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[Translation from English to Japanese ] The future for video collaboration “The VSee team is really excited about th...

Original Texts
The future for video collaboration

“The VSee team is really excited about the future of video collaboration,” exclaimed Milton. He gave a very good picture of how the future of video collaboration will be like by relating to the ongoing video experience that we were having.

“It is near midnight here in California and I’m working from home while you are in Singapore. VSee enables one to have a rich dialogue with someone from across the world. It is easy to show something or share a file. We see VSee as a social network technology that brings people together, erase distances and simply get work done, no matter where the other person happens to be.” Milton adds on that he believes, in the future, people will do more and more of such video activities. Today, it is used by mostly big enterprises for mainly tech conference calls. Prior to the call, one party might have to send a powerpoint presentation over before the conference begins. There is simply too much work to prepare before and during the video conference for traditional video communication methods as compared to a solution like VSee that allows all work collaboration to be done during the call. Milton envisions that in five to ten years’ time, everybody will be doing video collaboration online, all the time. And, people will just take for granted. His prediction is that traditional hardware-based, multi-billion dollar video conferencing companies like Telepresence, Polycom and Tandberg will be in serious trouble. With the level of video quality that can be achieved now with software technologies like VSee, there is no need to invest in $20,000 on a piece of hardware that entails complexity with it.

Milton adds on, “With the rise of technology like VSee, we will kill the billion dollar companies like Tandberg and Polycom.” The VSee team as a proven testimony that remote team work can be efficient.

As a company, VSee has two offices worldwide- Silicon Valley and Singapore. Half of its staff is spread out all over the world in India, Spain and in the United States, they are scattered in different states. Even though the team is separated by distance, the company’s efficiency level remains high. The VSee team is a proven testimony that remote team work can also be efficient and effective as the product itself allow for efficient work flow and collaboration. In the beginning, when VSee was first created, the main motivation behind was to create a good tool to facilitate the work collaboration amongst the widely geographically-distributed team.

One of the trends that Milton has pointed out is the difficulty that that companies face in hiring good engineers. There are few tech companies fighting for resources in there. Unlike these companies, VSee does not face such a problem. With an efficient remote teamwork tool, they can hire the best talents around the world, no matter where they are located. Big companies like Apple, Facebook, Google, are traditional and afraid to hire people remotely. They have the mindset that as soon as they have people working remotely, productivity suffers. Trust and social bonding between team members also suffer. That is why most prefer not to hire someone else located far from the home office as there are no tools that will ensure effective team work.

Milton’s hunch is that by being able to show that VSee is able to work well across distance, this will give VSee and any other company that follows the VSee work culture an unfair advantage over other companies. He believes that in five to ten years’ time, companies will switch to the VSee style of working. Although the interview was done at 3pm, Singapore time (11pm, California time), there wasn’t a hint of time or distance difference throughout the entire VSee interview session. I’d have to say the voice and image quality was brilliant.

VSee is available free for download for both Windows and Mac. The iOS and Android versions will be coming out soon.
Translated by yakuok








Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 23 hours
yakuok yakuok