Yumie (3_yumie7) Translations

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About 12 years ago
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

And it’s nice that the site gives users lots of options beyond just donating money. I’m not sure how valuable retweeting messages really is, but it’s better than nothing, and allowing users to volunteer their time to some organizations is also an excellent option.

The site also encourages generosity with a sort of leaderboard of giving. Angel investor Xue Manzi (also known as Charles Xue; you may remember him from our GMIC coverage) currently holds the number two spot right now, and while it might seem impossible to out-charity a generous millionaire, remember that Gongyi gives points for more than just donating cash.



また、サイトは一種の寛大スコアボードで、寛大な行為を促している。エンジェル投資家のXue Manzi 氏(Charles Xueの名前でも知られている。GMICの記事で彼のことを覚えている読者もおられよう)は今現在、第2位を保持している。寛大な億万長者が慈善行為をしないわけにはいかないように思えるだろうが、Gongyi には単にお金を寄付する以上の優れた点がある。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

From an NGO perspective things are also pretty smooth. The signup process is relatively simple, although at present only verified users (with the V next to their name) can sign up. Although I’m not generally a fan of that kind of restriction, it makes perfect sense here as it allows Sina to verify that organizations are who they say they are, and ensures that users aren’t being asked to donate their money to scams. For those legit NGOs that do get signed up, Sina has the same options users get — everything from financial donations to charity auctions — so that nonprofits can choose the kind of campaign that’s right for them.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

For Sex Education, Just Tap ThatApp

We recently told you about Blood Donors Network, one of the six great ideas from Social Innovation Camp Asia which tool place earlier this month in Kuala Lumpur. Blood Donors Network was awarded second place at the event, finishing behind one other team.

The winning team is the makers of ThatApp, a mobile application that aims to help to answer teens’ questions about sex. It aspires to help young people make smart, informed decisions about their sexual health. The name of the app is intentionally subtle, in order to make sure users don’t feel shy or embarrassed.



今月初めにクアラルンプールで開催されたSocial Innovation Camp Asiaから生まれた6つの素晴らしいアイデアの1つBlood Donors Networkについて、つい最近お話しした。Blood Donors Networkはこのイベントで、第2位を受賞し、別のチームの下位という結果で終わった。


3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

When I asked about the SI Camp experience, ThatApp representative Wong Chee Yan spoke of it very highly:

I got to know so many people that shared the same passion and vision, which is really very motivating to keep me going down this tough road of fighting for social causes. […] There were so many people I could learn with in term of business development, tech-related stuff, presentation, etc.

I’m told as things stand now they have a working app, and they plan to continue development. If you’d like to stay up to date on their progress or get early access to the app, you can register for updates over at thatapp.sh, or follow them via their Facebook page.


Social Innovation Camp Asiaの経験を尋ねられたThatAppの代表Wong Chee Yanはこのイベントを絶賛した。

現状について、ThatAppには取り組んでいるアプリがあり、開発を続ける計画を立てているとのことだった。ThatAppの開発に関する情報を知り、アプリに早くアクセスしたりしたいと思えば、thatapp.shに登録して情報を更新するか、ThatAppのFacebook ページを通して情報を追っていくことができる。

3_yumie7 Japanese → English
Original Text








Hyogu, a paper-hanging is one of the traditional culture of Japan.
Hyogu refers an action of mounting rolled draperes, handing scrolls, paintings and calligraphies, folding screens, paper sliding doors, etc. by stretching paper and cloth over a base.
I was fascinated with this art and atmosphere.

And I learned the traditional art and was certified as a first rank paper-hanger.

Nowdays, people use machines to make handing scrolles and folding screens.
Although cloth and Japanese traditional paper are produced cheaply in large quantities, I am still fascinated with a hand-built craftsmanship.

Once, I honed my skills of mounting working under a senior paper-hanger.
Using a machine, it would be easy to plane a wood frame of folding screens.