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[Translation from English to Japanese ] The Danger of Celebritizing Entrepreneurship There's no doubt technology ent...
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The Danger of Celebritizing Entrepreneurship
There's no doubt technology entrepreneurship is becoming its own kind of celebrity. Here is a quick rundown of its appearances on the national stage: The story of the founding of Facebook receiving a feature-length Hollywood portrayal in The Social Network; Hollywood celebrities like Ashton Kutcher, Justin Timberlake, MC Hammer, Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber investing in technology startups and making their presence known in Silicon Valley; the rise of initiatives like the White House-endorsed Startup America Partnership, due to the starring role technology startups in job growth;
There's no doubt technology entrepreneurship is becoming its own kind of celebrity. Here is a quick rundown of its appearances on the national stage: The story of the founding of Facebook receiving a feature-length Hollywood portrayal in The Social Network; Hollywood celebrities like Ashton Kutcher, Justin Timberlake, MC Hammer, Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber investing in technology startups and making their presence known in Silicon Valley; the rise of initiatives like the White House-endorsed Startup America Partnership, due to the starring role technology startups in job growth;
Translated by
Facebook設立への道が、長編ハリウッド映画The Social Network内で描写される。Ashton Kutcher、Justin Timberlake、MC Hammer、Lady Gaga、そしてJustin Bieberなどといったハリウッドのセレブ達がテクノロジー・スタートアップに投資、シリコンバレーでその名を定着させていっている。主要テクノロジー・スタートアップによる雇用機会増大で、ホワイトハウス承認のStartup America Partnershipなどに見られるプログラムが増加。