuous place, as he had been wont to do in his father's lifetime, Antony would not permit it, but caused his lictors to drag him down and drive him out. All were vexed, especially as Caesar, with a view to casting odium upon his rival an attracting the multitude, would no longer even frequent the Forum. So Antony became alarmed, and in conversation with the bystanders one days remarked that he harboured no anger against Caesar, but on the contrary owed him good-will.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Terrified of Shakespeare? Or do you love it, but feel it is out of your grasp? Don't fear! Here is the long awaited course taught by AW that will teach you simple approaches to the text that will let you bring it to life!
You will learn methods of making sense of Shakespeare or any classical English text. The techniques taught in this class will make a Shakespeare-capable actor out of you!

This 8-week workshop will focus on the text of "Henry V" while examining topics such as:

-how to read verse
-text breakdown techniques for classical text reading
-archaic words and meanings
-history vs mythology

There is some paperwork and theory involved, but all the topics above will be explored in the context of performance.






3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

If people think Shakespeare is boring, it's because they are just reading it and not watching or performing it!

By the end of the course, each student will showcase a monologue or scene appropriate to his or her respective level of progress.

Each session will have 3 parts:

Either a new technique will be introduced or a previous topic expanded on or reviewed. This will include general acting exercises and Shakespearean ones.
Presentations of work
Homework for the next week will be assigned

(Additional rehearsal time may be available for booking.)


English (native-level fluency is not required, but a familiarity with the language is useful; please ::CONTACT US:: if you are unsure)








3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

In this way he took a hand in public affairs; and he managed and dealt with them more vigorously than any man in his prime, more prudently than any graybeard. In the first place, he entered the city as if for the sole purpose of succeeding to the inheritance, coming as a private citizen with only a few attendants, without any display. Again, he did not utter threats against any one nor show that he was displeased at what had occurred and would take vengeance for it. Indeed, so far from demanding of Antony any of the money that he had previously plundered, he actually paid court to him, although he was insulted and wronged by him. For Antony did him many injuries both in word and deed,



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

particularly when the lex curiata was proposed by which the transfer of Octavius into Caesar's family was to take place; Antony himself pretended to be doing his best to have it passed, but through some tribunes he kept securing its postponement, in order that the young man, not being as yet Caesar's son according to law, might not meddle with the property and might be weaker in all other ways. Caesar was vexed at this, but as he was unable to speak his mind freely, he bore it until he had won over the multitude, by whom he understood his father had been raised to honor. For he knew that they were angry at Caesar's death and hoped they would be devoted to him as his son.


特にlex curiata(ローマ憲法)によってOctaviusがCaesar家に入ることが提案された時はそうだった。Antony自身はそれが行なわれるように最善を尽くしているように見せかけていたが、法的にはいまだCaesarの子ではないその若者が財産に干渉せず、他のあらゆる点で自分より弱者であるように、護民官を通して確実に引き延ばしていた。Caesarはこれに気を悪くしたが、彼は自分の想いを自由に伝えることが出来なかったため、群衆を自分の味方につけて、彼らから自分の父親が名誉の死を遂げたこと知らされるまでじっと耐えた。彼は群衆がCaesarの死に怒りを覚え、Caesarの息子として彼に仕えたいと願っていることを知ったからだ。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

He perceived that they hated Antony on account of his conduct as master of the horse and also for his failure to punish the assassins. Hence he undertook to become tribune as a starting point for popular leadership and to secure the power that would result from it; and he accordingly became a candidate for the place of Cinna, which was vacant. Though hindered by Antony's followers, he did not desist, and after using persuasion upon Tiberius Cannutius, a tribune, he was by him brought before the populace; and taking as his pretext the gift bequeathed the people by Caesar, he addressed them in appropriate words, promising that he would discharge the debt at once and giving them cause to hope for much besides.


彼は、Antonyが主馬頭のように振る舞い、また暗殺者を罰するのに失敗したことなどから群衆がAntonyを嫌っていることに気がついた。そこで彼は評判の高いリーダーシップの出発点として護民官になるよう企て、その結果として力を蓄えた。それに基づいて彼は空席だったCinnaの候補者となった。Antonyの支持者から妨害を受けたが、彼はあきらめなかった。護民官Tiberius Cannutiusを説得してから、自分自身で大衆に訴えた。そして口実としてCaesarから民衆に残された贈り物を与え、適切な言葉を用いて直ちに債務を返済することを約束し、さらに多くの希望の動機を与えた。