Yumie (3_yumie7) Translations

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3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

should capriciously side with the soldiers in preferring a quick and doubtful chance to a victory without danger,but, to the ruin of himself and them, he yielded, chiding them with these words, "I seem likely to carry on war like Pompey, not so much commanding now as commanded." I think that Brutus restricted himself to these words in order to conceal his greatest fear, lest those of his soldiers who had formerly served under Caesar should become disaffected and desert to the enemy. This both himself and Cassius had suspected from the beginning, and they had been careful not to give any excuse for such disaffection toward themselves.So Brutus led out his army unwillingly and formed them in line of battle.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
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News of their recent disaster in the Adriatic having now reached both armies, it caused them fresh alarm, as also did the approach of winter while they were quartered in this muddy plain. Moved by these considerations they sent a legion of troops to Achaia at once to collect all the food they could find and send it to them in haste. As they could not rest under so great an impending danger, and as their other artifices were of no avail, they ceased offering battle in the plain and advanced with shouts to the enemy's fortifications, and challenged Brutus to fight, reviling and scoffing at him, intending not so much to besiege him as by a mad assault to force him to an engagement.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

But Brutus adhered to his original intention,and all the more because he knew of the famine and of his own success in the Adriatic,and of the enemy's desperation for want of supplies.He preferred to endure a siege,or anything else rather than come to an engagement with men desperate for hunger,and whose hopes rested solely on fighting because they despaired of every other resource. His soldiers, however, without reflection,entertained a different opinion.They took it hard that they should be shut up, idle and cowardly, like women, within their fortifications. Their officers also, although they approved of Brutus' design, were vexed, thinking that in the present temper of the army they might overpower the enemy.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

As the camp was in a strong position it was guarded by only a few men, for which reason Antony easily overcame them. Cassius' soldiers outside the camp were already being beaten, and when they saw that the camp was taken they scattered in disorderly flight. The victory was complete and alike on either side, Brutus defeating the enemy's left wing and taking their camp, while Antony overcame Cassius and ravaged his camp with irresistible courage. There was great slaughter on both sides, but by reason of the extent of the plain and the clouds of dust they were ignorant of each other's fate. When they learned the facts they recalled their scattered forces. Those who returned resembled porters rather than soldiers,



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

and did not at once perceive each other nor see anything clearly. Otherwise either party would have flung down their burdens and fiercely attacked the others carrying off plunder in this disorderly fashion.According to conjecture the number of killed on the side of Cassius,including slave shield-bearers,was about 8000, and on the side of Octavian double that number.When Cassius was driven out of his fortifications and no longer had even a camp to go to,he hurried up the hill to Philippi and took a survey of the situation.As he could not see accurately on account of the dust, nor could he see everything,but only that his own camp was captured,he ordered Pindarus, his shield-bearer, to fall upon him and kill him.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Brutus had a part of his army in line lest he should be compelled to fight; and with another part he guarded the road by which his supplies were conveyed. There was a hill very near the camp of Cassius, which it was difficult for an enemy to occupy, because by reason of its nearness, it was exposed to arrows from the camp. Nevertheless, Cassius had placed a guard on it, lest any one should make bold to attack it. As it had been abandoned by Brutus, the army of Octavian occupied it by night with four legions and protected themselves with wickerwork and hides against the enemy's bowmen. When this position was secured they transferred ten other legions a distance of more than five stades toward the sea.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
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After working ten days in this manner he sent a column of troops by night suddenly, who occupied all the strong positions within his lines and built several redoubts at the same time. Cassius was amazed at the ingenuity as well as the secrecy of this work, and he formed the counter design of cutting Antony off from his redoubts. He carried a transverse wall across the whole marsh from his camp to the sea, cutting and bridging in the same manner as Antony had done, and setting up the palisade on the top of his mounds, thus intercepting the passage made by Antony, so that those inside could not escape to him, nor he render assistance to them.When Antony saw this about noon, instantly, with rage and fury,



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

he turned his own army, which was facing in another direction, and led it against the cross-fortification of Cassius between his camp and the marsh. He carried tools and ladders intending to take it by storm and force his way into Cassius' camp. While he was making this audacious charge, obliquely and up hill, across the space that separated the two armies, the soldiers of Brutus were provoked at the insolence of the enemy in dashing boldly athwart their front while they stood there armed. So they charged on their own account, without any order from their officers, and killed with much slaughter (as natural in a flank attack) all they came up with. The battle once begun they charged upon the army of Octavian,



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

also, which was drawn up opposite, put it to flight, pursued it to the camp which Antony and Octavian had in common, and captured it. Octavian himself was not there, having been warned in a dream to beware of that day, as he has himself written in his Memoirs.When Antony saw that battle was joined he was delighted because he had forced it, for he had been in trouble about his supplies he judged it inadvisable to turn again toward the plain, lest in making the evolution his ranks should be thrown into disorder. So he continued his charge, as he had begun it, on the run, and advanced under a shower of missiles, and forced his way till he struck the troop of Cassius which had not moved from its assigned position.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

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Please let me know how you want me to do it and I will try my best.





3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

When they had done all that they intended and Octavian had arrived (for,although he was not yet strong enough for a battle, he could be carried along the ranks reclining in a litter),he and Antony prepared for battle forthwith.Brutus and Cassius also drew out their forces on their higher ground,but did not come down.They decided not to give battle,hoping to wear out the enemy by want of supplies.There were nineteen legions of infantry on each side,but those of Brutus and Cassius lacked something of being full,while those of Octavian and Antony were complete. Of cavalry the latter had 13 and the former 20, including Thracians on both sides.Thus in the multitude of men,in the spirit and bravery of the commanders,


彼らが意図していたことを全てをやり終えた時、Octavianは到着しており(彼はまだ戦闘に耐えうるほど丈夫ではなかったが、担架に寝かされ運ばれて来ることが可能だったため)、OctavianとAntonyは直ちに先頭の準備をした。BrutusとCassiusも軍隊をより高い土地に出したが降りてこなかった。彼らは 軍需品の不足によって敵が疲労することを期待して戦闘を始めなかった。両陣共歩兵隊が19レギオンあったが、BrutusとCassiusの歩兵隊は、人数が十分ではなく、一方 OctavianとAntonyの歩兵隊は人数を満たしていた。騎馬隊に関しては、両陣のThracian兄弟の隊を含めてOctavianとAntony側は13レギオン、BrutusとCassius側は20レギオンだった。このように大勢の兵士、指揮者らの精神と勇敢さ、

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

and in arms and munitions, was beheld a most magnificent display on both sides;yet they did nothing for several days.Brutus and Cassius did not wish to engage,but rather to continue wasting the enemy by lack of provisions,since they themselves had abundance from Asia, all transported by the sea from close at hand, all the enemy had nothing in abundance and nothing from their own territory.They could obtain nothing through merchants in Egypt,since that country was exhausted by famine, nor from Spain or Africa by reason of Pompeius, nor from Italy by reason of Murcus and Domitius.Macedonia and Thessaly, which were the only countries then supplying them, would not suffice much longer.Mindful chiefly of these facts



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Brutus and his generals protracted the war.Antony, fearful of the delay, resolved to force them to an engagement.He formed a plan of effecting a passage through the marsh secretly,if possible, in order to get in the enemy's rear without their knowledge,and cut off their avenue of supply from Thasos.So he arrayed his forces for battle with all the standards set each day, so that it might seem that his entire army was drawn up,while a part of his force was really working night and day making a narrow passage in the marsh, cutting down reeds, throwing up a causeway upon them, and flanking it with stone, so that the earth should not fall away,and bridging the deeper parts with piles, all in the profoundest silence.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

but Antony moved his army rapidly, wishing to anticipate the enemy in occupying Amphipolis as an advantageous position for the battle. When he found it already fortified by Norbanus he was delighted. Leaving his supplies there and one legion, under the command of Pinarius, he advanced with the greatest boldness and encamped in the plain at a distance of only eight stades from the enemy, and straightway the superiority of the enemy's situation and the inferiority of his own became evident. The former were on elevated ground, the latter on the plain; the former procured fuel from the mountains, the latter from the marsh; the former obtained water from a river, the latter from wells freshly dug;



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

the former drew their supplies from Thasos, requiring carriage of only a few stades, while the latter was 350 stades from Amphipolis. Still it seems that Antony was compelled to do as he did, for there was no other hill, and the rest of the plain, lying in a sort of hollow, was liable to inundation at times from the river; for which reason also the fountains of water were found fresh and abundant in the wells that were dug there. Antony's audacity, although he was driven to it by necessity, confounded the enemy when they saw him pitch his camp so near them and in such a contemptuous manner as soon as he arrived. He raised numerous towers and fortified himself on all sides with ditches, wall, and palisade.


敵はわすが数スタジアから運搬できるThasosから物資を調達したが、自分の方はAmphipolisからの距離が350スタジアもあった。他に丘はなく、一種の小渓谷に横たわる残りの平野は時に川からの水が氾濫する恐れがあり、Antony はそうせざるを得ないようだった。そのためそこに掘った井戸の水は新鮮で大量にあった。Antonyに必要に迫られてそうしたのだったが、敵がAntonyが自分たちの陣地から目と鼻の先に陣取り、到着するやいなやそうする人を小ばかにしたような態度を見て、その大胆さに敵は困惑した。Antonyは自分で多くの塔や要塞を、その全ての側面にある溝、井戸、柵と共に作った。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Each of the Thracian brothers received high commendation in his own army,the one because he had led an army by a secret path,the other because he had discovered the secret.Thus Brutus and Cassius by an astonishing act of audacity advanced to Philippi,where Tillius also disembarked,and the whole army was there assembled.Philippi is a city that was formerly called Datus,and before that Crenides,because there are many springs bubbling around a hill there.Philip fortified it because he considered it an excellent stronghold against the Thracians, and named it from himself, Philippi. It is situated on a precipitous hill and its size is exactly that of the summit of the hill.There is another hill not far from Philippi


Thracian兄弟は2人とも自身の軍隊で高い評価を受けた。1人は軍隊を秘密の道に誘導したこと、もう1人は秘密を発見したことがその理由だった。こうしてBrutusとCassiusは驚くべき大胆な行為によってPhilippi に進軍した。 PhilippiにはTilliusも上陸し、こうして全軍が集結した。PhilippiはかつてDatusと呼ばれ、その前は、その丘の周辺で多くの温泉が沸き立っていることからCrenidesと呼ばれた。Philipはこの地がThracianに対抗する素晴らしい要塞だと考えて要塞を作り、自分の名前を取ってPhilippiと名づけた。要塞は急峻な他に位置し、その大きさはちょうど丘の頂上の大きさだった。Philippiからそう遠くないところに別の丘があり、

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

which is called the Hill of Dionysus,in which are gold mines called the Asyla.Ten stades farther are two other hills,at a distance of eighteen stades from Philippi itself and eight stades from each other.On these hills Cassius and Brutus were encamped,the former on the southern and the latter on the northern of the two.They did not advance against the retreating army of Norbanus because they learned that Antony was approaching,Octavian having been left behind at Epidamnus on account of sickness.The plain was admirably suited for fighting and the hill-tops for camping,since on one side of them were marshes and ponds stretching as far as the river Strymon,and on the other gorges destitute of roads and impassable.


その丘はDionysusの丘と呼ばれ、その中はAsylaと呼ばれる金鉱だった。そこよりさらに10スタジア行くと別の2つの丘があり、Philippiからは18スタジア、Dionysusの丘との距離は8スタジアだった。これらの丘の上にCassius とBrutusは陣取り、Cassiusは2つの丘の南側、Brutusは2つの丘の北側に陣取った。Antonyが近づいており、Octavianは病のためにEpidamnusに取り残されたことを知ったため、2人はNorbanusの退却した軍隊の方に進軍しなかった。平野は戦に申し分なく、丘の頂上は野営に最適だった。それは丘の片側は沼地や池がStrymon河まで広がっており、もう片方の峡谷には道がなく通り抜けられない空だった。